Tips for things to do INSTEAD of eating when feeling

My biggest obstacle is the overwhelming urge to eat when I'm anxious about something or feeling down and unfocused.
I'm sure there are tons of blogs and articles out there about but just want to hear from other people.
And to get it out there that I'm feeling stuck in a vicious cycle!! I've been lean and controlled my weight - when I felt in control of what was happening around me. But when I feel out of control of what's happening around me I fall off the wagon - in fact I fall off so hard that I can't even see the wagon anymore - it's in a ditch!


  • serenityfrye
    serenityfrye Posts: 360 Member
    I've responded to stress, anxiety and control issues with food for most of my life. Both through binges and also 10 year of anorexia. Things I've found that help involve routine. I set up fitness goals and remind myself over and over that food ia fuel and not comfort. When I built a strength training routine and saw how much my diet helped (or hurt) those goals it was very motivating. and helped get my focus off the scale which helped with the cyclical guilt binge.

    I've also set up a relaxation routine for myself. I've discovered that things like lavender, hot tea, and Epsom salt bath and/or the right music can help me relax and calm down when I'm anxious or stressed. I've paid close attention to what foods and situation tend to trigger anxiety or depression for me and try to avoid them.

    Hope that helps a little. Best wishes!
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    go for a walk. I find when I am stressed or annoyed going for a walk in the countryside helps. Listening to nature, looking at the way plants grow etc. totally changes my mood AND is good for my health.

    Alternatively, help others. Recent research (sorry, I don't have the article) suggested a stronger benefit to people undertaking altruistic actions than undertaking self-focussed relaxation techniques - so those who treat others feel better than those who just treat themselves.

  • sanamm22
    sanamm22 Posts: 35 Member
    When I get stressed I usually drink really gelped me.hope it will help u too :)
    Or whenever I feel hungry I ask my self if im really hungry or just my stomch is bore :)
    Then drink a glass of water.
  • jahillegas_51
    jahillegas_51 Posts: 143 Member
    Hmmm, hope you get that wagon back:)

    This is a tough one to answer as its very personal. So, I want to learn guitar, its something I enjoy and I really want to learn how to play...trying to impress the ladies:)

    However, you may/may not give a crap about playing or learning to play the guitar. So it comes down to passion, what is something you would do everyday for the rest of your life for free, just b/c you like it so dang much!

    Just do that and go all chips, all in to that:)

    Maybe its answering people on this community, maybe its learning to dance, sing, etc. The list is endless you know yourself, do that and be happy:)
  • jlj9287
    jlj9287 Posts: 51 Member
    Something that helped me a lot with eating my feelings was acknowledging my cravings.

    I deal with severe anxiety and OCD and while I've made significant progress, I still have really bad moments and former habits have me wanting to eat for comfort. My fiancé and I have a system now that whenever I feel anxious and stressed, I tell him "I'm having an anxious craving."

    Then we come up with a plan. Usually it's to just go for a walk or to have a small treat (ice cream is my weakness, so we keep half cup servings in the freezer - they are usually enough to kill the craving), but sometimes just saying out loud that this is what is happening and I'm not going through it alone is enough to help me fight it.

    Now, it may not work for everyone, but it definitely works for me.
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I've been running for a while, but this last couple of months I've been noticing it having a positive effect on my mood and have started running when I feel down. It's good.
  • helpatalkingmuffin
    helpatalkingmuffin Posts: 19 Member
    lately, because i get soooooo snack-obsessed late at night (which is also when my brain's gears grind hardest and loudest about the looming workday waiting for me after i sleep), i do the following:
    1. move to another room that's further from the kitchen, taking only a water bottle with me
    2. brush my teeth
    3. grab a book and settle in to read until bedtime
    getting lost in a good book is an even older coping mechanism for me than eating, so this has been working like a charm.

    if it's earlier in the day and there's time ahead of me, i like to go for a walk or a run/walk while listening to music. if i'm really anxious (and therefore unfocused) or angry, this usually takes the edge off.
  • vintageruby
    vintageruby Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with most. I am very much a music and art person. So I do some of the following whenever I know I am not hungry at all and begin craving ice cream (especially, cookies and cream):

    1) youtube a few of my favorite bands and watch their live performances
    i usually relate to their lyrics and begin feeling better
    2) youtube nature sounds for meditation and relaxation OR guided meditations for positivity
    this allows me to destress and at least try to be in the present moment
    3) journal
    writing down my thoughts and feelings about any and everything no matter if it makes sense or not
    also, doodling and drawing helps me to feel more peaceful and at least forget about my worries if only for that moment
    4) youtube motivational speeches (recently: TedTalks series about topics like self-esteem, body image, or positivity)
    this allows me to learn more from other people's experiences and makes me feel less alone
    5) crafting (painting)
    6) singing in my room

    Hope this helps and feel free to add me as a friend. It's always nice to have support :)

    You can do it!!!

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,519 Member
    Tips for things to do INSTEAD of eating ...

    -- drink a cup of tea (but not with sugar and milk). Try different teas until you find some you really like.
    -- drink a tall glass of cold water.
    -- exercise. Walk, run, go for a bicycle ride, go to the gym, swim, ski, dance ...whatever you like doing that's active.
    -- make a fitness goal. Maybe sign up for a half marathon, a cycling event, a try-a-tri, a dance competition.
    -- sign up for a class. Learn to do something new. Advance your current educational level.
    -- take up a hobby. Knit, compose music, paint, sing.
    -- pick up a part time job. I had friends in Canada who used to pick up part-time Christmas work, in addition to their full-time jobs. They'd save the money they earned from those part-time jobs and then come February or so, they'd head off somewhere warm and sunny for 2 or 3 weeks. But that gave them a goal and something special to look forward to.
    -- volunteer
  • Eleniala
    Eleniala Posts: 87 Member
    I hope it doesn't sound silly...but adult coloring books (the super detailed ones) are GREAT to take your mind off stuff. Helps with boredom, depression, lack of focus etc. They are all the rage now, and they are available everywhere...Walmart, crafts stores, dollar stores etc. You can do them anytime, anywhere, and they are inexpensive.