Chronic pain and staying active. How do you manage?



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I also have DDD. I'm down 43 pounds, and the pain is so much better just for that. I agree with something in the water. I'm not much for swimming, but do like water jogging, as I said upthread.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Hey everybody, just checking in, see how your doing, offering an update on me.

    I started out being told my back was the issue and have since learned that it's my SI joint. I've had a steroid shot, about a month ago, and was put on cymbalta. The cymbalta worked amazing for the nerve pain in my rear and to my calf, it even made sex bearable (like you really want to know, but it happens).

    More TMI - ish.....Unfortunately, the cymbalta seems to have caused spotting everyday. I've taped off it and its seemingly stopped. I see my newest doc Thursday, so I'm not sure where we'll go after that. But I'm hopeful.

    I'm able to run, swim and bike more. I did pilaties for a month. That helped some. I gave up on stretching my hamstrings daily. It just aggravated the sciatic nerve.

    Wishing everyone less pain and more solutions! Take care!
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    Hi there, I had a condition called Adenomyosis as well as Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome, all diagnosed at about the same time. It was diagnosed by an endoscopic surgery that also drained many of the large cysts I had on my ovaries (previous to this I had also had a C-section). I had a radical hysterectomy with oophorectomy 5 years ago. About 6 months after my hyster I also had my gallbladder and appendix removed due to a massive infection. I found out not too long after that, that all those abdominal surgeries had caused a mass of scar tissue in my abdomen. Basically it feels like a corset that binds all my organs and muscles together from the bottom of my ribcage to the top of my hips. Scar tissue doesn't respond well to physical therapy. So it's taken a good year to get a good medication course going. That's what's helped the most. To stay active I basically just know that if I have a good, active, day I will know I have to rest the next. For example, on Friday we deep cleaned the house which involved 6 hours of stooping, lifting, twisting, being on my knees, up down up down. At the end of the day I was literally whimpering and unable to move. So on Saturday I did very little, went to the pool which helped a lot. Today I still feel pretty sore but better now.

    I plan around my pain in order to run and do some free weights. That's basically my whole thing, planning around it and finding what has dulled it the most.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @fattymcrunnerpants wow, would scar removal be an option? Or ultrasound therapy? That sound rough.
  • Notreadytoquit
    Notreadytoquit Posts: 235 Member
    Chronic pain makes me crabby and self centered. For over a year i was in a funk over inflammation, numbness and relentless pain in my right forearm, bicep and shoulder. I eventually found the right doctor ... an integrative specialist ... who identified the situation and tested for the MTHFR chromosomal mutation and polymorphism.

    Complex subject, but apparently 50% of population have this genetic abnormality which amongst many other things causes inflammation, swelling of muscles and migrating muscle pain. It is treatable with high quality methyl-factor & thyroid hormone (for my situation) supplements daily for life to assist in protein synthesis & thyroid regulation. Officially i have an auto immune thyroid disease. The MTHFR affects quality of life. With such a high % of population affected you would think doctors would do a simple blood test.

    Most important i want to share the miracle of castor oil. My smart doc recommended applying 2-3x's per day, externally, to arm & shoulder. Within 1 month my paralysis had reversed and within 2 months the pain was reduced 80%. I'm not completly pain free 5 months later, yet I've only been on supplement a few days so hope for continued relief.

    Generally i add a few drops of my favorite essential oils to the castor oil, wear an old t-shirt as it's thick, apply heat and rest. I hope it works for you.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    After 3 years of being told my back is the cause of pain I have found out differently. I was offered a double fusion 2 years ago, I'm really glad I didn't buy into it. That would have made my condition worse.

    I have SI joint dysfunction. Scheduled for injections in a week. From my research, its not going to be easy to rehab since I have developed biomechanical imbalances. It is a relief to finally be moving forward. I've started cymbalta. It seems to help a fair amount.

    Wish everyone a pain free day.

    Well, new update- I have piriformis syndrome and am scheduled for surgery June 12th 2016. I hope everyone is doing well and find's an appropriate treatment. Been a long time coming.
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    Blessings on the surgery, my friend! :smiley: Not a viable option for me. The doc's were very honest. It was 50/50 for working, very likely not permanent with 6 months in a halo after. Um ... PASS!

    I have gone back to a studio for Ashtanga yoga 3-4 times per week. PT was more costly and yoga has other benefits for me. They also offer gentle yoga. Could be helpful for some!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    Blessings on the surgery, my friend! :smiley: Not a viable option for me. The doc's were very honest. It was 50/50 for working, very likely not permanent with 6 months in a halo after. Um ... PASS!

    I have gone back to a studio for Ashtanga yoga 3-4 times per week. PT was more costly and yoga has other benefits for me. They also offer gentle yoga. Could be helpful for some!

    Oh wow, sorry to hear that! I've heard the HALO is super painful. Luckily my doc says 80% better 10 the same, 10 worse. So I hope he's right.

    Hope some viable options come along for you. I'd love to be able to do yoga again. Maybe a year from now I'll be able too.