Earned Calories

I was just curious if it was really okay to eat your earned calories or if it would actually set you back.


  • shawley1
    shawley1 Posts: 25
    Try to eat as many of them as you can.....it works best this way. You have earned them and your caloric intake number is already set with a deficit.
  • signchik
    signchik Posts: 17
    I use the earned calories for two things. If I'm under the daily goal, I use them as bonus points and do not eat anything to use them. If I'm over, I use them to get under. Does that make sense? That way, I'm under every day and have a way to get under if I'm out eating with friends or something.
  • aledelman2
    Thanks. It just seems confusing to me.
  • aledelman2
    Yes, sign that makes sense. I've been using them to get under as well. This is my first week of REALLY tracking and working out. I've been slacking off tracking until now.