Notreadytoquit Member


  • You can be my friend if your comments aren't "awesome" and "whoo-hoo". As for kicking butt, mine has dropped so low I can kick it myself.
  • Homemade Chocolate Cherry Gummy Medibles 3/4 cup water or medicinal infusion (Gingerade , Chamomile, red beet juice...) 1 cup frozen cherries (fruit, preserves, maybe thyme or rosemary) 5 Tablespoon organic cane sugar (research more for honey or maple syrup) 2-4 Tablespoons elderberry glycerite or tincture of choice…
  • What a great thread. Of course gardening / landscaping burns calories. Just wear a tracker. I think the data posted by the OP is excellent. To log or not log any specific movement is a personal decision. A lifelong gardener and landscape professional, I live off the fruits of 40 year old chestnut trees and heritage fruit…
  • My son added diatomaceous earth and our filtration abilities could not remove. Otherwise syrup was very light. I don't mind a bit of disadvantageous earth every now and then. Our Spring Celebration table.
  • 100 gallons of sap Yields 2 gallons syrup.
  • The Great Maple Syrup experiment has ended. Want to tap maples and birches this year. A delivery truck broke a branch on my Maple tree in January. When the exact moment arrived for the sap to rise it poured out of the wound. I call the first pic redneck maple syruping. We tied a bucket
  • Sorry suzan, been some time. How are your pullets? Did they lay through short days? I found an herbal supplement at sustainably that i fed all winter. Every morning i cook up a big pot of gruel for our flock. Using herbal mix, our compost, fruit, vegetables, 6 cups rice, 6 cups organic steel oats and spaghetti.…
  • Chronic pain makes me crabby and self centered. For over a year i was in a funk over inflammation, numbness and relentless pain in my right forearm, bicep and shoulder. I eventually found the right doctor ... an integrative specialist ... who identified the situation and tested for the MTHFR chromosomal mutation and…
  • Such a great idea. I do not have a good outcome for cooking rice on the stove. So i got 2 Aroma rice cookers with stainless steel pans. No teflon type finishes in this household. They always chip. Everyday i make 12 cups rice / oats/ millet for our free range chickens. This is a winter chore and as i prepare the hot gruel…
  • I don't have a flash, I have a Shine. Sometimes there have been defective batteries. Misfit customer service is excellent. Even sent me an email & battery when mine was depleted. They really work hard to make customers satisfied. Can you get to the website? I really like my device. If you can get it up and running you will…
  • I don't believe in fad diets. My Dad ate candy and anything he wanted unabandondedly then tried to diet it off for 40 years. Most memorable diets ... Roast Beef Diet & the Grapefruit Diet. Ironically at the age of 86 he lost 70#s on South Beach Diet, but there are consequences to weight loss without an exercise component.…
  • It's going to be in the mid 60's here today ... in December. Hooray! So jealous you're still harvesting, although row covers are great idea. My garden isn't chicken proof so we need a new plan for next year. It's evolving slowly to include patches of alfalfa and a big patch of nettles. A lot of the used mash was dehydrated…
  • A nutritionist is a great idea, but I found some I consulted knew very little, others recommended radical eating plans that I could never consider. Self educate ... it's very confusing. An holistic MD of some sort might be more helpful. While my fatigue is related to lyme disease symptoms, in my gym decades I would get…
  • Being trim and healthy is a lifestyle, not a diet. Your body will find it's natural set point. You'll recognize it when calorie restriction is burdensome and overexercise puts unnecessary stress on your system. Eat for nutrition not weight loss, your body will know what # is comfortable & you will feel fit, fabulous and…
  • This fall we harvested & processed our organic (never been sprayed) apples. We made fermented apple cider vinegar, applesauce, cider, hard cider, apple wine, fruit roll ups this winter from the applesauce and all the mash was recycled to the chickens or dehydrated for winter gruel. 16 bushels, 5 trees pruned and weeded and…
  • This is how it works. Get your friends on board, work together ... those who are supportive will friend like minded others and you will start to "graduate" meaning approach goal together as one big happy family. Overwhelming as it may seem, you will have a better experience if you take the time to thoughtfully fill out…
  • Ultimately it's a matter of improving nutritional knowledge, reducing calorie intake and exercise. Logging is a good start. You will start to recognize what eating habits have caused your weight gain, realize certain nutrient empty foods have high caloric values & with dedication to detail begin to make better food choices…
  • I went to an herbalist conference this summer and was introduced to the wonders of raw vegan, quick and easy, nutritious, immune friendly, power balls, energy bars and other wonder treats. I've been combing the internet looking for quick, delicious, superfood recipes. My biggest success to date is homemade No Guilt Almond…
  • The guys made stuffed habaneros yesterday. Way out of my comfort zone. 10 minutes of intense habanero heat per bite. So is the pepper spray for plants or people?
  • I don't think that's available yet either. I have at least 17 pages. Sometimes when it's a recipe I use all the time, like canned items, favorite dishes, etc they get buried. Since recipes are by date on website, I periodically have to retrieve one, make a minor change and get it back near top of queue. Also purge once or…
  • Spaghetti squash with garlic, onion, infused basil olive oil and the last of the season's fresh sweet marjoram and nasturtiums.