

  • McDonald's Southwest Salad with Grilled Chicken, but with their Balsamic Vinaigrette dressing.
  • Well, call me stuffy, but I like a man in a well tailored suit and well coordinated tie and shirt.
  • when you sign up, your usual amount of movement is calculated into your calorie alotment. We're talking about extra time on your feet. A lot of extra time. Once or twice a week. that isn't calculated in the daily counter. Yet it isn't the same as breathing either. After my day job, daily house chores and walking the dog,…
  • when you sign up, your usual amount of movement is calculated into your calorie alotment. We're talking about extra time on your feet. A lot of extra time. Once or twice a week. that isn't calculated in the daily counter. Yet it isn't the same as breathing either. After my day job, daily house chores and walking the dog,…
  • I was wondering how to log that type of work too. I have a part time job that's on my feet for 4-8 hours at a time. Not much movement, but constant. So the general consensus is to log it as 1/3 the actual hours as slow walking? Is this what I'm seeing?
  • I'm juggling 3-4 jobs depending on my census job. As far as work outs. When I'm feeling like a blob I do isometrics. Just hold in the stomach for a 10 count over and over. Or clench the glutes. Whatever I think of. Meals in a lunchbox, sometimes I go to Trader Joe's and get the whole turkey breast. Slice for sandwiches or…
  • That's IF EVERY Day were like that day. The chances of every day being identical are not likely. But if you are very similar you will be close. It's all math. If your goal is to lose 1 lb a week and you meet your calorie goal then the 5 wk number should be 5 lbs less.
  • I find Clif Bars to be especially filling. Sometimes it takes 2 mornings just to eat 1. Favorites are Carrot Cake and Pear and Apple Strudel. And I agree with the person who takes 1 pc of whole grain multi grain bread with a tbsp of organic peanut butter.
  • I weigh in on Monday as well. Another thing that I found to be really useful is I record my calories consumed and fat grams on a calendar. At the end of the week I get an average and record that along with the weight lost that week. What I have found is that as long as I'm close to the allowed number, I lose a pound a…
  • Also homemade soups. Again, the easy way. Use a store bought roasted chicken or roasted turkey breast. In a stock pot use chicken broth and reheat the chicken or turkey until it falls off the bone. Remove bones and skin. Cut meat into smaller pieces. Add mixed veggies. You can add noodles or gnocchi if you like.
  • I love balance9's comments. gonna use some of them. Here's one of mine. I keep a bag of frozen mixed veggies around and throw some in my soups. Adds color and taste the easy way. If I'm too impatient to wait for the soup to cook the veggies, I nuke them and add them into the soup when they are done. Progresso soups are my…
  • I use the earned calories for two things. If I'm under the daily goal, I use them as bonus points and do not eat anything to use them. If I'm over, I use them to get under. Does that make sense? That way, I'm under every day and have a way to get under if I'm out eating with friends or something.
  • I log everything except my Diet Dr. Pepper. Even things like pickles that are basically Free food I log. If I go over on my calories, I want to know exactly where it was.
  • I don't run, but I hike. When the weather is bad for a long time, I use a stair stepper. And I do indoor rock climbing when I have the time and money. But I much prefer a good hike if at all possible. 8-10 mile hike on weekend and maybe a 3 mile during the week and I'm good. Fresh air and great scenery is worth it all. No…
  • I wasn't aware that Stonyfield was Greek yogurt. What is greek yogurt? I'm allergic to dairy products and it would seem that greek would not be cow's milk? But I have the same allergic reaction as I do with regular yogurt. But I like the banana one. Sometimes it's just worth it. :smile: