What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • pepper1173
    pepper1173 Posts: 20 Member
    My daughter had a lot of medical issues, I ate my way thru dealing with the stress, after her 2nd major surgery and she was completely healed, I decided it was time to focus on me. I was 207 pounds 5'6". I joined MFP in Jan 2012 and lost 55 pounds.
    I've gained some back, but I'm working on it :)
  • treasurep
    treasurep Posts: 88 Member
    My moment was when I went to my grandson's first birthday. My daughter took a picture of him and I and I made her delete it and refused to have any more pictures with him because I hated the way I looked. I am also going on a cruise with my in law's in January and don't want to be the fattest one in the pictures as they are all petite skinny women. I don't want to be the head sticking out of the back of the group photo's like I am now for everything else.
  • Sam101my
    Sam101my Posts: 128 Member
    I was diagnosed with MS 11 years ago. At the time, I weighed almost 180 pounds and I am only 5'3. The doctor told me that I not only had MS, but I was overweight too. This is when I got serious. Since then, I have lost 55 pounds and feel great. ayrtyshsp5fp.jpg
  • KissofJudas
    KissofJudas Posts: 11 Member
    I've been having a "okay this is seriously the time" moment for 5 years now. It's incredibly frustrating to look back at me 5 years ago, see me saying "I know this needs to end; I need to fix this" and know that I'm 20 lb heavier than I was when I said that. I feel fat and ugly, and I have for a very long time. My doctors have been telling me for years that I need to get the weight off.

    But I've done..."better?" lately. I'm unemployed, but have taken the opportunity to make myself go to the gym more often. I'm working on fixing my diet. I want to be able to walk into job interviews and say "I am taking steps every day to make myself the most successful person I can be" and not feel like I'm lying.

    I know I will feel better at a lighter weight. It's just a matter of finally forcing myself to follow through on my promises. I'm an author. I don't want my first book jacket picture to be me at this weight.
  • willrunformedals
    willrunformedals Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

    This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

    And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

    What was your moment?

    First off: I would have pulled a Fat Amy and yelled back "You're not exactly a panty dropper yourself mate!"

    Second: What jerks!

    My moment didn't come like yours this time, as in like a lightbulb type moment.

    I recently attempted and was a DNF for the Niagara Falls Women's Half Marathon. (Mainly heat issues) This was the first step.

    I had also been researching fitbit type devices for a while now, mainly as a curiosity because my "new" job has me running around like a mad woman most of the day and i was curious for a more accurate measurement than my Ipod.

    Then on my just recent 30th birthday Hubby got me a striiv fusion. After 2 weeks on there I decided to rejoin here to help me maximize my chances of my ultimate goal: Of re trying in 2016 or 2017 and finishing the race. Weightloss is just a plus, as my overall goal is getting my overall health up.

    Healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes. And just because someone is thing doesn't mean they are healthy.

    Don't let *kitten* narrow minded opinions throw you. Your body exist for YOU. :)

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited July 2015
    To be honest I didn't mind being obese at all (despite situations like not fitting into the resturant chair on a surprise date my then boyfriend invited me on, but that's a story for another day). Then one day I took the dog for a walk because my mom, who usually walks him, was busy. I could not make it past the 2 minute mark before gasping for breath. I decided to lose weight, dieted for a couple of days then went "nah, not worth it".

    Coincidentally, I was feeling dizzy and tired lately and decided to do a blood test that same week to see if I'm having problems with B12 again (turned out I was), but just for the kicks I decided to do a full lipid and sugar blood panel. The result shocked me. I was borderline diabetic and had high tri, very low HDL and high LDL.

    That was my wakeup call. My father died of a heart attack at my age and my family has a history of diabetes. It was scary news for me so I had to make a change, and I did. As of last week, my test results are much better and my blood sugar is normal. Down 95 lb so far.

  • vivelajackie
    vivelajackie Posts: 321 Member
    What's bad is that I think I'd kill to be 168. And I'd probably chase down the guys who thought it'd be cute to make such a comment. ;) Nah. My moment was when I actually decided I wanted to have kids and the scale my friend had couldn't even weigh me. That's why my starting weight is 392 here even when I discovered I was over 400 later on. Not to mention the threat of diabetes (At 16 my doctor said it wasn't a matter of IF I'd have it, it was WHEN).
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    Couldn't go down the slide at the park with my 3 year old.
    Doctor told me I have PCOS and it would be difficult to have any more children. THIS was it... I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little girl. It was seriously the only thing that I ever wanted in life and to have something within my control threaten my ability as a woman was unacceptable any longer.

    I'm 12 weeks along now with my second child, 66lbs down and so very HAPPY!
  • Liftin4food
    Liftin4food Posts: 175 Member
    I was diagnosed with high blood pressure - lost some weight and lowered it. But I didn't manage to keep it off - over the next 6 months I put it all back on and some more on top. Reaching a new highest ever weight. I felt so disappointed with myself.

    A few days later someone told me about how they had lost weight using a fitbit. I went out the next day and got one (even though in my heart I believed it was just another weightloss tool I'd use for a few weeks - give up on and stick in a drawer forever).

    It's a little over a year later - and I still wear that fitbit everyday. I'm 30lbs down (as of today :smiley:), two-thirds of the way there!
  • damarilisscc
    damarilisscc Posts: 6 Member
    I can't believe I wasn't the only one struggling with the weight issue. I am just 25 years old and I'm getting married next year. I was at 180 and I am 5'6. So that is just to much overweight. I started eating clean for 15 days now I am at 176 but I still got keep going. I refuse to take the love story pictures of my wedding and my goal is 150-155.
  • raleighzia
    raleighzia Posts: 128 Member
    My moment was when I stepped on the scale and saw that I weighed 20 pounds more than two months prior which was the last time I stepped on the scale. Oh and when I noticed that my stomach now bounces when I walk and I can no longer hold it in without feeling exhausted.
  • Jessie_021
    Jessie_021 Posts: 10 Member
    My first moment when I realized that I wanted to make a change was when I had finally had enough of my family picking on me, calling me "fatty" as a cute nickname but it just brought me down a very dark path. I just wanted out, but some how I kept telling myself that I would not let then win and define who I am. And that's when I started to do something for myself for my well-being. :)
    Now, I've gained some weight again :neutral: making all of those "cute nicknames" come back, and every time I look in the mirror I just see how much I've let myself down.
    I know that if I did it once I can sure do it twice! And all of you can too! Keep working hard because in the end it does pay off!
  • fitnatic130
    fitnatic130 Posts: 53 Member
    Mine was seeing pictures from a day out and just feeling tired and lazy and sluggish I had a baby 23 weeks ago so its no excuse anymore and I could be 20lb lighter if I had started at 6weeks post partum I am definitely the heaviest I have ever been at 177lb and 5'1 I was 132lb in 2012 which put me in normal for bmi and im going to smash that and get to 120.
  • maplegirlst
    maplegirlst Posts: 23 Member
    Weighing myself and seeing that I weighed more than 200 pounds was my wake up call.
  • amber_beaney
    amber_beaney Posts: 54 Member
    Mine was when I had my little girl. I just couldn't stand the thought of not being here for her as long as I possibly can. Having been obese most of my life I knew it was now or never! :)
  • mskanakana
    mskanakana Posts: 57 Member
    Ok, here's mine... I was at work and there were some guys there installing new cabinetry. I walked out of the room, but had turn around and go right back into the room again because I forgot something. It was that weird feeling like you've interrupted something - then I heard the word "chunky". Yep! They were all talking about me. If that's not enough, that same day, someone had taken a full body picture of me. Yowza! I was done.
  • J383
    J383 Posts: 4,573 Member
    Hitting the highest weight I've ever been. 225lbs at 5'3, and the doctor telling me I already have the start of arthritis in my joints due to the weight I carry. Was a huge eye opener for me.
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 108 Member
    My moment was when my doctor told me I didn't have too long of a life left if I didn't lose weight and get my diabetes under control. Doctors kept trying to push gastric bypass surgery on me but I didn't want the possible side effects and I thought it was the easy way out. My Diabetic Educator wanted to change my insulin again and I promised her if she gave me one more month to start losing weight and quit cheating that I would show her I could do it. She gave me that chance and I've lost 58 pounds since then and my A1C has gone from 8.8 to 6.2! I'm on a roll now!!
  • mhayes19872014
    mhayes19872014 Posts: 3 Member
    My moment was when my husband told me I was fat lazy and disgusting
  • DPP15
    DPP15 Posts: 4 Member
    A closet full of clothes that do not fit and I not wanting to buy a new wardrobe.... Also getting on the scale and seeing the same number as when I was 9 months pregnant.