Monday weigh ins!!!!

Ok not sure if one has already been started, I'm new here and so far have not come across this topic yet but my weigh in day is every Monday so feel free to add your weigh in results here also if you weigh in on a Monday, my first weigh in will be on the 12th April :happy:


  • signchik
    signchik Posts: 17
    I weigh in on Monday as well. Another thing that I found to be really useful is I record my calories consumed and fat grams on a calendar. At the end of the week I get an average and record that along with the weight lost that week. What I have found is that as long as I'm close to the allowed number, I lose a pound a week. IF I exercise that week, either hiking 5+ miles or hiking several times that week, I lose more.
    It's great to watch that scale move. It took a little while to learn how to keep those calories down, but now I'm used to it. Especially since I've lost 10 lbs in about 8 weeks.
    I wish you luck.