jlj9287 Member


  • I am responsible for my own actions and whether or not I reach my goals. I can blame my setbacks on everyone and everything else, but at the end of the day no one has control over the decisions that I make. I am the one who chooses to accept a temptation or to not do something I should.
  • I make steel cut oats in mason jars every weekend for the week ahead. 1/4c oats and 1 1/3 c water per jar in the slow cooker for 8 hours. After they cool down, I add jam or fruit and put them in the fridge. I grab it as I run out the door in the morning and microwave it for about a minute at work. It's been a perfect…
  • After getting up super early and running my 5k on Saturday morning (which is a NSV in itself, haha), my fiancé and I decided to go explore and do tourist things (it was in a city a few hours from ours). By the end of the day, I hit 25k steps. Still feeling it, but it was so much fun.
  • Agreed. When I bought my dress, my jeans were a size 10, but my dress was a 16 (I'm pretty busty). Now I'm almost a 4/6, but my wedding dress is a 12 (again, darn bust). The dress fits beautifully, though, so I can't complain.
  • I am! I'm hoping to lose my last 20 pounds before the wedding in November.
  • I went in for my first wedding dress fitting. They ended up just exchanging the dress. I lost so much since March that I was swimming in it and it was easier to just reorder me one (4 sizes smaller) than to try to alter it and keep the integrity. The woman that helped me also said I can lose my last 20 pounds if I want…
  • I have 2 NSV that I'm super proud of! I had a rough few weeks of being sloppy with my tracking and exercise and I needed to get back on track, so I went out and bought a pair of size 4 jeans. My last "goal" jeans were size 6s, which I only dreamed of fitting into 2 years ago when I was a size 14. I brought these size 4…
  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate all of your feedback. Last night I went through some old pictures and tried on a pair of size 4 jeans that I bought as motivation. They almost fit and now I have something new to focus towards. This community is the best. It's so great to have such awesome support.
  • While I've taken breaks, I usually don't log during that time. Maybe I'm still not getting enough calories for maintenance (I was still tracking my weight, and I wasn't gaining during these times, even losing slightly). I might try to log to maintenance and see if that helps.
  • Thanks for the input. I actually did try to give myself a break. This all started back over the 4th of July when I went on a trip and decided to get myself a little slack. The problem is, I haven't been able to get back on track since then. I've struggled so much to start diligently tracking again. It used to be so easy to…
  • Nashville, TN
  • I'm in Tennessee. I'd love more Tennessee friends!
  • My biggest goal is to lose 5 more pounds by mid august. I want to be in the healthy bmi range for a destination race/anniversary trip with my fiancé. I'm so close! After that, I'm shooting for another 10 on top of that by late September in time for my first wedding dress alteration appointment! Originally I hoped to be at…
  • I lost on WW when I first started managing my weight in 2012. While it was a successful tool for me at the time and helped me lose 40 pounds, I developed a bad habit of finding high calorie loop holes that added up (1.5 tbsp peanut butter were the same points as 1 tbsp, but less than 2 tbsp; choosing bananas over greens -…
  • My moment was when, after waking up several times to find my fiancé sleeping on the couch, I asked him why. He didn't want to hurt my feelings, but my snoring had gotten so out of hand that he couldn't sleep at night. I knew I was heavier than I cared to be, but knowing that this was affecting him too really put things…
  • Hey all! Feel free to add me as well. 5'5" SW: 196 CW: 158.2 GW: 130
  • I usually do all of our cooking for the week on Sunday, so I log as far as I can and adjust if life changes anything. We're pretty boring eaters and will eat the same meals every day for that week so it's easier and has made counting a lot less stressful. I've found it works for me because I'm less likely to obsess over…
  • YES! Thank you! I might just direct everyone to this every time I hear a "don't worry about, just focus on something more positive."
  • Wow, differences in weights and sizes are so interesting. I'm 5'5", 160lb, size 6 pants, size M dresses, and usually S-M shirts. In contrast, at 180 I was squeezing into size 10 jeans, barely fitting size L dresses, and wore L-XL shirts.
  • Something that helped me a lot with eating my feelings was acknowledging my cravings. I deal with severe anxiety and OCD and while I've made significant progress, I still have really bad moments and former habits have me wanting to eat for comfort. My fiancé and I have a system now that whenever I feel anxious and…
  • About 5 years ago, I decided to give Implanon a try, after a friend of mine used it and absolutely loved it. I gained about 50 pounds, seemingly overnight. I didn't bleed for the first 6 months, but it was constant after that for another 6 months until I took it out. After that the weight came off slowly, but most of it…
  • I have about 30 to lose as well. I've lost about 20 since restarting (and 35 from my largest), but I still have a way to go. We could all use all of the support we can get! :)
  • I'm getting married in November as well. My goal is 30 more pounds before my first fitting in September. I've already lost the first 20, but I still have a way to go. Good luck!
  • My wedding is in November, but I hope to be at my goal by first fitting in September. I'm already down 20 of my 50 pound goal. I'm not sure if I'll love another 30 pounds in that time, but I'll take what I can get, haha. Good luck to everyone!
  • Not eating my feelings. It's a constant battle to tell myself that I'm not actually hungry when I'm stressed or sad, but it takes some time to reprogram coping mechanisms.
  • I've had the forerunner 235 for a few weeks after switching over from fitbit. Nice change.
  • We're at about the same place, it sounds. My goal is 50 by Thanksgiving (I'm getting married the week before), but I'm already down 20 over the last 8 weeks so I really only need 30 between now and then. It takes discipline, but it's worth it. You can do it!
  • I just noticed the collarbone irritation a few days ago. I especially notice it when I'm driving a lot. The seat belt must hit in just the wrong place.
  • It's not really my NSV, but the other day my fiance threw out a sandwich he bought. He used to eat fast food for every meal but since we started trying to eat healthier, I've been cooking our meals every day. He saw a commercial for some sandwich so he went out and got it to treat himself. He said it was so gross and that…
    in New NSV Comment by jlj9287 April 2016
  • 5'5" When I first started back in 2011, I was 196 in a size 14 At my lowest weight in 2013, I was 153 in a size 6 Now I've been back on track for a couple weeks, I'm 171 in a size 8.