

  • Hi All - it's Sunday early arvo here. So productive today - pump class and food shopping first thing. Then made some freshly squeezed orange juice and stewed apple I might use later on with a healthy apple crumble or something. The house smells lovely with fresh washing and cinnamon and I'm resting for a moment with my…
  • Hi All, Just wondering how this works? Do we post each day? Or each week? I am having a bit of a down day...My first week back and it looks like I dropped a bit of weight and put it straight back on. I've been ok with counting calories, and making mostly good choices. Back to exercising again this week with 3 30 minute…
  • Hi All! I'd love to join! I'm Allie, 28 from Melbourne Australia. I'm recovering from a back injury and have put on a few extra kg's that I don't need. I'm used to using kgs to measure weight but I found a calculator I hope is accurate! Start Weight: 146.52 Goal 1: 138 (~ 5%) Goal 1: 131 (~10%) Goal Weight: 127 I'd like to…
  • Hi :) I'm going to add you as a friend. I have been on here for about 2 years, but finding that the more I interact with people, the more motivated I'm becoming. Hope it works for you too!
  • It does! Thanks very much. I am healing and I have been given the green light for swimming. Now I just have to get the confidence to get into my bathers at the gym!
  • Thanks Fitie - I agree upping the protein is a good idea. I have cut back on chocolate (have not eaten any for a month) and I also don't eat meat so I do need to focus on the balance of my intake and also what to eat when I eat out. That's a tough one because I find it hard to track.