jellybean82 Member


  • Peanut Butter. I did give it up for Lent this year and it was a loooong wait to get to eat it again.
  • I turn mine off after my cool down and stretching; I consider it part of my workout.
  • I calculated my TDEE and BMR and it looks like I'm not eating enough. My BMR came in at 1629 but there are times when I feel I can't eat more than 1500 calories a day because I'm not hungry but I want to make sure I'm eating enough for what I'm doing. I have a desk job and I work out 4 days a week (training for 5k or a…
  • My worst roommate is from when I lived in residence during university. She would always change do I word this...feminine hygiene products in our room and would throw them out in the garbage that was in our room. Wouldn't even have the courtesty to wrap them up first! Needless to say people were constantly grossed…
  • Amazing transformation! Way to go!!!
  • I usually work out right after I get home from work around 5:30. I alternate between going on the treadmill and doing the Nike Train Club workouts on my iPhone. I find working out right when I get home keeps me from being lazy all night. I have so much energy afterwards (most of the time :laugh: ) that I feel I get so much…
  • Thanks so much! I just started getting strict about weighing my food recenty. I was getting confused by the labels not specifying if an item was cooked/uncooked when providing the serving sizes. I'll just play it safe and weigh everything before I cook it.
  • I joined Weight Watchers Online in mid April and have lost more weight and inches with that plan than by following MFP for a few months. I think *my* issue was I would beat myself up if I went over my 1200 limit, I would feel pangs of guilt whenever I was slightly over and felt like I was cheating on my diet. With WW you…
  • I was in agony after starting 30DS! I find she doesn't do enough stretching afterwards so I just added a few minutes myself. I also found taking a bath in epsom salts helped. It does get better after a few days though.
  • Good! I do not like Mark, between him & Condo I get so annoyed. Mark to me has an excuse for everthing, even when Roy lost 9 pounds a weeks ago that just wasn't good enough even though he lost more than Mark did (if I remember correctly). Last night's episode was probably the best one for me, there wasn't much Conda in it!…
  • I can't stand Conda! She is so immature! I can't believe Conda and Jeremy are siblings, they are so different. I can't get over how much of a whiner she still is after Dolvett kicked her out of the gym a few weeks ago. I wonder what she would be like if Bob was her trainer, I think he would have called her out a lot…
  • I'm back! Just did day 2 of level 3. I'm not really big on the strength moves during this level, probably because I feel like I don't have good form and I have horrible balance. My shoulders and triceps are feeling it!
  • I'm suffering a relapse of my stomach bug :frown: . I'll probably be starting again with the rest of level three hopefully by the weekend. It sounds like you all are doing great! I wonder how much my endurance will have dropped...eek!
  • I just finished my first day of level quads are in agony! I am totally exhausted, hopefully I'll be able to get through the rest of it! Someone told me that my arms are looking smaller and today I noticed my pants are starting to get baggy!!!
  • It sounds like everyone is doing great! The flu bug has hit me pretty hard over the past few days so no workouts for me. I'm finally starting to feel normal so I'm going to attempt my first day of level 3. I'm absolutely terrified! I'm going in expecting the worst so hopefully I'll be pleasantly surprised. :laugh:
  • Day 4 is finally over! Woo Hoo! I worked late last night and was in no mood to work out last night, my body needed a much deserved night of rest! I must admit, I modified the moves alot tonight! I just can't handle all the planks! For the second round of cardio in the first circuit I switch to jumping jacks and butt kicks…
  • Day 3 is done, I'm really hating level 2! My wrists are so sore from the planks, am I doing them wrong? I like the sumo squats a lot though, probably one of my favourite moves from both Ripped in 30 and 30 Day Shred.
  • Me too! I hate planks, I don't like how they are back to back during the first circuit. I'm tempted to just do jumping jacks during one of them, but I know I'll be mad at myself if I don't do all the moves. I can really feel it in my arms today and I might be going crazy but they definately feel more muscular. Christina,…
  • Sorry I've been away! It's been a busy weekend! I did my first day of level 2 this, I found it pretty intense but it was nice to switch it up. The time just flew by, I'm sure that will change in a few days once I get used to it. I think I'm going to have to get a mat, I'm getting carpet burn on my hands from…
  • Oops, I meant to put Day 5! LemonSocks - I'm not doing anything else on top of this right now, but on my rest days I'll probably be going on the treadmill so I'll be doing something.
  • Great suggestions mszimmerman76! I find the cool down isn't long enough, same as on the 30DS, I've started to add a few more minutes and I find that is has helped. Day 4 is done! I felt so much different today, we had a party at work today and they ordered in pizza, ugh, I felt so gross after I ate it and I still don't…
  • You're making me feel lazy! ha ha Day 4 is done and I'm not sore anymore woo hoo! It's great seeing more people joining the group and people that have done it before. Thanks for the warning on week 3, maybe if I dread it a lot I'll be pleasantly surprised. :wink:
  • Day 3 is done! Right now I think the second circuit is my favourite. I think I might have to add a few more minutes of stretching afterwards, I'm feeling pretty stiff. Other than that I feel so good after I finish the workout; I have so much energy! How are you tracking it? When I did 30DS I tracked it as circuit training;…
  • Congrats on the weight loss! I have PCOS too and I know all to well about how long it takes to lose weight when you have it. 30 pounds is a great accomplishment :happy:
  • Just finished day 2! Even though it was just my second day my endurance seems much better. I'm really feeling it in my legs and shoulders today but it's not too bad. Good luck with day 2 everyone!
  • Happy New Year Everyone! I just finished Day One Level 1, totally confirmed that I let myself go over the holidays! haha I had to take a few 5 second breaks but not as many as I thought I was going to need. I used 3 pounds weights for all of the exercises except for the squat thursts, I used 5 pounds for that one. At this…
  • I did a few days of Ripped in November but fell off the wagon with all the holiday parties I had and I lost my workout spot due to the Christmas tree, normally I love keeping the tree up as long as possible but this year it was taken down ASAP! I liked Ripped in 30 a lot more than the 30DS, I like how everything is broken…
  • Great results TipMcE! You're abs look amazing, I hope I get results like that. I completed L2D9 last night, I'm looking forward to getting level 2 over with tonight. Starting my weekend off right!!
  • I'm sooo jealous that some of you are close to being done! Good work girls, can't wait to hear what your results are. I wasn'tt brave enough to take photos, just measurements for me.
  • L2D8 is over! Now what to make for dinner? I find dinner is the hardest meal of the day for me. It's just so tempting to grab something quick.