200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kerry: I seriously :heart: how much weight you've been able to lose. Seriously, you amaze me!

    My butt is killing me from my bike ride today. I wore my bike shorts with my cushy chamois in it but my sit bones are sooooo freaking sore (already). I think part of it is I was on The Hubbs' bike and his seat is guy-friendly (for the nads and such) but it does NOTHING whatever for those of us lacking in the nads department. Soooo sore.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Check in for yesterday: 2582/2145/427 deficit. Its actually less than that. There are some more m&m's I should log.
    I got 11 1/2 hours of sleep at 85% last night which isn't bad. My effing dogs keep licking and licking and licking and licking in the middle of the night. They sleep on a dog bed on the floor in our room. Tonight they are moving out for a night. Its an every night occurence and when I'm sleeping okay its not such a big deal, butt when I'm lacking energy and sleep and cranky, OMG I could seriously have killed them both last night.
    And my daughter is crowding me this morning. 99% of the time I don't mind it...but I had to put a pillow in between us on the couch so she would just give me a bit of room this morning lol.

    My upper body is SO SORE from w1d1 P90x!! Why do they not have a second leg/back work out, you do the whole one all the way through...weird.

    (SOB I hit the wrong button and two responses GONE)

    Kerry - yeay for running and YEAY for weight loss! I think calorie cycling with P90X makes perfect sense.

    Kendal and Amy - if I could keep up with a third thread, I'd totally start a "day after weighing in support group" since so many people seem to do the same thing. Its freaking ridiculous. At least I stopped myself yesterday at m&m's. I have a cherry pie and vanilla icecream I'd bought and planned on having a slice of too.

    Victoria - yeay for running! Have fun doing yard work.

    Amy - this is way back on the thread - my nips hurt thinking about piercing them lol. I've taken several friends to get various piercings and I have to totally look away when its being done. It almost makes me throw up. Which is weird. I've got 8 tattoos, one of which is fairly big, and my nose is pierced lol.
    Rage calories - yeah!! Thats awesome about the bike ride! I'd love to go to the Louvre.

    Pam - Shred girl! Shred!!

    Kendal - yeay for Mr Reunion meeting your bff. I turned on HBO this week but haven't been paying much attn. Does TB start this weekend right? YEAY! I used to work at VS so I have a whole laundry basket full of brand new undies and bras that I can't fit into. I am patiently waiting and am NOT getting rid of them. I never understood the whole deal about wearing nice underclothes until I worked there and now I cannot wait to be able to fit back into the stuff.

    Annette - I agree with you totally - you just have to make sure that the decision to eat bad food one meal or day doesn't turn into the decision to give up.

    Allie - take it easy on the back..you definitely don't want to prolong the recovery. My lower back is super sensitive and sometime i worry about doing push ups in P90X because I don't use my core as much as I need to and can feel it giving a bit. Post as much as you want!!

    Katie - Once I'm done posting this I am pushing play....have you worked out yet??
    Coco - Welcome!! Dont' be upset about your weight, you are here now..its time to focus on the goals you listed. YOU can do it!!

    Crystal - this whole thing takes time. Hell I've been trying to lose the same 10 lbs for over a year now. Never give up on yourself. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with some rebounditis, play girl! Play!

    Manda - slow and steady and consistent does win the race!

    Sarah - yeay for getting closer to being done with the audit! Boo for water weight. I too need to focus on changing up how i eat food too I think.

    And with that I am for the most part caught up!!

    Time to get dressed and knock out some Kenpo...and maybe the third day of week 5 as well. If not, I will do that tonight!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kerry: I seriously :heart: how much weight you've been able to lose. Seriously, you amaze me!

    My butt is killing me from my bike ride today. I wore my bike shorts with my cushy chamois in it but my sit bones are sooooo freaking sore (already). I think part of it is I was on The Hubbs' bike and his seat is guy-friendly (for the nads and such) but it does NOTHING whatever for those of us lacking in the nads department. Soooo sore.

    There should really be a seat designed for women...to protect the vag and butt bones more. (Sorry for the crassness, but its flat out true lol!)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Okay ladies I need some suggestions.....Gracie can't really drink cow milk or eat all that much cheese as we think she is slightly allergic to it. She doesn't like rice milk anymore and she doesn't really like almond or soy milk. I'm worried about calcium and bones growing strong. I don't want brittle bones for her later in life.

    Any suggestions??
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    LAcey- the few times I've been in VS, I NEVER saw my bra size. You wouldn't think a 40dd would be hard to find, but apparently they don't cater to me. As far as G's calcium.....yogurt? flinstone viatmins? I dunno...??
  • GonnaDoItJenn
    GonnaDoItJenn Posts: 131 Member
    Just checking in really quick to say I am down 1.4 lbs to 316.1! I've passed the 20 lb mark! Happy Dance All Around!

    I will go back and read later !:)
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Lacey-viactiv calcium chews. Milk made me ill all 3 of my pregnancies, so I ate those. Come in many varied yummy flavors & one is equal to 2 glasses of milk calcium wise. My kids inhale dairy now, so no need for them in my house anymore, well, I may go back to eating them, b/c I don't drink milk & now I don't eat enough cheese & ice cream to get all the calcium I used to! LOL!

    Amy-rage calories...can you burn extra when doing a normal exercise WHILE pissed off? Like maybe cleaning your kids bathroom for the millionth time (this is like a daily thing because my sons CAN'T flippin AIM!!!) Sorry! Hope the bike situation gets better...& that the hiney hurtin goes away fast!

    Kendal-I figured out, thanks to a nifty online calculator, that apparently, unless I SERIOUSLY lose some up top, Lane Bryant might be the only place I'll be getting bras...as I've been wearing them TOO SMALL!! Which my hubby thinks is funny, but me, not so much, as it's been hard enough to find them! Thanks again for code!

    Kerry-awesome loss!!

    Crystal-glad the word gave ya a giggle!!

    Sarah-can I go with you?

    And oh crap it's time for a ballgame, will have to answer more later...but on a good note, dealership checked car, couldn't find anything wrong & it's running, so let's hope for best!
  • Ahh, thank you to everyone for the advice. :) I'm considering changing my schedule as much as possible. ^__^

    I got my bike, but I was a little too optimistic that it would go well so didn't order a bike seat to accommodate my fabulous badunkadunk. >___< Ah, well. Hindsight and all that.

    But in better news, I'm down to 347.2! Wooohoo. :D

    Good job, Jenn! Keep up the good work, it's inspiring to see people making their goals. :)
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kendal-I figured out, thanks to a nifty online calculator, that apparently, unless I SERIOUSLY lose some up top, Lane Bryant might be the only place I'll be getting bras...as I've been wearing them TOO SMALL!! Which my hubby thinks is funny, but me, not so much, as it's been hard enough to find them! Thanks again for code!
    TMI ALERT...I told yall Mr. Reunion has very skilled hands....well, he can unsnap my bra with his left hand from outside my shirt (he's right handed).....it's a nice skill and all, but unless I'm taking my bra off for good, I want to keep it on and at first he didn't understand that. He told me that most of the women he had been with were more comfortable without bras on because it would dig into their sides. I told him something like "well those crazy b i t c h e s need to get some bras that fit cause they shouldn't dig into anything!" He laughed. lol

    Moral of the story: get a bra that fits! lol
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Ashley - Haha! I actually tried that when we went shopping the other day. Um, no, it didn't work. Basically, I have to find a demi B for it to even remotely fit well. Oh well. I'm with you though, I'm TOTALLY ok with being small boobed. All of the women in my mom's family going back 3 or 4 generation and down all the tree branches are either SERIOUSLY big boobed or age REALLY well. I'm happy with the straw I drew. :bigsmile:

    Allie - Welcome! It is frustrating when you put the weight back on, I've done it few times since I started in January. It's important to say lesson learned and strive to move forward with a clean slate. Easier said than done, but trust me when I say this group of women is great for moral support.

    Annette - Thanks for being my cheerleader!

    Kendal - Sorry you're missing out on a beautiful day. I hate when it's nice out and I have to sleep through it. After a good loss, I sometimes find myself thinking 'just a little more junk wont hurt.' It is hard to break that cycle and I know that some days I do feel scared that I'm losing weight. I worry that I'll just gain it all back plus more, or that the wife will feel self-conscious about her weight (that one really gets me sometimes and I KNOW has slowed my progress recently), or any number of other things. I've mentioned some of it to my therapist and it has helped. If this continues to be a pattern for you, it might be worth seeing someone. Your company might even have an Employee Assistance Program that offers a few free sessions with a counselor to see if that helps, check with HR.

    Pam - Mmmm... homemade pesto sounds good.

    Tammy - Yay for the loss!

    Amy - I think I'm a glutton for punishment as well. Although I think I also do it to confirm that I'm feeling bloated and to see if it's gone down at all. I know, just excuses, still a glutton. Way to go on the bike ride. I know I would've given up after all that.

    Manda - 1.5 lbs is great!

    Ok, just looked at the clock and need to stop if I'm going to make it to the gym in time to do everything I want to do before they close at 6p. I woke up this morning and I'm back into the 230s, just barely. And, that has me motivated to get back to the gym. I'll finish reading and responding when I get back.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: The calcium from supplements is not as bioavailable as calcium derived from food sources unless taken in doses smaller than 500 mg - it also kind of depends on what type of calcium the supplement is made from. Children need 1300 mg of calcium per day. You are very right to be concerned about Gracie's calcium intake as right now she is building up her bone mass. The body is very odd about how it deals with calcium. The blood levels of calcium stay constant whether or not the calcium intake is adequate. If a person is not taking in enough calcium, the body takes the needed calcium from the bones. Over time, this leads to a reduction in bone mass and can lead to osteoporosis later in life. Good sources of calcium include: calcium-fortified juices and cereals and breads, sardines with bones (yuck!), figs, broccoli, almonds, sesame seeds, pinto beans, sweet potatoes, yogurt, cauliflower, watercress, bok choy, mustard & turnip greens, tofu, as well as some mineral waters (some containing as much as 500 mg of calcium per liter). The calcium in spinach, swiss chard and rhubarb contain binders that do not allow the body to absorb the calcium contained in the food so they are not reliable sources of calcium. Sorry for being long-winded, I just thought I'd give you most of what I learned about calcium from my nutrition text and you can take it from there!

    ETA: If you do decide on a supplement, talk with G's pediatrician to decide how much she should get. FYI- calcium inhibits iron absorption so don't take supplements with a meal containing iron.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Thanks everyone. Amy I dont really like using supplements like that either so thanks for the info. I will make sure to look for some calcium fortified juice and shove more yogurt down her throat lol.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Lacey: It's really not hard to get calcium from whole foods: yogurt (about 350 mg) +1 oz of hard cheese like cheddar (240 mg) + 1 cup of sweet potato (70mg) + 1 cup of fortified OJ (300mg)+ 3 oz of salmon (180 mg) + another glass of juice or yogurt and you're over your requirement for the day.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    LAcey- the few times I've been in VS, I NEVER saw my bra size. You wouldn't think a 40dd would be hard to find, but apparently they don't cater to me. As far as G's calcium.....yogurt? flinstone viatmins? I dunno...??

    Sometimes they will carry up to a 40D but thats the highest. I'm not sure online though. They JUST started carrying XL underwear a couple years ago. They definitely cater to smaller women which is some sort of BS IMO...but it is what it is. All I can say is that hands down they are the Best bras.
    Wacoal at Macys are pretty close.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Kendall - I was going to ask how Mr. Reunion was doing, but seems like things are going well...! :wink:

    Lacey - Thank you. :heart: My logic at this point, is maybe a rebound is worth it. Who knows, maybe it'll end up being more than that. :tongue: And thanks for reminding me not to give up... *just keep swimmin'...just keep swimmin'...* lol. Also, I don't know if you've tried it but I HATE (like HATE HATE HATE) milk but grew a fondness for Silk's Vanilla soy milk. It's nummy. If you haven't tried that with Gracie, maybe it's worth a shot? Otherwise a supplement of some sort is better than nothing, I suppose but yea, I'd check with her doctor.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Katie: That's so funny! My mom and I are both aging pretty gracefully (I still have people thinking I'm 19 or 20 and I'm almost 25) and my mom is 47 and just now started looking like she's even in her 40s. We both are not as "cursed" up top, except she was so unproductive that her mom paid for her to have surgery when she was 18. She was a B on one side and not quite an A on the other side, so I figure it was justified. Haha.

    Kendall: So it looks like I have the exact opposite problem. You don't find a 42-44 A anywhere... hahaha!!

    My Stats today are 2660burn/1586intake/1074def

    I weighed this morning just to see and I was down another pound, but I don't trust it. I'm waiting until Monday to actually log my weight. It also TOM, so I'm thinking I might be a little stagnant, but we'll see.

    I changed my goal to 1.5 lbs a week loss, because I'm only eating about 1500cals anyway. If I go over, so be it, but I want to stay around there.

    One more thing, I'm think about going to Nepal in a year or two, so I have another motivation for getting my weight down. I don't know how well I would do in Nepal at 245lbs. I could do it, but it would be way better if I were smaller.

    Ok, so Good night y'all

  • Hi All - it's Sunday early arvo here. So productive today - pump class and food shopping first thing. Then made some freshly squeezed orange juice and stewed apple I might use later on with a healthy apple crumble or something. The house smells lovely with fresh washing and cinnamon and I'm resting for a moment with my heat pack on my back. It coped well with pump class, and even though I was really careful with the weights and movements I still worked hard. Felt great.

    I'm loving reading all of your posts. I find it's a bit hard to follow sometimes, but I'll get used to it! I thought I might start to get to know everyone with a set of questions - if you have time to answer...

    1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?

    Love Allie
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Amy-I need to start talking to you! I HATE all the supplements I take. Dr has me on OTC doses, but they make me gag. I "miss" them more often now that I'm eating healthier & such, but it's hard to not take them, as I have to take B, iron, plus a C to make sure I absorb it so that he doesn't make me take prescription, and then magnesium & zinc to go with my migraine meds...and some of them at different times b/c they'll cancel the other out, or something like that. Blech! I try going for foods I know that have what I need. As it is, I at least found brazil nuts to give me the selenium I'm supposed to take...which I don't. But I'm not sure what else. I'm thinking of asking him to refer me to a nutritionist instead. And you are creepin me out...you & my BFF Amii posted same link on FB!! I sent you both a message about it b/c it struck me funny!!

    Lacey-I like Amy's idea better anyway! You're awesome for avoiding supplements if you can!! Kids get too much junk as it is!

    Jenn-yay 20 lbs gone!! AWESOME!!

    Kendal-I had guys that would do that to me in high school, as the flippin bell would ring...so don't miss having to try & hook the bra while walking to class! LOL! Esp since it's MUCH bigger now...I gained a cup size PER KID! And I wasn't tiny to start with. *sigh*

    I'm SOO tired. The ballgame/picnic got rained out...sort of. We moved it into the school, so the kids played wiffle ball & I was score keeper for some of it. Ate too much so HAD to come home & Zumba...which my 7yr old was trying to do with me & said "mom, that's just too hard!" He's so cute!

    I know there are others I should respond to, but I need sleep before church tomorrow. NIght!!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Today was kind of a do-nothing day for my hubby and I. I was supposed to go to a barbeque for work but I wasn't feeling very hot after breakfast so we skipped out. Got in a good workout this afternoon and I'm kind of in that lethargic happy place that comes after a good workout. Not really conducive to gaming, so my husband keeps saying I've failed my perception checks without letting me roll for them.

    Gonna answer Allie's questions too while I'm thinking of them:
    1. How do you cope with the urge to eat to suppress emotions?
    2. What do you look forward to each day?
    3. What is the most important change to weightloss you have made so far?
    4. What is one of your internal strengths that is supporting your weight loss journey?
    5. Who is the first person you will call when you meet your goal weight?

    1. While I comfort eat, it's never been the main reason why I overeat. I'm a bored eater and a foodie more than a comfort eater. I've basically replaced comfort eating with workout endorphins.
    2. Curling up on the couch with my husband after my workout. I feel good and tired all over, and he usually smells kinda good.
    3. I've completely stopped buying most of my old binge foods, and I work out at least 4 days a week. Both of those are HUGE for me.
    4. I feel so good about myself now. I used to feel fat and ugly and gross, and now I see myself as kind of a work of art in progress. I look in the mirror and I think, "Damn, I'm cute!" And I'm immensely proud of how much progress I've made. I can do this!
    5. I'll tell my hubby first, and then I'll post it all over Facebook (with pictures) and on MFP, haha.

    mandaj: I don't think I could handle weekly weigh-ins... I really like tracking my weight all week and seeing how it fluctuates. I hope you had a good one this morning :).

    Crystal: Rebounding isn't always a bad thing. My relationship with my husband started as a rebound 9 years ago.

    Coco: Welcome to the group! Those look like some great goals :). Your starting weight is pretty close to what mine was when I started at MFP in January, and I just started shopping at normal stores this month. You can definitely do it!

    Katie: Yep, that definitely sounds like water weight. Hope you shed it soon! I remember a few months back I was hovering between 238 and 241 for about 3 weeks, though I tended to luck out and be down on weigh-in days. But the next day I'd shoot back up again. Also, I'm halfway between a B/C cup and I was a 44 band size up until recently. It sucks! It's nearly impossible to find anything nice that fits!

    Ashley: Another odd bra size sister! Doesn't it stink? I'm currently shoehorning myself into a 40C (the band is slightly too small) because a 42C is too big (the cup is gappy). I'd probably fit a 42B but a 40C is easier to find. Also, I find sustaining at a ~1.5 lb/week loss rate to be totally doable. That's what I've been doing pretty much since January and that's pretty much what I've been averaging.

    Allie: Post when you like :). I tend to catch up every 2-3 days. Weigh-ins are over the weekend (any time between Friday and Monday).

    Annette: Hi! :)

    Kendal: Ugh, sodium is my nemesis as well. I changed my goal to 1500 mg/day but I count it a victory if I'm under 2000.

    Pam: Hope you managed to work out despite the tiredness.

    Tammy: Aww, hope you feel better soon! Congrats on the loss--55 lbs is amazing!

    Amy: Sounds like your bike ride was quite the adventure, and not necessarily in the best way! I hope your bike has an easy and fairly inexpensive fix. Hooray for spending quality time with the kid, though :). I think I'm stealing the phrase 'Rage Calories'.

    Victoria: Way to go! You and your running skills are pretty amazing and inspiring.

    Kerry: Wow, way to go on the 5K! That is awesome! Also, I too have a serious love of food. I would be in heaven if I could keep eating and eating and lose weight.

    Lacey: Have I mentioned how awesome I think you are for doing P90X? I'm looking forward to starting--I'd start on Monday if I wasn't leaving for vacation in less than 2 weeks.

    Jenn: Congrats on the loss!

    Karen: Good luck with the car :).

    lovebites: Good job with the loss this week. That's fantastic!

    And that's a lot of typing so I'll stop now.
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Ok, wow. This thread moves fast!

    I think I got all caught up with reading, but I can not possibly respond to all of it.

    My faves: Rage calories. I am stealing this to use in the future - for sho!

    NSV: I went down an entire bra size...this week. I ran 4.08 miles in 52 minutes (12:45 mile) which is 2 min/mile faster than my personal best. And! I did Day 6 of Level 1 30 Day Shred. (Great excercise day.)

    Food: Boo. I ate pizza AND Smokey Macaroni and Cheese today. I stayed under my calories but feel seriously bloated.

    I need to find a scale to weigh in on, since I sent mine home with a friend. I couldn't stay off of it and it was affecting me emotionally, so off it went. I will find one tomorrow and post it. :)

    I promise to try to get to know you all so I can post more specifically.
This discussion has been closed.