mountainrun73 Member


  • My own experience is that my digestive issues are greatly helped with low carb eating. When I've given in to carb cravings and eaten bread or pasta, I get digestive issues very quickly. They resolve as soon as I get back on track.
  • @ljcox7210 - congrats on losing over 100lbs already! I have been dipping my toes in the low carb waters for a while, and really only decided to do it about a month ago or so. I totally understand the fear of fat - it got so drilled into our brains during the 80s and 90s! But it tastes good. I read and re-read books and…
  • LOL! Thanks for sharing your experience. My rosacea cleared up completely this past spring with a reduction in carb intake and frequent consumption of green smoothies. Now that I'm trying to dow LCHF, I need to find a different green smoothie recipe, as the pineapples and bananas that I love so much are really high in…
  • I was wondering this myself a few days ago. I don't have acne, but do develop rosacea acne periodically. It flares when I eat "carbage" - particularly gluten grains. I was bad last night and had a couple slices of pizza - my face is a little red this morning (and my belly is not happy with me). Has anyone else had…
  • I like to run - it's my antidepressant, lol! Even before venturing into the low carb way of eating, I would run in the morning fasted. I just don't feel good if I have food in my belly and run. The first couple of days eating low carb I felt a bit sluggish, but quickly felt better and had great energy. My typical runs are…
  • For me, PMS has been the thing that makes me cave to carb (pasta, bread, cracker) cravings. And when I do, it's tough to stop. Alcohol is another thing - too much and I make poor choices.
  • I hate eating when I'm not hungry and I don't. Tried following conventional advice to eat regularly and gained weight. Low carb lets us listen to our bodies cues!
  • I think it's more about finding what works for you. Mark Sisson ( and author of the Primal Blueprint) suggests that anything under 100g/day is pretty much guaranteed for weight loss. 50g or under is keto. As @wabmester and @nicintime both point out, some people do fine with more (see the Peter Attia…
  • I've been watching this series and am learning a lot. And I am more disgusted than ever with our healthcare system
  • I'm with the others who simply aren't hungry first thing in the morning. I drink coffee (and have recently started adding cream for some fat...will try BP coffee at some point), then eat when I get hungry. I like eggs and am on a kick with egg casserole (eggs beaten and poured over veggies and maybe some meat, then baked…
  • I share that struggle! I also prefer primal since it allows some cheese and cream. Glad you are feeling better! I just had a really bad week with food choices, lack of exercise, not feeling well, and drinking too much booze. Getting back on track starting today!
  • Such great stories from everyone! Way to go! A year ago, I was gaining weight to get to my heaviest ever (which came in March this year). Not much weight compared to the amazing stories here, but I was starting to notice most of my pants/jeans weren't fitting,and had to buy a couple pair in a larger size. Was experiencing…
  • Because low carb couldn't possibly have had anything to do with your weight loss! (Read with a lot of sarcasm). I don't have a doc right now (just moved a few months ago, no job, no health insurance) but when I do look for one, I'm going to try to find one that is not opposed to the low carb WOE. 2 places I've found to…
  • @JodehFoster - I love seafood, hubby doesn't very much. And where we just moved, even frozen seafood is really expensive, so I haven't bought any (I used to keep bags of frozen shrimp around for variety on my salads). @KnitOrMiss - thanks for the tips, I hope that my own experience (as it unfolds) will speak for itself and…
  • Cool responses, thanks! Unfortunately, he doesn't like to read (surprising for someone with a great vocabulary). Maybe I could just leave my books like Wheat Belly and Keto Clarity laying around. Maybe he'd ask me about them. I suspect he has some insulin resistance. Like me, he's athletic (rides his bike to work every…
  • I recently tried Kerrygold and it's amazing. I could eat it straight.
  • Didn't check in Sunday, here's check in for 10/5 (I know, a day late): 1. Drink 72oz water CHECK 2. Don't drink alcohol (no check) 3. Keep carbs under 50g CHECK 4. Exercise as planned CHECK 5. Electrolytes CHECK
  • @wabmester - I wasn't running at the time, though I was doing gym workouts (cardio and weights) 3-4 times a week, but it was also during the period that I started getting lazy, inconsistent, and giving into junk food addictions more often. So that may have had something to do with my experience. I've read that Apple cider…
  • I second the ACV! The stuff has so many healing uses, it's ridiculous! And it does indeed help with digestive issues.
  • If you have IBD, a probiotic can definitely help, along with low carbs. I struggled for YEARS (most of my life) with what I used to call "stress stomach" and what is commonly known as IBS. You know what docs give you for that? Antidepressants. Seriously. I have dealt with depression, too, but the antidepressants didn't do…
  • I take a probiotic, fish oil, and multivitamin. Also vitamin D on days I don't get outside. Vitamin C if I'm getting sick. Magnesium, melatonin, and valerian for sleep. I guess magnesium helps with cramps and stuff, too! I just picked up a potassium supplement for if cramps are troublesome during the day. Oh, and milk…
  • A natural health practitioner I went to recommended both of these for a variety of reasons. I had a kidney stone a year ago, at which time I abandoned attempting to eat paleo-style in favor of more meatless meals. Not sure it was that so much as dehydration. The same practitioner also recommended a homeopathic tincture…
  • That's awesome!
  • Yesterday was a major fail: I gave in to pasta cravings (seems to occur about once a month). Getting back on track today with yoga, cream in my coffee, and carbs will be under 50g. I did manage to hit my water goal yesterday.
  • I love the protein powder in BPC idea! I haven't tried BPC yet, but really want to. I have been putting collagen protein in my coffee for a few months - and now that I'm LC, I put cream in it. Don't even taste it. In the past I've put chocolate whey protein in my coffee for a mocha-like drink.
  • This is my first challenge, and just started LC. Here are my goals for the month: Drink 72oz water daily Don't drink alcohol Keep carbs under 50g/day Exercise as planned (goal is running 4 days/week, strength 2 days/week) Hit electrolytes Cool. I'm joining a day late, but better late than never!
  • I can relate - if I give in to one or the other (alcohol or carbs), it seems I end up overdoing it on both and get into a cycle. UGH! I do think that for many of us, alcohol cravings/addiction is another form of sugar/carb addiction.
  • Yes, anyone on this thread can add me, as well. I have found this group so helpful and motivating. I just started low carb on 9/26. Have no idea if I've lost any weight (I rarely weigh myself, go more by how my pants fit and which ones I can get into). It's super helpful hanging around this group and looking at other low…
  • I call it the Sickcare system. Seriously - hospitals, doctors offices, clinics, and especially pharmaceutical companies benefit from us being sick and needing more services/procedures/visits/medications. Its driven by our payment system (insurance). There is absolutely NO incentive for sick care (oops, I mean healthcare)…