Just because it works for you....

Please guys….just because you don’t have the same issues as the next person who is trying to lose weight doesn’t mean those issues don’t exist.

I have seen so many “fit” people with their mighty doctoral opinions trying to bash those of us who are really trying very hard to make lifestyle changes.

The food pyramid does not work for all of us. We are all separate and distinct complex creatures and what works for one does not always work for another. I have Insulin Resistance and have no choice but to limit my carb intake until I lose weight. Does this mean I will never be able to eat a piece of fruit or bread again? Absolutely not, but what it does mean is that I have to work hard to repair the damage that I have done to MYSELF.

When I begin to lose weight and my sugar does not spike like it does now, I will begin to slowly add back certain things to my diet that I am currently doing without. This has not come from Atkins, South Beach or any other fad out there…..It came from my DOCTOR!! So really….just because it works for you doesn’t mean it works for everyone. Have some respect please!


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Actually, there is really excellent science to back you (and your doctor) up. I'm worried about developing diabetes (don't have it yet, knock on wood, but it's what's motivating my weight loss). The single most important thing FOR ME is to keep my carbs down and my blood sugar steady so I don't get insulin spikes.

    Lowering carbs (I'm trying for 40% and that's hard enough) is the way to do it.

    You might like reading Why We Get Fat. Completely consistent with what you say.

    BTW - super low carbs like Atkins are what's clinically shown to lower weight fastest. It's just hard to maintain which is why I'm trying for a stable 35-40%. But I don't have insulin resistance yet.

    Good luck!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Good job for getting a doctor's opinion on how to lose weight while managing your condition! And to losing 8lbs!! That's great :smile:

    I understand your point.....but a lot of the "low-carb" backlash I read is directed towards people who insist that everyone needs to eat low carb to lose weight.

    I think most of us realize that everyone has some differences and different diets can help or hinder people. I have friends who do low carb, I have friends who do paleo, I have friends who eat clean, and some who don't. That's all fine and good.

    The problem comes when people become zealous about their ideas and try to push them on others.

    Most people can lose weight by just staying under a calorie goal. Most people don't need any special diet or plan. So, that's why there is a lot of arguing on the forum between those who are trying to push their agenda and those who know that all most of us really need is a deficit.
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member
    I so agree with that....Some people go overboard no matter what bandwagon they are on. It just drives me so nuts when people (sorry but mostly men) are of the opinion that the only way to lose is their way.

    Oh and BTW thanks!!! 8 pounds since last Tuesday! I have been working out and taking the 10 week to running a 5k challenge also!!:happy:
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    I think this is an excellent post and applies to all facets of weight loss (and life). Just because some people can eat clean some cannot (either due to budget restraints or taste restraints).
    Other people swear by protein powder or a certain workout style.
    The list is never ending. People like to hand out their opinions like it's going out of style.

    I think life is all about finding what works for YOU. That's all that really matters.

    Keep it up!