200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    :noway: Ga! Double posts!

    Well I will take this time to say that I did Kenpo and about 15-20 minutes of the Yoga X. I did most of yoga with my shoes on but kicked them off for the last 5 or so. When I got in the shower my right heel was twingy and not feeling super well. Bloody hell. Just goes to show. I either can't do yoga or can't do it without shoes on. Either way my foot was all better and hopefully if I stay away from it it will be fine as long as I keep wearing good shoes. Grrrrrrrrrrr:grumble:

    Also I am having a heck of a time cooling off tonight. Don't know if I took a shower too quickly after I worked out or what, but I got out of the shower sweating, sweated while I ate dinner and am sitting on the couch adn am kind of sweaty. WTF man? Am I having a hot flash or something?? LOL.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Can I join you?!

    I would love to join a six week challenge to keep me motivated.

    My starting weight is 212.9 and I have some goals:

    1. Onederland. Seriously. I haven't been there since highschool and we aren't going to talk about how long that has been.
    2. Finish 30DS strong. I did Day 2 today. I think I might die. But if I don't, I'll be hot.
    3. Log in and log my food/excercise EVERY day.
    4. Stay off the scale EVERY day and only weigh one-two times/week.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I have a few min and wanted to give the newbies some of my background... I'm a 42 year old physical therapist, married 20 years with no kids but 6 awesome cats!!! I own my own company so I choose to work more or less. I finished C25K in Feb 2010 and have progressed to running 2 half marathons... I'm training for my 3rd which will be a trail race (*all off road - up/down hills*)... My mother us in her 60s and often takes evening walks or does low impact aerobics with me. I have 2 exercise friends - one bikes for an hour 3 mornings a week and one takes long runs with me.
  • Hi All!

    I'd love to join! I'm Allie, 28 from Melbourne Australia. I'm recovering from a back injury and have put on a few extra kg's that I don't need. I'm used to using kgs to measure weight but I found a calculator I hope is accurate!

    Start Weight: 146.52
    Goal 1: 138 (~ 5%)
    Goal 1: 131 (~10%)
    Goal Weight: 127

    I'd like to meet Goal 1 (5% body weight) in 6 weeks. That would be just under 62 kgs!
    As I've been off running and exercise for a while, my goals are to return consistently whilst supporting my back . 4 to 6 work outs per week.
    Another goal is to track every day.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all :)
  • brizzle125
    brizzle125 Posts: 18
    Hey everyone. I would love to join. Im Briana and I'm 19. I"ll being into my sophmore year of college and I gained the freshman 15. Ever since high school sports ended my weight just keeps going up but I am finally putting a stop to it.

    my goals are:
    1. to lose 20 pds by the time i go back to school
    2. stay in how many calories im supposed to eat a day
    3. actually do my workouts everyday
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Checking in for Tuesday: 2697 calories burned/ 1958 calories eaten/739 calorie deficit/ 2 fruit servings and 6 vegetable servings (yay!)

    Hi Allie & wigglentwink & Sina! Welcome to the group.

    Lacey: DO you do the first part of YogaX (with all the sun salutations) or the last part (with all the stretching)?

    Hailie: I love your goal of expanding your horizons! LOVE IT!!! Are u gonna do something new? Go on an adventure?

    Karen: Are u gonna post your kiddie pics on Facebook? I'd love to see them.

    Kendal: Thank you for the pic of Mr. Reunion. I love me some tall, dark & handsome!!

    Ashrenalls: I'm with you on the schoolwork. I'm taking Nutrition, Anatomy & Physiology and Organic Biochemistry this semester. I kind of hate the chemistry but I like the others. I'm working on a Master's Degree in Nutrition.

    missxlaur: I loved C25K. I did it last summer and it is an amazing program.

    Jenn: Your puppies are freaking adorable!!!!! (I am such a dog person, it isn't funny!) They look like they are part beagle, are they? SOOOOO cute!!!!

    treehugginpam: I'll look for you on Goodreads. I LOVE reading.

    Kerry: OMG, my Amazon Prime membership makes me happy. They even manage to ship relatively quickly all the way here. I also have an issue with feeling non-exercise guilt. Now that I've injured myself, I'm kind of forced to take a break and not feel guilty about it. So, don't hurt yourself cuz it majorly sucketh.

    Laura: I like your goal of fitting into clothes that little kids can't get lost in. My 8 year old is tall but super-skinny so I'm pretty sure he'd get lost in my clothes no matter what size I am. He takes after his dad - the Hubbs was only 135 pounds and 6 feet tall when he graduated high school (he's filled out a bit as an adult due to age and lifting weights but he is still only about 190 pounds soaking wet).

    Kristina: I've been following your blog. I loved the pic of Emma in the grass - she's soooooo pretty!!!

    Nava: I also tend to read 2 books at a time. I'm currently reading A Breath of Snow and Ashes (part of the Outlander series that Victoria turned me onto a few months back) and the 2nd Game of Thrones book (can't remember the title as it doesn't really show up on my Kindle when I'm reading the book). I can't really get into the Girl with the dragon tattoo series. I read the first one and I watched the movies (i thought the movies were excellent) but I just don't really like the books very much. I bought the girl who played with fire but it sits in my Kindle unread, waiting for me to get around to it...which I never do.

    Well, it's official...The Hubbs TDY is being extended by 2 weeks (a little background for all the newbies- My Hubbs is in the Air Force and we have lived in Germany for the past year. The Hubbs is on a temporary duty (TDY) to Italy and it was originally scheduled to be one month.). The Hubbs tried to buffer the blow of 2 more weeks away by asking that we come to Naples to visit him during a 4 days period he'll have off in a couple of weeks. For some reason, I haven't been really excited about the prospect of going to Naples but I think that's less about visiting Naples and more about the 2 weeks tacked onto the TDY. The Hubbs said we can visit the Isle of Capri, Mt Vesuvius and even Rome while we're there - so I guess I'm going to Italy in a couple weeks!
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Welcome Bubblesburst, Jenn (mommyjj), Pam, Tammy, Manda, Stephanie

    Kristina - Thanks for letting me know my percentage lost! I'll have to check out GoodReads.

    Kendal - I'm sorry to hear about your foot still hurting, hopefully the doctor will have a better suggestion. Fingers crossed for the new job! BTW I finally looked up Warrior Dash and it does look fun. Unfortunately, the one in Illinois was this past weekend and I'm not really sure I'd be ready to do one this year anyhow. Definitely, gonna keep it in mind for next year.

    Tammy - Happy Birthday and congrats on the 50 lbs lost! I'm with you on the goals. I started my journey back in January and it wasn't until I joined this group in the last challenge that I started setting goals/deadlines. I was a mental hurdle at first, but I find it helpful for motivation. I try to set realistic goals and work to not be hard on myself if I don't hit one.

    Amy - Sorry to hear the foot isn't much better.

    Nava - I love "Nava poison." I'm with you on textures. I love tomato based foods, i.e. tomato sauce and salsa, but really don't like tomatoes. Call me weird. I'm sorry you have to go through braces in your 30s, that just sucks.

    Bethany - I'm with you on working out at home. I've tried working out at home with videos and I have such a hard time staying motivated long enough to finish the dang video.

    Lacey - Ugh! I hate allergies. I probably need to start shots back up. I just have a hard time getting to the office each week. As for water aerobics, calories burned really is my big question. I did back-to-back classes Monday evening for a total of 1 hr 45 min and tried to keep my intensity level up, but I didn't "feel" like I'd done much when I was finished. Is that normal? I guess I was just expecting to feel like I'd made it through a really great workout.

    Jenn (GonnaDoIt) - I love the idea for your tattoo. You'll have to post a photo after you get it.

    Karen - I'm sorry to hear about the house. I know how excited you were. Just remember that things usually work out for the best.

    Victoria - The Keen sandals look really cute, but I'm not sure I want to spend that much money just yet. I'll definitely keep them in mind though. Thanks!

    Laura - I hope your son is feeling better. And, I LOVE the goal about getting into jeans small children can't get lost in. Hilarious!

    Kerry - Yay for the bike rack. The wife and I would like to start biking, but being awake and at home at the same time during daylight hours doesn't happen often.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ahh! Hit the wrong button and posted before I was done responding. So, I continue....

    Welcome Sina, Pam, Wigglentwink, Allie, Briana!

    Missxlaur - I work night shift, alone, and am not allowed to leave the room I work in. So, I only have access to the food I bring in and do not have the temptations of potlucks and such. I hate my job, but this has been one really great way of keeping me on track while I'm at work.

    Hailie - Yay on the life guarding pre-test thingie.

    Amy - I'm sorry to hear about The Hubb's extended stent, but you're going to Italy! I'm jealous of everyone spending time in Europe.

    WOW!! That took awhile. Check-in for Tuesday... 2510 cal burned / 1859 cal consumed / 651 cal deficit - Exercise: 60 min on the elliptical

    Not much is going on, but I do think I'll throw my own current foot problem out there since that seems to be a theme right now. I'm having a burning pain that turns to a numbness if I'm on the elliptical/treadmill for longer than 20 min. I can stop for a about 20-30 sec and begin again and be good for another 5-10 min. I have had problems in the past with plantar fasciitis and possible bone spur, but this doesn't feel quite the same. Has anyone experienced this type of thing?
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member

    I have a weird thing that happens to my feet when I've been on the elliptical for more than 20 minutes too! It's not pain, but almost the feeling of my foot going to sleep...it's really weird! It doesn't happen to me every time though, but a lot of the time. Usually I don't stay on the elliptical more than 30 minutes because of that. I've always wondered what that is....a blood circulation thing, maybe?

  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Katie and Pam - numbness is usually from a pinched nerve. It could be as simple as shoe being too tight or pressing on the nerve or it could coming from your low back and radiating down to your foot. Does the pain occur any other time? Can you pinpoint where in your foot you are having pain?

    A continued welcome to all the additional new faces:flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    ok, by popular demand...here are the only pics I have of Mr. Reunion. wish I had a picture of his smile...or a pic of him shirtless :wink: rawr.....I'm gonna work on that.

    RAWR - he is yummy... You may have found a keeper!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    My bike ride was canceled due to rain... I did manage to sign up for a 10K on July 4th at a town about 10 miles from me. Now I need to get some work done.
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Victoria, for me it's only when I'm on the elliptical -- not walking, running, sitting, biking, doing any other kind of aerobics, or anything else -- and the feeling isn't in my leg at all, but just a tingling in my feet. I still like doing the elliptical, I just always thought it was weird...

    Kendal, congrats! Musicians are the best! My boyfriend is a drummer. The downside is that he taps on EVERYTHING, but he's cute and wonderful so I can forgive him for that annoying habit. Usually. :laugh:
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    Good Morning! And thanks to everyone for the for welcoming all of us "newbies". And for the Happy Birthday wishes.
    I am horrible at names so it may take me awhile to post indvidual replies, but I'll work on it.

    I have started adding extra walking into my week. My hubby and I are working out and lifting weights 3x a week. So, I decided to start walking on the "off" days. Last night I walked for 25 minutes without a rest. Huge difference from when I started at the end of May.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal, congrats! Musicians are the best! My boyfriend is a drummer. The downside is that he taps on EVERYTHING, but he's cute and wonderful so I can forgive him for that annoying habit. Usually. :laugh:
    haha! My bff has a kind of philosophy that guitar players are the best because they are so .....skilled.....with their hands (ie, in the bedroom lol) She was happy for me when I told her Mr. Reunion plays the guitar.
  • missxlaur
    missxlaur Posts: 286
    haha! My bff has a kind of philosophy that guitar players are the best because they are so .....skilled.....with their hands (ie, in the bedroom lol) She was happy for me when I told her Mr. Reunion plays the guitar.

    hahah ridiculous
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    haha! My bff has a kind of philosophy that guitar players are the best because they are so .....skilled.....with their hands (ie, in the bedroom lol) She was happy for me when I told her Mr. Reunion plays the guitar.

    Well I guess you can tell the BFF that she's right!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Lacey, Chris is also terrible about not picking up sticks/rocks/etc and just mowing over them. So that might be why our mower is in trouble.We haven't broken a window yet, however. :laugh: I also have times after working out that I can't regulate my body temperature. Its annoying. Its usually after I run. That sucks that yoga messes with your foot so much. I love that workout.

    Laura, thanks for the input on the mower. We're hoping its right around $100.

    Sina, welcome! I lost 15 pounds 2 challenges ago, so its totally doable. You just have to bust your butt.

    Pam, you'll totally be able to do P90X after shredding. It'll be really hard at first, but then it will get better. But it will always kick your butt. I'm on my last week and I still thought I might die when I was working out this morning.

    Jenn, your puppies are SO STINKIN' CUTE!

    Lauren, I love fiber one bars for chocolate cravings. I also really love Clif mini bars - 100 cals and the chocolate chip one totally fools my head into thinking I've had a chocolate chip cookie. Yum!

    manda, I think one of the best things you can do for your kids is be a good example of how to live a healthy life. They'll catch on soon enough!

    Ashley, we do have a couple people juggling school, and if not school, then work and kids and just general life madness.

    Kendal, yay for Mr. Reunion pics! Awesome!

    Karen, can't wait to see the pics, and I think good for you with the house. You'll find the perfect one, it just might take some time.

    Hailie, I don't know how you handle 12 hours in the pool. I would be a dried up, pruney mess. ick!

    wiggle, Allie, and Briana, welcome! Tell us more about you and jump right in!

    Amy, that blows that the hubbs is going to be gone longer, but omg - Italy! Awesome! That will be amazing. You best take tons of pics and share.

    Katie, I never thought I'd like doing work out videos, but now that I have a dedicated space for it in my basement, its kinda like my own personal gym. Plus I always get really self conscious at the gym (you know, the "do I look stupid? am i doing this right? am i the chubbiest person here?" kind of stuff), so its nice to do in the privacy of my home. It must be so hard to not be at home at the same time as your wife. I hated when Chris and I's schedules didn't line up.

    Pam, I think drummers are awesome! If I could be any musician, that would be it. I can play the piano, but I can't rock out on it. My husband (Chris) never stops singing, so I can relate to the tapping... lol.

    Tammy, way to go on the walking! That's awesome!

    As for me, this morning was core synergistics. It totally kicked my butt more than it did last month, but that was because I could do all the moves all the way through, and I didn't have to go to my knees once during any of the push-ups (in your face prison-cell pushups!). When I came upstairs from working out Chris looked at me and said "Holy crap did you get in a fight downstairs? What's the other guy look like?" Yeah... but kicked. Lacey, I was feelin' your pain this morning!

    I really need to get a run in tonight. I didn't run at all last week because my work schedule got so ridiculous... its hard to add a second workout in after work when you are working from 7 am until 7 pm for 3 days in a row.

    What else... ... ... we are going to a beer/barbeque festival in Old Town (the old part of Lansing that has been completely revived and is now full of awesome shops, restaurants, and art galleries) on Friday night with some friends, so that should be fun. Otherwise, we watched the first episode of Falling Skies last night on DVR... anyone else? I love Noah Wyle. I feel like he's a totally underused actor. I'm not sure what I think of the show yet. We'll see. We've also been watching Alias, because we got the whole series for Christmas. I have never seen it. Jennifer Garner is so awesome.

    Ok, that's it for me for now. Have an awesome day ladies!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Oh and Kristina, you have a blog? Is it on here? I want to follow it!
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Kerry, one of the hardest things for me on Shred are the jumping jacks followed by the "jump rope." Those explosive-type cardio moves kill me, which is why I know I'm not even close to being ready for P90X. But someday!! Also, I never saw Alias when it was airing, but I watched all the episodes through Netflix and loved it. I saw Falling Skies too and think it has promise...right now during my treadmill time I've been re-watching Ally McBeal from the beginning via Netflix. It's been so long since I saw it on TV that it's all new to me!

    Jenn, your puppies are really stinkin' cute! I love their True Blood names too. :)
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