lrkidd Member


  • I am the same height as you but MUCH heavier and my Garmin shows 1800 calories for 6200 steps but it only shows 286 active calories. That's all I count are my active calories and that's the credit I get when it synchs to MFP.
  • You forgot the biggest one.....Taylor Swift :s :s :s
  • Arrested Development...Mr. Wendal
  • Have to bump so I can see them sad :sad: :sad: :sad: :brokenheart: Have to add La Cage Aux Folles was the best movie ever!!!!
  • ^^^^^^^ THIS!!!! I am a mother of 5 and I would give anything to stay at home with my kiddos. If I did that would mean that MY JOB was to take care of the house and kids. End of story.
  • No the trolling comment came from the fact that you have posted 10,913 to date....that makes 10 a day every day for 3 straight years. The fact that I did not address the comment about sugars in the veggies I eat was because you are picking apart a comment just to try to make me look stupid. The reason I did not address the…
  • Good luck to you and your trolling but I do not have the time to waste that you obviously do. I have done my research and have been to 6 different endos trying to pin point my health problems. And unless you are a doctor(which I highly doubt), I think I will stick to what works for me.
  • I said nothing at all about calories...that wasn't even in the original discussion. I stay below 1700 calories a day, exercise 6 days a week, eats fruits veggies and LEAN protein. But what I CANNOT do is eat breads, sugars (except what I get from the fruit I eat), rice, and pastas. This is not because of any "snowflake…
  • Everyone's body IS different. We do not fit into a pre conceived mold and the idea that a "one diet fits all" is absurd. I have insulin resistance and because my body doesn't process sugars properly I CANNOT eat heavy carb laden meals or even lightly carb laden meals. I have no choice. I would be very happy if I could…
  • Are you inferring that I am stupid???? What exactly gives you the right to call me any name at all????? Why don’t you crawl back into your troll hole where you belong!!!!! When you turn 40 something and have the same issues as an older woman does then you will have room to voice your so called expertise but until such time…
  • Spoken like a true twenty something year old.....Your body is going to react to your suggestions in a much different manner than a woman in their 40's. Sorry but it’s true. Our skin is much less elastic and things have a much harder time "popping back into place". I for one am very interested in the answer to this question…
  • Thank you all so much for the input. The frustration of watching everyone around eat whatever they want while I eat nothing and still gain has just gotten the best of me. I have such a hard time dealing with my cravings that I want to scream but I am to a point in my life where I feel it's now or never. I have got to get…
  • Rules are rules!! End of story....she violated a rule and was offered a shirt to cover her belly up with but refused. Seems to me that she was just trying to make a scene.
  • If you like that you should try my old favorite, Google "chilli cheese aplenty" from the beacon drive in. Its a massive chilli cheese burger that is buried under fries and onion rings. I have mended my evil ways. [/quote] ^^^^^^^^ This OMG!!!! Lived in Sparkle City for ten years. My son still lives there and when we went…
  • I have and he never seems very concerned. It is just VERY uncomfortable. Not painfull but it makes any exercise difficult.
  • But in most cases the sentance ends in....but in the case of swelling, diabetes, and digestion it has proven to be an effective tool. Just wondering if anyone had a personal experience with it.
  • Done!!! Now can I go to bed????
  • First comment may have been directed toward you but are you so self centered that you think the second one was as well? If you are in such great shape and such an expert on all things healthy then what use do you have for MFP??? You my friend are a troll who enjoys insulting people nothing more....I pity you
  • Being concerned is fine....voicing that concern is also okay, but what is not okay is to treat the OP like she is an idiot and suggest that she eat dirt or stop breathing air. Funny part of this whole thing is it's usually the "fit people" who are so nasty and negative.
  • I so agree with this!!! It seems like MFP is filling up with self proclaimed "experts" who want to belittle and bash people over even the smallest of comments. Really guys...are you all that perfect that you never just want to snack? Sometimes I say "I'm starving" and know I am not. I don't have an eating disorder and am…
  • This is me!!!! All I have to say is agreed....I'll take one of everything listed.
  • Pay it forward.....Such a wonderful idea!!! You are an inspiration
  • Okay so this post sparked my curiousity and I googled what my name means.....Of course it has to be something that makes absolutely no sense. My name is Leanne and it means gracious plum!!!! What the heck is a gracious plum? I love my name and growing up it was very uncommon especially the way it is spelled but not so much…
  • Mu doctor had me go home and watch the following link. It was a very interesting study, more so because it was done by a "die hard" vegitarian who had to admit that low carb was the most effective way to lose weight. If the link doesn't work you can also search on you tube for.....THE BATTLE OF THE DIETS BY CHRISTOPHER…
  • To you I would have to say that Karma really don't like ugly. I sure hope you don't meet her soon because you have no clue how hard it is to stay away from carbs. It is a constant struggle for me. I work out daily, keep my calorie intake under 1500, and I do not eat back my exercise calories. That being said I don't do it…
  • I know this has probably been said 100 times through this thread but I feel I must say it again...... Everyone is different! I cannot tolerate carbs as well as the next person and their are many people out there like me. I have to take medicine to adjust the sugar levels in my body so eating 300 carbs a day would be diet…