The contraceptive implant and weight problems

I have been constantly poorly since having my latest implant in I have also bled constantly since June last year; I had a removal and refit on the 1st February this year and the side effects have only got worse; also I cannot seem to lose any more weight & I am seriously considering having it out has anybody else had an experience like this or similar


  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2016
    Which one do you have? I have the Skyla IUD. Before, I was on a combination pill called Mircette which stopped my periods altogether (not a common side effect) but they wanted me off of estrogen. Since getting the skyla, My periods are long but light, I get PMS cravings which can throw me off, and I did gain a few pounds after grtting it but lost it after my first cycle on it.

    Weight issues aside, I don't think what you have is the right birth control for you. There are lots of options available. You don't need to be on something that makes you bleed constantly.
  • jlj9287
    jlj9287 Posts: 51 Member
    About 5 years ago, I decided to give Implanon a try, after a friend of mine used it and absolutely loved it. I gained about 50 pounds, seemingly overnight. I didn't bleed for the first 6 months, but it was constant after that for another 6 months until I took it out.

    After that the weight came off slowly, but most of it came off all the same. I was on the pill after that and I didn't have any of those same side effects.

    I'd suggest talking to your doctor. I've heard mixed reviews on implants, mainly because it affects people differently, but it sounds like there might be a better option out there for you.
  • khaleesikhaleesi
    khaleesikhaleesi Posts: 213 Member
    I had the Nexplanon shortly after my son was born.

    The first year, year-and-a-half were great! I lost weight; I felt fine-- then the second year rolled around. I ballooned in weight. I felt miserable, moody, and just swung from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other violently (keep in mind, I do this naturally, so for it to be bad enough for me to notice a drastic difference is just insane). Oh, and I went from having no periods for a year to having a period every other week for three months. I had it removed and went back on the pill.Best decision I've ever made! I don't have a scale because I had an eating disorder for about a decade and being heavier post-child triggers me enough as-is, but my boyfriend/coworkers/etc. says that since I've started eating right and working out that I've lost a lot of weight!

    It does effect everyone differently. I have friends that it worked well with. It just isn't for me, and it might not be for you, either. Definitely talk to your doctor about alternative methods.
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    No. I love my nexplanon and I have had no issues gaining or losing weight on it.

    The extended periods retain water weight but it goes away.
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    I had inplanon and ended up having 5 miscarriages as it was a defective discontinued implant and have been on nexplanon since; ive put loads of weight on but no other contraception works for me so im stuck
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    If you need more details/dates let me know mines a long complicated history lol
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I have the Mirena IUD..and yes I did have consistent spotting/break through bleeding for about 3 months after placement...and because of those things slight depression and weight gain. That said, it all evened out and I have been happy going on 4 years with it. BEST decision I ever made, but I am on an IUD not for birth control, but for cycle regulation. I have had no problems losing weight since...if you exclude my appetite!!! ;)
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    I've booked to get my implant removed so fingers crossed in a few weeks time once it's out everything will settle down
  • seekingbetterme
    seekingbetterme Posts: 39 Member
    I had the Nexplanon implant inserted in September of last year and had it taken out this past March. I bled constantly from the day after I got it in until the day I got it out. I was extremely fatigued all the time. I also gained 20 pounds, and I couldn't lose the weight. After taking it out I lost 15 lbs since without changing my eating and exercise habits. I really wanted to love this thing but I feel SO much better without it.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I had the Nexplanon implant inserted in September of last year and had it taken out this past March. I bled constantly from the day after I got it in until the day I got it out. I was extremely fatigued all the time. I also gained 20 pounds, and I couldn't lose the weight. After taking it out I lost 15 lbs since without changing my eating and exercise habits. I really wanted to love this thing but I feel SO much better without it.

    your profile picture is kalel... or?
  • shariyahinton
    shariyahinton Posts: 23 Member
    I thought I was the only one. I got my nexplanon in when my son turned 6 weeks old. I had lost all my baby weight by then. 3 months of having this implant I gained 30 pounds. My doctor said there is no way its from the implant but that is the only thing I've changed. I stopped gaining weight now but can't seem to lose anything no matter how healthy I eat or how much I excercise. I am calling to make an appointment to get mine removed
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    I had the Nexplanon implant inserted in September of last year and had it taken out this past March. I bled constantly from the day after I got it in until the day I got it out. I was extremely fatigued all the time. I also gained 20 pounds, and I couldn't lose the weight. After taking it out I lost 15 lbs since without changing my eating and exercise habits. I really wanted to love this thing but I feel SO much better without it.

    This is my 3rd one I've bled for the last 7 months on my 2nd one so had it removed and a new one fitted and bled constantly since then aswell which has been 5 months so I've bled none stop for 12 months! I've been more ill than normal and I'm constantly extremely fatigued and can't lose the weight I've put on
  • trjjoy
    trjjoy Posts: 666 Member
    It looks like these implants can cure all those starving Africans because they'll gain tons of weight. Let's do this!
  • mizzzc
    mizzzc Posts: 346 Member
    i had the copper iud. was delevoping gallstones, intense pain, balooned 30 pounds in 2 months, looked pregnant, tonnes of acne, depression. Removed it and instantly felt better.
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    Mine is in my upper left arm it's being removed on the 11th back too the old fashioned rubber method lol
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    trjjoy wrote: »
    It looks like these implants can cure all those starving Africans because they'll gain tons of weight. Let's do this!

    What?? Weight doesn't prevent starvation.
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have the copper iud, there are no hormones involved so it doesn't cause weight gain, acne etc. A side effect can be heavier periods, but I never experienced that. Unless you have painful or extremely bloody periods there is no need to get a hormone IUD, but to each their own.
  • katharineshalia
    katharineshalia Posts: 243 Member
    I gained weight with my IUD, and same, couldn't lose it. My husband had a vasectomy so I thought great and had mine taken out about 2 months later. I got pregnant with baby number 3, which we totally didn't plan on. So, yeah, be careful ladies. Oh, and he's 4 now :)
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    I've had a hormonal IUD (Mirena) since July of 2009. I gained weight after the first one, but that's because I stopped trying to do anything with my weight. I had lost 100+ pounds and then took a flying leap away from logging or caring and had been on the pill prior to that, anyway. I had my second Mirena inserted just shy of 1 year ago. I have not had any issues ever other than periods stopping completely within a few months of the first one and then coming back regularly after the first 4 years and occasional gynecological..hmm..weirdness, shall we say?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Birth control in general regardless of the kind does not cause weight gain other than perhaps water retention.

    It can increase appetite but the device/pill/implant/shot does not. It can' doesn't have calories.

    If you can't lose weight look at your calories in..that is where the problem lies....see above...increased appetite.
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    Birth control in general regardless of the kind does not cause weight gain other than perhaps water retention.

    It can increase appetite but the device/pill/implant/shot does not. It can' doesn't have calories.

    If you can't lose weight look at your calories in..that is where the problem lies....see above...increased appetite.

    Read my original post I said I can't lose anymore not it made me gain it's well known that it can make you retain weight and not water weight my dr told me that himself
  • LisaKay91
    LisaKay91 Posts: 211 Member
    Birth control in general regardless of the kind does not cause weight gain other than perhaps water retention.

    It can obstruct your hormones and wreck your endocrine system which affects nearly everything about you.
    My endocrinologist nearly died when she found out I had the depo shot. None of my thyroid medication was absorbing and it caused a 60lb weight gain in a 2 month period of time on a strict monitored 1400/day diet. It dropped my BMR while causing multiple organ issues.

    My team (17 specialists) call the depo shot 'miracle grow' and the 'poison jab'. It has taken 2 years for my system to recover and all traces to be unfounded in my body. I'm not sure what your credentials and if you are a well educated doctor with a differing opinion, cool, but hormones can certainly change the way your body absorbs or burns energy through the endocrine system.

    On that note I have had zero issues with the nexplanon implant and losing weight. I didn't gain weight and it has not messed up my BMR.
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks for that reply LisaKay91
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    LisaKay91 wrote: »
    Birth control in general regardless of the kind does not cause weight gain other than perhaps water retention.

    It can obstruct your hormones and wreck your endocrine system which affects nearly everything about you.
    My endocrinologist nearly died when she found out I had the depo shot. None of my thyroid medication was absorbing and it caused a 60lb weight gain in a 2 month period of time on a strict monitored 1400/day diet. It dropped my BMR while causing multiple organ issues.

    My team (17 specialists) call the depo shot 'miracle grow' and the 'poison jab'. It has taken 2 years for my system to recover and all traces to be unfounded in my body. I'm not sure what your credentials and if you are a well educated doctor with a differing opinion, cool, but hormones can certainly change the way your body absorbs or burns energy through the endocrine system.

    On that note I have had zero issues with the nexplanon implant and losing weight. I didn't gain weight and it has not messed up my BMR.

    you are not the "normal" person using BC have an existing medical condition which you should have researched and talked to you Doctor about prior to getting the shot.

    This is listed in the literature for depo

    "When administering estrogen and/or progestogen therapy in patients with thyroid disorders, clinicians should be aware that these hormones may affect thyroid function tests. Changes have mostly been reported with the use of combination oral contraceptives. Specifically, thyroid-binding globulin (TBG) may be increased, resulting in elevated circulating total thyroid hormone, as measured by PBI (protein-bound iodine), T4 by column or radioimmunoassay, or T3 by radioimmunoassay. Free T3 resin uptake may be decreased. On the contrary, a decrease in TBG and, consequently, thyroxine concentration, has been reported by the manufacturers of the progestin-only (norethindrone) oral contraceptives.

    "Product Information. Ortho-Est (estropipate)." Ortho McNeil Pharmaceutical, Raritan, NJ.
    "Product Information. Deltasone (prednisone)." Pharmacia and Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI.
    "Product Information. Estratab (esterified estrogens)" Solvay Pharmaceuticals Inc, Marietta, GA."
  • __Fatty2Fitty__
    __Fatty2Fitty__ Posts: 32 Member
    I'm in the UK so this doesn't apply to me lol