I feel like crap! When will my body adjust?


I'm still very new to MFP. I've tried using Noom but it doesn't really go into nutrition details. I believe my BMR is 2082 but MFP is telling me I should eat 1500 calories a day. I do exercise about 3-4 times a week, either kettlebells, weight training, treadmill walking or a variety of fitnessblenders videos (mostly tracked on noom).

My fasting glucose is 97, although that's considered "normal", I know I'm still at risk for diabetes so I want to get as healthy as possible.

Now that I'm really trying my best to stick to 1500 calories, I feel like absolute crap. My head feels empty and I just feel weird. I get headaches sometimes, too. I could probably drink more water (I'm not great about it. I also just gave up soda)

Is this my body adjusting to fewer calories? Will this feeling go away? I am monitoring my blood sugar so it's not like my sugar is sky rocketing.

Thank you in advance for any advice I can get. :flowerforyou:


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you JUST gave up soda, that might be what this is. But make sure to eat the entire 1500 calories, ok?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    You really should pay a visit to the doctor. I think everyone beginning a weight loss journey should do that. They can make sure nothing is wrong and run some blood to get baselines. If you need supplements, they'll tell you. If things get better or worse later, they'll know.

    There is nobody who is qualified to give you medical advice here. Seek a doctor.

    If I were beginning a diet and getting headaches and felt weird, I'd eat more AND call the doctor.

    Good for you, cutting out the pop. But don't forget to drink enough water. You don't want to dehydrate or bloat. :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How tall are you? What is your current weight? Are you eating back your exercise calories? How many pounds per week did you tell MFP that you want to lose? Where did you get the 2082 BMR number?
  • I got my BMR from this website http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    I told MFP I want to lose 2 pounds a week.

    I'm 5'4 and weight 285 right now. Started at 304 back in March or so.

    I've had blood work done, everything came back okay except my sugar being at 97. I have had my birth control switched due to getting migraines in the back of my head.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    The headaches may be caffeine withdrawal. If you go cold turkey, it shouldn't last too long. Or you could try something like Excedrin Extra Strength which containes caffeine. (Caffeine helps with headaches - even ones NOT caused by caffeine withdrawal.)

    Perhaps it would be better for you to ease into things. If your weight loss goal is now set at 2 pounds per week, dial it back to 1 for a while.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Definitely sounds like caffeine or sugar withdrawal which can take up to two weeks to get over. Each day should get progressively better. Drinking water does help. Also remember to eat back at least half your workout calories. If you are already set at a 2 pound loss, your body will really need those calories to recover from work outs.
  • Thanks for your input! I hope this does go away. It's been about 5 days or so. Can you recommend some good foods for after a workout? I heard chocolate milk is good but is that more for hardcore muscle workouts?
  • I'm thinking I will try to ease into it a bit more. My body's like "stop starving meee!!" :)
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    I would also agree sounds like sugar withdrawl. This is one of the hardest parts of starting a new diet, especially if you are used to eating a lot of processed foods. Most processed foods will have added sugar, so watch out for those and read labels. You might also check out the Eat More to Weigh Less Group. Sounds like you do quite a bit of exercise, so you may be able to increase your calories. You can always try increasing to 1600 for a couple weeks and see if you gain. Keep drinking plenty of water and make sure you get a good spread of foods, veggies, fruits, meats, dairy, etc. so you are getting all the nutrients you need. If you skimp on veggies, your body may be acting like it's hungry, when really it just needs a little more vitamin C or vitamin A or something like that.

    If you suspect caffeine withdrawal also, switch from soda to iced tea. Still has some caffeine, but no sugar.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    After a workout I like to have Garden of Life Perfect Food in the chocolate flavor. It is a powder made from plants that you mix with water or milk and it helps you get all your vitamins. It's a little pricey but they have single serving packets so you can try it first. It's at Sprouts and Whole Foods and other health food stores. Better option that chocolate milk if you ask me. Another good after workout snack would be a couple of hard boiled eggs, or a protein shake made with some greek yogurt and fruit. Another idea, blend greek yogurt and strawberries in the blender (don't buy strawberry flavored, it has extra sugar, better to add your own fruit) and then pour into an ice cube tray. It's like having mini strawberry popsicles except no guilt + protein. They are especially good when it's hot and you want a cool treat.
  • OKfarmgal
    OKfarmgal Posts: 160 Member
    My son played football in high school and the coach had them eat peanut butter on wheat or rye bread after practice. I was skeptical,but tried it and it really works. I've also tried cashew butter and it's my favorite!!
  • Thank you very much. I'm very bad about getting enough veggies..

    I've done smoothies in the past with spinach, kale, apple, grapes but worried it may be too much sugar.
  • My BMR at 5'6.5" and 220 lbs is about 1750. I am eating about 1800 a day plus some of my exercise calories, and I very rarely get shakey or too hungry. If you are only eating around 1500, that may not be enough for you. It sounds like your body is telling you exactly that. Maybe try increasing a little bit, until you get to the point that you aren't constantly starving. I didn't see if you said you are eating back exercise calories - if you aren't, maybe try eating back some of them.

    I know a lot of people say they are okay at the MFP recommended calorie levels, but it would have me below 1500 by now. I would be a complete light headed, shaking wreck if I tried to do that. Everyone is different. Listen to YOUR body.
  • Love peanut butter! Will definitely give this a try after my workouts. Have you had the Justin's honey peanut butter? Is that still healthy for me?
  • Thanks! You're right. I think I'll change my settings so it's a 1 pound per week loss.

    Thank you for your help!
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 170 Member
    Are you getting enough fat? Often when we reduce calories, we end up cutting out fat too. If you are low in fats you will feel like crap in a hurry.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I got my BMR from this website http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/

    I told MFP I want to lose 2 pounds a week.

    I'm 5'4 and weight 285 right now. Started at 304 back in March or so.

    I've had blood work done, everything came back okay except my sugar being at 97. I have had my birth control switched due to getting migraines in the back of my head.

    I hope you are taking a progesterone-only birth control. When a person experiences migraines when taking BC, they should switch to a progesterone-only pill.

    Also, it sounds like caffeine withdrawal symptoms. They will go away within a week or two.

    Make sure you are well-hydrated… drinking 11+ cups of water a day.
  • Fit_Mama84
    Fit_Mama84 Posts: 234 Member
    Did you happen to give up diet soda? When I did that, I had a horrible reaction. It made my head foggy and in constant pain for a few days. It was quite miserable, but once I go through that everything was fine. This may not be your situation, and not everyone reacts the way I did, but I just thought I'd throw it out there in case it may help you.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Instead of dropping your calorie intake from whatever it was to 1500, you could take a slower approach. E.g. eat what you used to eat before today, and then everyday, drop by 100 calories until you reach 1500 to give your body time to adjust.
  • Lockoz
    Lockoz Posts: 3 Member
    you should also try walking on the street rather than the treadmill , treadmill does give you some workout but never as good as the streets. just walk every day religiously! dont give up. do it everyday and also try going plant strong diet. If you have a Wholefoods where you live they give free classes on how to eat and they cook samples in classes so you can see how they taste.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    MFP is set up so that along with eating the calories it gives you-you need to eat back your exercise calories!
    I eat back 1/2 to all of them back depending in my hunger levels. You will still be in deficit and still lose weight!
  • Did you happen to give up diet soda? When I did that, I had a horrible reaction. It made my head foggy and in constant pain for a few days. It was quite miserable, but once I go through that everything was fine. This may not be your situation, and not everyone reacts the way I did, but I just thought I'd throw it out there in case it may help you.

    I just gave up regular soda. I used to also drink a lot of juice. I mean a lot. That may be why I'm craving sugar.
  • Instead of dropping your calorie intake from whatever it was to 1500, you could take a slower approach. E.g. eat what you used to eat before today, and then everyday, drop by 100 calories until you reach 1500 to give your body time to adjust.
    That may be it also. When using noom, I didn't notice it had me at "maintain" my weight. It told me to eat 1900. I would often go over. Now I'm at 1500 and may be doing it too quickly.

    Thank you all so much for your help. It really does help!
  • you should also try walking on the street rather than the treadmill , treadmill does give you some workout but never as good as the streets. just walk every day religiously! dont give up. do it everyday and also try going plant strong diet. If you have a Wholefoods where you live they give free classes on how to eat and they cook samples in classes so you can see how they taste.

    I like walking outside, too. I take my dog with me, but he's a bit difficult to walk :)

    Not giving up anytime soon! :)
  • MFP is set up so that along with eating the calories it gives you-you need to eat back your exercise calories!
    I eat back 1/2 to all of them back depending in my hunger levels. You will still be in deficit and still lose weight!
    So, if my calorie goal is 1500, and I burn 300 calories during a workout, I should eat 150 more calories? Totaling 1,650 that day?
  • oksanatkachuk
    oksanatkachuk Posts: 149 Member
    Eating less than bmr will make u tired.
    U should create deficit above bmr
  • kerrymaas
    kerrymaas Posts: 11 Member
    After a workout you have about a 45 minute window to consume protein (typically a protein shake with at least 30gr protein) and add some type of sugar (like a tbls of chocolate syrup to your protein shake) to cause a glycogen surge so the protein is 'forced' to your muscles for quicker recovery and help reduce soreness, fatigue and cramping. One issue with MFP is the caloric daily break down (percentages and total intake) of protein. Just to maintain the muscle mass you have your body requires 1gr of protein per pound of body weight per day (i.e. if you weigh 150# you need to consume 150gr of protein daily). To gain muscle mass you require 2gr of protein per pound of body weight per day. The more muscle mass (lean) you have the higher your caloric burn will be when exercising...even just walking; plus it takes more energy (calories) to metabolize protein than carbs or fats. Casein protein is one of the best forms of protein especially for that last 'snack' for the night. Cottage cheese is a great source of casein protein...you just have to be careful in what kind you buy, obviously you don't want anything high in fat or sodium. It takes about 6-8hrs to metabolize casein protein so consuming some before bed keeps your metabolic rate up while you're sleeping. Hope this helps...:smile:
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I believe my BMR is 2082...

    Unless you're a 6'1" male, that's likely a significant over-estimate.

    Take 500 off of that number and try again.

    EDIT: Just read that you're 5'4". Take 750 off of that number.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I think a lot of people feel tired and headachey the first week or two of lowering their calories. It goes away. You can rule out caffeine withdrawal easily enough-- have a small amount and see if the headache goes away right away. It won't put you backward. Just wean down.
  • Thanks for the explanation about protein. I really don't see how I can eat 285 grams of protein though :(

    I keep freaking out thinking it's my blood sugar, but when I check it it's always normal. It's so frustrating. I'll try adding a bit of caffeine. I hope that helps!

    Hang in there body, I'm trying to get you healthy!