Okay guys I need some help here. Anyone have low cortisol numbers? I have been having some major issues that include not being able to lose weight no matter what I do, exhaustion, high blood sugar numbers, and now a swollen thyroid with no goiters. The dr. decided to run a battery of tests and is now referring me to an…
Okay all....I have decided that I have had enough failure with this whole weight loss thing. I bought this book about 3 years ago when my Endo suggested it but it just looked too complicated, (I know just an excuse). Now that I have read the book and found that it isn't as hard as I thought to follow, I am going to "all…
Okay guys let me start by saying that I am NOT on some fad diet band wagon. I try to stay around 1700 calories a day and do my best to at least walk daily. I know that the only way to effectively lose weight is through healthy eating and exercise. Now that we have gotten that out of the way my question is.....Has anyone…
Please guys….just because you don’t have the same issues as the next person who is trying to lose weight doesn’t mean those issues don’t exist. I have seen so many “fit” people with their mighty doctoral opinions trying to bash those of us who are really trying very hard to make lifestyle changes. The food pyramid does not…
Wondering if there is anyone out there that can suggest ways to stave off the binge beast. Most days I am fine but sometimes.....like today, I feel like a bottomless pit. I have tried everything...I have increased my water intake, eaten more fresh vegi's, you name it and I have done it, but it just doesn't seem to help. It…