What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    People are such dicks sometimes.

    My husband would have punched the guy in the mouth.

    As for my "aha" moment...I don't know that I really had one. I just decided it was time to get healthy and feel good for me. Screw what anyone says :)
  • jenniferpiotrowski0
    jenniferpiotrowski0 Posts: 215 Member
    My moment was when I went to events and social gatherings. Once when I was at a party with friends..I just ate a bunch of food for a lunch cookout and feeling insecure about how I looked,I looked down at my belly cuz. Felt really full and fat and noticed I didn't feel healthy,my belly stuck out as if I looked pregnant..even though I really wasn't,and my arms looked fat and I questioned myself if that was normal or healthy. So I told myself I wish I didn't like to eat pasta or unhealthy carbs so much so i could lose weight..then the second social gathering I had at my cousins family party and before attending I was having trouble putting on a pair of jeans before even getting there,so I ended up going there with jeans that cut into my belly,I would pull them up somewhat up to my belly in order to try and hide the fat behind the jeans but when I tried to sit down my jeans cut into my belly fat so then was just about the time when I decided enough is enough..I need to do something about this...not only that but when my sisters told me my feet looked bloated and I couldnt do anything to make it go away I really knew I had to do something and fast,so now I have the flatest back in the world,no more love handles,and the bloating in my feet has completely disappeared! I have lost belly fat as well but I'm still working on the rest of it. Good news is that my clothes feel much looser on me,so I'm glad I didn't have to even drop the foods I love,not even pasta or carbs or junk at all in order to achieve this and yet I feel 10 times healthier than I have before losing weight with myfitnesspal :)
  • Somersetgal
    Somersetgal Posts: 4 Member
    For me it was a bad car accident a few years ago, sat in pain and confusion in the wreck and wondering if I would be taken away in a normal
    Ambulance or if they would have to call for a bariatric one to cart me off and panicking about how these poor emergency services people would lift this hefty carcass. That or the thought of having to have the final humiliation of an outsized coffin. It took a couple of years after this for my weight loss to begin properly once I regained full mobility but there's no looking back now
  • SuperheroSadie
    SuperheroSadie Posts: 167 Member
    I calculated my BMI and I was one pound into the overweight range. I was startled because I knew I was at my all-time heaviest and suddenly started seriously counting calories for the first time in my life.
  • PeachesNcreamgal
    PeachesNcreamgal Posts: 357 Member
    I did bungee jumping in December 2014. It was fun and all but when I was brought back to the ground, the helper made this face like sticking his tongue out like he was exhausted or something coz of my weight! I don't blame him I was almost 90 kgs at 5'3" then. I was in denial before that!!! I used to walk for 40 minutes or so and then reward myself with food. that man's expression was an eye opener. So I rejoined mfp in feb 2015 and I weigh 79 kgs as of today. 20-22 kgs away from my goal weight!!
  • juliesear83
    juliesear83 Posts: 7 Member
    MTDDS18 wrote: »
    Ugh, I still hate to think of this moment. But it was at my grandfathers visitation and my great aunt comes up to me, in front of everyone, rubs my belly and asks when the baby is due. When I tell her there is no baby, she loudly protests and tells me I must be wrong. I had to basically run out of there to keep from crying in front of everybody.

    I'm still mortified to think back to it. At 5'2 and 150 pounds I'm heavy, but I'd never considered myself to look pregnant. That's when I knew I had to change something.

    This is horrifying. I had a similar experience at work. When I told the woman I wasn't pregnant, she just kept going, saying I must have just had a baby. It was awful.
  • Osiris275
    Osiris275 Posts: 228 Member
    Mine was being so stressed about going to a friends wedding, having to dress 'nice' and being around other people. I was so shy and self conscious before. I actually spent the months before hoping they would split up and cancel the wedding so I wouldn't have to go. Isn't that an awful, selfish thing to say?

    Even though I lost 3 stone (from 18 stone) before the wedding, I was still 15 stone and the day before I still hoped I would end up getting hit by a bus or something on the journey there.

    The wedding was July 2015, I've since lost another nearly 3 stone. I'm going to be meeting up with them in August, same friends I haven't seen since July. Looking forward to being skinny this time and NOT being stressed about seeing them!
  • rissa_rawrr
    rissa_rawrr Posts: 29 Member
    edited June 2016
    My moment was when I went to put on my absolutely favorite dress and realized I couldn't zipper it anymore....
  • AshleighAnn72
    AshleighAnn72 Posts: 83 Member
    When I had my third miscarriage and the doctor blamed them on my weight, then tried to take my blood pressure and the band wouldn't fit around my arm
  • mickey2942
    mickey2942 Posts: 71 Member
    I have had that, "moment" several times over the past several years. I halfway start a "diet", but never really commit. This time is different.
    1. My partner is more on board and supportive.
    2. I realize that this is more than weight, it is seriously a health issue now.
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    DH and I were on vaca visiting my parents across country. We were at the beach and of course I was wearing a shirt over (at 300+ pounds it's hard to find a bathing suit that's complimentary) and I noticed my mom in her swimsuit and she looked in her suit and panicked a bit. She eats WAY less than I do (did) and goes to her exercise classes 6 days a week and she still looked over 9 months pregnant.

    But on side note we ate soooo much on that trip, I honestly felt sick coming home. I said to DH, enough, I can't do this anymore. Something has to change.
  • maryannamber
    maryannamber Posts: 22 Member
    I knew I had to start the journey again when I was on my ex's bike and it started to rain. We went back to his house and he had no clothes to lend me cause nothing fit. He had to take out his old 'fat clothes' (he lost weight years back before meeting me) and a belt saying it would be too lose on me. In fact it was tight and I didnt need the belt. I was mortified!
  • 2011rocket3touring
    2011rocket3touring Posts: 1,346 Member
    I was getting ready to expand out of the pants size I was in when the question popped in my head "how heavy does one become before they have trouble wiping their bottom?".
    While only down 16lbs, I'm down 2 full pants sizes and now I wonder "how much smaller should I be before starting a martial arts class?".
  • SamiHearken
    SamiHearken Posts: 178 Member
    My wedding photo were my catalyst. I look bad, and kept thinking "wow Samantha, you have no ankles". I felt so happy on the day but this photos kicked me in the gut. I've told my wifband that for our 10th anniversary (9 years away ) were redoing our wedding
  • NatalieLJ
    NatalieLJ Posts: 158 Member
    My bathroom scales had run out of batteries so I was living in ignorant bliss. Yet even though my clothes were getting tighter I kept on telling myself I'd only put on a few pounds. Finally, when the only jeans that would fit were some super stretchy ones I gave in and bought a new battery, stepped on the scales and then cried in shock at how heavy I'd become. I'd gone past my previous heaviest, and added another 16lb on top. I looked in the mirror and realised I was a flabby mess and my shape had gone. And that's when I began to completely overhaul my diet and fitness regime.
  • missionYCO
    missionYCO Posts: 31 Member
    When several people asked me if I was pregnant, that's when I knew I had put on too much. That and most of my shirts no longer cover my entire stomach. :p
  • rsleighty
    rsleighty Posts: 214 Member
    My moment was when the Dr put me on a blood pressure pill for the first time in my life. Ironocally, it wasn't a year earlier when I landed in the hospital and wound up with a pacemaker or when my cholesterol level was much higher than the Dr wanted it to be. Nope. But the blood pressure thing turned the lightbulb on for me. Also, a couple weeks into my new lifestyle/eating plan, I was complaining about missing salty snacks and said I had to be careful to not obsess over my new "rules". My 18 yr old looked me straight in the eye and said "Mom, you know this family would fall apart without you. A little obsession isn't a bad thing".
    I haven't looked back since!
  • Wickedfaery73
    Wickedfaery73 Posts: 184 Member
    The first time I lost a lot of weight, it was when I saw a pic of myself dressed up to go out and thought I looked like a fat man in bad drag. This time it was my health and the scale going over 200.
  • tmumphrey1
    tmumphrey1 Posts: 43 Member
    I was at work & bent over to pick something up & my pants ripped. That was 6 months ago, I'm now 42lbs lighter!
  • ofcsfoster36
    ofcsfoster36 Posts: 50 Member
    Well you would have thought it would have been my first foot surgery due to diabetes, nope, then maybe the surgery where I lost my pinky toe due to diabetes,nope, still thought I had under control. The final straw and the moment I said hey man what are doing. Is when I was sitting in a hospital bed extremely exhausted and my liver failing, that's when I got scared that I might not get to play with my babies or coach my daughters soccer team again. Also I then thought I would like to play soccer myself again and who has ever seen a 400lb soccer player.
  • AngeloInTexas
    AngeloInTexas Posts: 52 Member
    That I'm a depressive overeater and all of my relationships seem to end when I'm overweight...seriously.
  • js8181
    js8181 Posts: 178 Member
    There have been multiple times. Once I was backstage and talking to a couple actresses in this play I was in. I described myself as 'athletic', because I thought that meant just strong. They looked me up and down and said, "Um, more like husky".
    Then I had hernia surgery and as I was healing realizing how fat my belly looked and how little muscle I could see. I lost 25 pounds. And gained it back in the last year. Now I've enlisted a trainer to get my fat *kitten* in gear. It's been helpful to have 'assignments' from her, instead of just 'go running! Do some pushups!'. That being said, I gained a pound of fat between my first and second sessions. Sooooo I'm probably doing it wrong lol.
  • mamacita99
    mamacita99 Posts: 66 Member
    Mine was when I went to a family reunion and hadn't seen one of my uncles for about 13 years. He got up to hug me and said "You've gotten so big"....when my aunt gave him the stare of death and he came back with "I didn't mean it like that, you just used to be so skinny" :( You can't fault the man for stating the obvious. I am probably 70 lbs heavier than the last time he saw me.
  • debhurley196994
    debhurley196994 Posts: 8 Member
  • cinnabondelights
    cinnabondelights Posts: 121 Member
    Honestly my moment was to improve myself while my husband was on deployment and when he got home, he'd come home to a cute wife ;) Haha, but mainly the reason was that my parents and grandma kept calling me fat until one day I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I don't want to be fat anymore, I want to be healthy," and that's when I started to lose weight again and got down to 108 lbs, the smallest I've ever been (smaller than high school!).

    Now I wear super cute Japanese clothes because they fit better on me than Western clothes since they tend to run a bit bigger, even a size 3 skirt is too big.
  • jlj9287
    jlj9287 Posts: 51 Member
    My moment was when, after waking up several times to find my fiancé sleeping on the couch, I asked him why. He didn't want to hurt my feelings, but my snoring had gotten so out of hand that he couldn't sleep at night. I knew I was heavier than I cared to be, but knowing that this was affecting him too really put things into perspective. I didn't want to start our marriage that way. 3 months and 25 pounds later and he tells me no more snoring, so I'll take it!
  • szodyraa
    szodyraa Posts: 60 Member
    I've been made fun of my entire life and I i've most definitely been the duff of my group of friend forever but, some recent moment were going to church camp and not wanting to ride the zip line afraid I may embarrass myself if there was a weight limit, having to wear TWO flag belts for a game and everybody watching the man put them together for me and my younger brother (jokingly) telling me I was as big as a Cadillac :neutral: I am sick of my weight dictating what i can and cant do in my life :