

  • How about walking outside instead of running? At least it's something until you can get a new treadmill. The walking videos that have been suggested are good too. But nothing beats getting outside and taking a walk (for me anyway).
  • You could throw the scale, but that could get expensive... I just tell myself that I'm healthier and happier than I have felt in a long time, that I didn't put the weight on overnight and I have to be patient. Sometimes it works, sometimes I still think the scale is out to get me. Just keep doing what you have done to lose…
  • Ugh! I feel your frustration! Just give me the darn 1. Tonight is pizza night, so it won't happen tomorrow for me. I hope you see it the next time you weigh!
  • I want to watch this thread, too. So exciting being so close to that magical number! I started at 243, down to 201.9, hoping to be in onederland by the end of the week. I haven't seen a one at the beginning of my weight in more than 7 years! Good luck, everyone!
  • Jogging strollers are made differently than a regular stroller. They have rubber bicycle tires and some have shocks to absorb some of the bumps. They also have the ability to lock the front tire, or they have a fixed front tire, so that the stroller will stay straight while running. The range of prices is big, from a basic…
  • Did you ever find out what caused your hair loss? Did your doctor have to do a lot of expensive tests? We have a special needs son that eats up a lot of money going to doctors, I'm hoping to avoid big medical bills for myself.
  • Your post is very hard to read - try editing it with some paragraph breaks, that might get more people to read it. There are lots of people on here that might be able to give you some good advice, if they can read your post. My eyes hurt now :frown:
  • No babies recently - my youngest is 6 years old now.
  • I think I do have a fair amount of muscle for someone that doesn't work out. When I was 18 and 130 lbs, I was still in a size 12 in pants (that was 18 years ago, before vanity sizing, not sure what size that would be now). What is the most reliable way to find out how much muscle vs. fat I have? That might help with…
  • I only shop on clearance racks right now. I didn't need anything smaller until I lost about 20 lbs, now I need new clothes about every 10 lbs. I think I am more willing to wear clothes that fit now, instead of trying to hide my lumps in over sized clothes. I went to Wal-Mart and Target, I got a bunch of t-shirts on…
  • I have pelvic bones! And ribs! My hips and back don't hurt anymore, and I don't get winded as easily. The aches that I am feeling are from exercising, instead of just aching because I was so unhealthy. Some negative things for me... I must have lost some padding on the balls of my feet, because they get sore when I do my…
  • It was about 30 lbs for me. The first comment was "I didn't realize you were so tall" and then "Wow, you are looking good!" Now I have people say something on a daily basis, and some people just look at me like they can tell something is different. My MIL even had something positive to say!!! I didn't start losing weight…
  • Your therapist knows a whole lot more about what your mom has done than we do, and she is telling you the relationship is bad for you, cut and run. For years, I have wanted to see a therapist, and I really wish I had. Maybe I wouldn't have wasted so much of my life trying to fix a relationship that just couldn't be fixed.
  • ^^^This. I really feel for you. With my mom, nobody is allowed to have any feelings. She would tell me that I am being ridiculous when I would try to talk to her about anything she was doing wrong. I am 36, with 4 kids of my own, and I finally made the decision to end my toxic relationship with her a few months ago. If she…
  • I understand how you feel! I wanted something "bad" on my birthday, but not too bad. So I decided on Panda Express, teriyaki chicken bowl with white rice. I was salivating by the time we got home, smelling it was pure torture. Then I was so disappointed when it didn't taste as good as I remembered. We had learned to make…
  • Someone that I have known for 18 years told me the other day "Wow, I didn't realize how tall you are!". I guess that means my height is more obvious than my width now that I have started losing? I know I'm walking with a little more confidence lately, maybe that's what is making the difference. I'm not really that tall,…
  • Congrats on not being a slave to the scale! I needed to hear that right now. I am going to throw the scale if it doesn't start going down again soon! I keep telling myself to stay the course, it has to go down eventually.
  • My third son (age 7) is not autistic, but he has special needs and he is "medically complex". I completely understand worries and stresses about school - we are on our third elementary school, and he is only in second grade! I keep looking for the perfect fit that doesn't stress him out. I've learned that doesn't exist,…
  • I would love to add some mommy friends as well! I have 3 boys ages 10, 9, and 7, and a little princess that is 6. Life is definitely crazy, as all of you know! I'll be sending some friend requests...
  • Save some calories for the time of day you know you'll want to eat something. I know I want to eat after the kids are in bed, so I usually skip breakfast and save the calories. You could also try a lighter breakfast or lunch. If I'm wanting something late, and I have no calories left, I'll drink a lot of water. Brushing my…
  • I find that working out before and during my period helps. It takes away the urge to eat if I go take a walk, and it gives me more calories to eat if I am still having cravings afterwards.
  • ^^^This!^^^ I gained most of my weight after the kids went to bed. 4 kids in 4 1/2 years ( I don't remember why we thought that was a good idea)... After they went to bed, that was my time to cry, eat, and make myself feel better. Now I realize that my munchy time is still in the evening, so I save calories for after they…
  • My munchy time is the afternoon/evening. I am hardly hungry in the morning, so I stopped eating breakfast to save those calories for later in the day. I can go until noon before I need to eat most days (not sure why that is, since I usually walk in the morning). That gives me a lot of snacking calories and I don't get…
  • I usually fill my plate with stuff that I know isn't terrible, liked grilled/baked chicken, salad, fruit, etc. Then I'll find something on MFP that is comparable and log it that way. Since I'm not eating high calorie items, a little guessing won't hurt anything. I also leave some calories left over, so if I'm off on my…
  • I have been eaing healthier for 7 weeks and I have lost almost 25 lbs, so that averages over 3 lbs a week. I was worried for awhile, too. I'm not often truly hungry, I have plenty of energy, and I feel better than I have in a long time. This is my body saying this is okay, and I'll continue doing things this way until it…
  • This is why I asked, I knew I would get some good ideas! Thanks! I forget that apples don't have to be refrigerated. I didn't know that hard boiled eggs could kept at room temp. Can baby carrots survive long not being in the fridge? Ooh, tuna kits. And I could get some little cups of pb and put it on low salt crackers.…
  • My BMR at 5'6.5" and 220 lbs is about 1750. I am eating about 1800 a day plus some of my exercise calories, and I very rarely get shakey or too hungry. If you are only eating around 1500, that may not be enough for you. It sounds like your body is telling you exactly that. Maybe try increasing a little bit, until you get…
  • Wow. So someone that has a problem handling horrible smells should suck it up for someone they hardly know? If it was a family member, I can see that. For almost a complete stranger, not so much. OP said she is sensitive to smells, and she can't help that any more than the girl can stop herself from stinking (if it really…
  • I understand the sensitivity to smells, especially BO! My second son is starting to get a little stinky between showers, everytime I hug him I realize he's not using the deodorant I bought him. At least with him, I can say something. I hate to say it, but I would switch days/times or quit the class. Avoidance is easier for…