200+ Fryin' the Fat



  • hkallembach
    hkallembach Posts: 485
    My mind is exploding. My high school won't give me my diploma. Yeah, I'm ticked. I'm registered at U of M-Ann Arbor for this fall. I could punch a wall. Life is busy and too stressful. After next week I'll be more active in this thread--if not feel free to PM me and tell me to get my butt in gear! :)

    Amy: My goal about trying new things and expanding my horizons is because I'm going on an adventure to London and Paris! Whhoooopppp! Yeppers, I'm a little scared. :)
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy - will definitely stick to Italy then :love:

    Hailie - WTF happened? That is insane!!!!

    Well folks I'm not working out tonight. And I'm overeating. I have several excuses in my head - I'm tired, I'm sore, I'm a douche. But the fact of the matter is is that I am choosing to do it even though I saw the number go down on the scale this morning. Why do we continually do this I wonder? At any rate, I am not long for the world.
    Tomorrow and Sunday I plan on doing double ups on the work outs - two P90X work outs per day...so please crack that whip at me and make me move this weekend!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Hey everyone, just checking in. I'm up 4 lbs since my start weight... just love all that water weight I get at this point in my cycle. I'm hoping I shed enough of it to at least break even with last week's weigh-in by the end of the weekend, since while my eating hasn't been great I've been under maintenance every day. Too many afternoon carbs again.

    Work is still crazy and I've got no energy. It's not fun trying to cover off three jobs for two weeks. At least I'm making progress on getting my audit response completed. Next year I am NOT leaving it until nine days before it's due!

    Two more weeks until vacation. Two more weeks until vacation. Two more weeks until vacation.
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    lacey: great job on the work out! ive been wanting to try P90! and i know what you mean about why do we continue doing this to ourselves... idk! im sure over time it gets easier :/

    pam: ive never heard of garlic scapes either.. are they the same as garlic cloves? O.o

    katie: awesome that those pants are loose! wow! i hope you get to take them back and get the 18's :D

    halie: what happened? why won't they give you your diploma? that's awful!!!

    sarah: so sorry... i know how that is.. us women LOL... why do we have to have such a hard time with things like that? urgh!

    Well, today was a much better day! weigh in is tomorrow.. hoping im down! i dont think i lost 2 lbs... but im pretty sure it's at least one.. urgh! it's so slow you know? But what is that quote from the tortoise and the hare? "slow and steady wins the race." haha! sure is slow... and hopefully i keep making the right choices to keep it steady :)
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    HEY KENDALL!!!! :bigsmile: Definitely sucks to not meet up to your expectations when they're set too high. Not making my goals nearly impossible should help, and giving myself some leeway was kinda what I was going for (especially seeing as how I didn't log today and ate very poorly again... :grumble: ) But at least SAYING that keeps me accountable. Tomorrow is a new day to pick myself back up and try again.

    Thank you. Yea, having the new guy helps some - moreso in the self-esteem aspect as I do still miss the ex quite a bit. :ohwell: And being my daughter's father, once again, there is no avoiding him or situations with him. Life goes on, at least I have a bit more positive outlook even though I'm still sad about it if I think about it too much...

    Karen - I missed you guys too! Yea... I got just a few messages... :wink: Hahaha, you guys weren't kidding about not letting me give up! And I appreciate it. :happy:

    I may end up with some "rebounditis" (love the made up word, lol) regardless given the circumstances but taking it slow should help that a little I hope. And thank you. :smile: I'm happy I feel like things are looking up somewhat.

    Lacey - You're my favorite pest. :tongue: Hahaha, thanks for bugging me back into gear. *hugs*

    Katie - small goals are it for me! Disappointed in myself, but life is just too much to have diet and exercise be the focus of every moment of every day. So although I am proud of my 30 lb weight loss, I think it's time to take things a bit slower so I don't get too overwhelmed.

    It's great to be back, I've missed you all!!! And hello to all of you that I haven't met yet. *waves*

    Weigh in for this week 215. I know I disappeared and therefore, was not on this challenge's beginning chart, but I was 217 last week. (How? Beats me... lol.)
  • Coco187
    Coco187 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi my name is Coco and I would like to join. I have been holding on to these same pounds for the last 5 years. I am so glad that I found this sight. My goals sre as follow:

    1. Feel better
    2. Be able to jog
    3. come off my blood pressure meds
    4. Be able to shop at a non-plus size store (OMG, this would be sooooo good)
    5. Add more years to my my life with a healthy life style.

    This could be an endless list. I'm looking to have a life style transformation.
    so, count me in. My starting weight is 250.06:(
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Annette - Hope you continue feeling better.

    Amy - Free is free!

    Lauren - 3 pounds! Way to go!

    Kendal - Dang girl, talk about underwear collection. I can't wait to get down to a more "average" size, so I can buy more cute bras. I'm a 44B, which is extremely find that fits correctly as I'm barely a B cup to begin with. Once I get down to at least a 36 or 38 I should have more luck. I hope Lexi is ok, but that is funny. Fingers crossed for the job!

    Karen - That sucks with the car. I hope the dealership will take care of it without cost. Thanks for the hand back on the wagon!

    Hailie - That sucks! Will your high school say why they are holding it?

    Lacey - Ok, let's make a pact. We will BOTH workout tomorrow. No excuses!

    Sarah - Boo on water weight! I'm having problems with that as well. Yay! for vacation coming up.

    Coco - Welcome! I can't wait to shop at non-plus size stores either!

    Weigh-in... 240.6

    Check-in for Friday... 1938 burned / 1607 consumed / 331 deficit - No exercise :frown:

    As for weigh-in, I think I netted a zero. I was down to 238.8 for one whooping day and then shot up to 241.6 in water weight, so much for being in the 230s. I had a deficit everyday, so I'm assuming it's water weight. I'm not sure where my motivation has gone, hoping it will return once TOM is over.
  • Ashrenalls
    Ashrenalls Posts: 88 Member
    Ok, for the day i"m 3066burned/1769consumed/1297deficit

    My weight is 245.8

    Katie: I have the same issue with bras. I usually end up buying a 40 or 42 C that is padded and shaped nicely and hope that no one notices. Haha. I can't wait to be able to go pick up a 34 or 36A or B (I really don't know what I'll be at that size) and fit into it. I'm totally cool with not having big boobs, but right now I'm seriously disproportional. I have a huge butt though, so that's good I guess...haha...

    Night y'all

  • Hi All,

    Just wondering how this works? Do we post each day? Or each week?

    I am having a bit of a down day...My first week back and it looks like I dropped a bit of weight and put it straight back on. I've been ok with counting calories, and making mostly good choices. Back to exercising again this week with 3 30 minute runs and some walking. I don't want to do too much more as I'm recovering from a lower back disc injury. Anyway, I guess I need to be patient!

  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Allie: don't be too hard on yourself or too focussed on teh scales. Yes, we all want to lose the weight but, overall this is a lie style change that we need to make - healthier choices of food, exercise becoming part of the routine of life, clothes being in more supply/variety. SO, don't get too hung up on the scales (they are mean) and think more about the better choices you have made - the exercises you have completed. Oh, and you can post as often as you like.

    Crystal: sooooo pleased you are back - was beginning to worry about you!! One goal per cahlllenge is more than enough - be kind to yourself. Also 30lbs lost is massive - I am sure there is nothing wrong with consolidating that loss, maintaining the changes already made, relaxing with yourself abit, before moving forward. Hope things with the new guy go well - remember though, you are an individual, defined by yourself - and now your daughter - and love comes from within.

    Katie: I am feeling sooo much better now. Didn't go for the jog this morning - my exercise partner dropped out and that was all the excuse I needed. Glad you doing so weel and with regards the drop - keep hold of the postivies that continue in your life - you get out of bed - yeah!!!!!!!

    Coco: welcome. Awesome goals for long term life change. Sometimes it helps to break these down into simple/reachable in six weeks goals to help keep going. May be something to think about??

    Lacey: Why do we do these things to ourselves. I'm beginning to estbalsih that when the choices like those you highlighted are made, there needs to be an almost 'so be it' about it, with each next choice being a whole new thing and eventually the choices improve. Taking out the guilt and self loathing for such 'weakness' is proving so the way to go. Good luck with your exercise over the weekend.

    Ashley: love the fact that you are so willing to pray for us - thank you.

    Karen: can't believe so many things being rubbish right now. Tomorrow is a new day and may it bring with it more positive 'vibes'.

    Kendal: Glad to hear your co-worker not excessively poorly and still praying that your job option goes well.

    Am aware I have missed out many people, but love to you all.

    Annette xx
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Good morning. I'm still fighting massive amounts of sodium. Since I won't be having turkey meatballs for any meal today, I'm hoping I can drink enough to get the scale to go down to my Thursday weight. I'm working 9 hours of overtime from home today. Boo. It's pretty outside. But my family has gone camping and Mr. Reunion has his girls this weekend. I'm not sure what the bff is up to....I told her I didn't have the right book in the Sookie Stackhouse series and she told me I could go over to her house anytime and get it, she and her husband would be in and out most of the day. The bff will finally get to meet Mr. Reunion tomorrow. We are going to their house to watch True Blood.

    anyways, need to get working....
  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,129 Member
    Saturday weigh-in: 228.4. Boo. I hope to see a better loss next week!

    Manda, from what I can tell, garlic scapes are apparently what you get before you get the garlic clove we're used to seeing. We're making some pesto with them today; I can't wait to try it! :)

    So tired today for some reason...must...force...myself...to go Shred...right now...
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    Not feeling well... long story. Not allowed to workout for a few days. But I wanted to weigh in because at least that's a happy spot for me today.

    317.0 officially 55 lbs gone!

    Hope you all have a great weekend.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Pam: Mmmm..pesto is my favorite!

    Kendal: 9 hours of overtime on Saturday sucks (even though extra money is A-OK). YAY for True Blood!!! I'm so glad it's starting back up!!!!

    Allie: Welcome! Many of us post every day (some of us several times a day) but you only HAVE to post your weight once a week.

    Katie: I find it not useful to weigh in during my TOM as I retain so much water. So I still do it?? Yes - I'm a glutton for punishment but I don't "count" it.

    Coco: Welcome! I've just started shopping in non-plus size stores and it feels AWESOME. You'll be there before you know it if you stick with it!!!

    Crystal: I'm soooo glad you're back with us.

    Lacey: Damn girl, you could have been in my head yesterday!!! I only did a walk with the dog for exercise and I ate pizza for both lunch & dinner (we ordered pizza at the bowling alley and then brought the leftovers home for dinner - normally The Hubbs would have been with us and the pizza never would have made it to dinner - he decimates pizza like it's his JOB). Then I ate s'mores with The Kid. I KNEW I shouldn't do it as my scale has been nice enough to move downward this week but I did it anyway. Did I do any exercise to make up for it? Hellz no. I suck. I'm over it though and doing better today.

    Hailie: WTF is up with not getting your diploma? That's insane!! London is one of my favorite cities on EARTH!!! It's so cool! I keep planning on getting to Paris but I always seem to end up in Italy instead. I'll get there though, I gotta see the Lourve while I'm on this side of the Atlantic. When are you going to London and Paris?

    This morning I woke up and took advantage of the temporary lack of rain and went mountain biking with The Kid. It was kind of a disaster at first. We got halfway down a big hill and then had to carry our bikes through a huge mud pit as a gi-freaking-normous tree had fallen down during the storm the other day and was blocking the path. We got past that and got almost down to the valley when one of my spokes broke. Now, I've had problems with this bike since we moved here as the movers seemed to bend my back wheel which ended up breaking spokes and I got the wheel replaced a month or so ago. This spoke broke on the OTHER wheel. So, I'm sure the wheel is bent like the other one was and I'll have to replace that one to fix the problem. Grrrrr. So, we walked our bikes back UP the hill and through the mud pit to get back to the house so I could switch my broken bike for The Hubbs' not-broken bike. (Ok, I'll be honest, if it was just me - I would have stayed home at that point but The Kid was soooo excited about getting to the lake in the valley and we hadn't made it there so I didn't just say "screw it" and stay at home like I wanted to). I'm glad I went though cuz I got some great pictures of waterlilies once we finally got to the lake. And I burned near 900 calories (although the first 200 were rage calories - LOL).
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Check-in for Friday 3006 cal burned with exercise my hour long bike ride. Today started out great with my 8 mile run at 13:30 pace. My friend will be out of town next weekend - I'm fearful that I'll slow down to a snails pace without her. At least I have the 10K on the 4th. I know I'll run faster for that. DH is calling for me to start yardwork. I see today as another 4000+ cal day. I'm already at 1908 and not even 10 am... I'll touch base with everyone soon...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- LOL for Rage Calories!!!

    Why do I sabotage myself? Every time I see a good loss, I blow it in the following days and get stuck. I think I need therapy. Why am I so scared to lose weight now?? Freezing the Kit Kats did not help, btw. They are just as edible frozen as they are room temperature. I'm devouring them.

    I normally drink tea at work and that's how I get my water intake (decaffeinated tea and I use 3 packets of Sweet N Low for every 32oz cup I fill). So I figured I needed to make tea at home or else I would drink soda all day.

    I use the off brand of splenda....yeah, yeah, I know I shouldn't. That's not the point of this story. I bought some truvia cause I was told its better for me *its also WAY more expensive!! >:-( I had asked my mom about it and she said truvia measured the same as sugar. So I made a jug of tea and threw in a cup of truvia and a cup of splenda stuff. OMG TOO SWEET. Then I look at the truvia label and it says 3/4 tbsp is like 2 tbsp of sugar. I had to make another 2/3 jug of tea and blend it all together and its still sweeter than I'm used to. Lesson learned.
  • manda2j
    manda2j Posts: 63
    ok! newbie questions... what in tarnations does TOM and NSV mean? LOL!!!

    Check-in for the week!!!!!! 212.5! woop! didn't lose the 2 lbs.. but it was more than 1, 1.5 to be exact, so yee haw!

    Got a busy day planned today ladies.. I'll have to check back in and catch up on everything this evening :) You are all awesome! and doing fantastic from what I see... let's not let the little mistakes or the bad days bring us down! we're on this journey together and we're doing great!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: You, Me & Lacey need to start a self-sabotager support group! I do the same thing as u do when I'm doing well and then I ef it all up. Bummer about ruining your sweet tea with too much "sweet". I did want to say that if Splenda was your sweetener of choice, you really don't need to change it. Artificial sweeteners act similarly in the body so you don't really need to pick one over the other and stevia (the sweetener in Truvia) isn't even legal as a sweetener in some countries. People seem to think it's healthier because it's plant based but it's been processed (you aren't eating a green leaf are u - that's what stevia looks like in plant form) so it isn't any different than the chemistry that developed Splenda. Just go with what works for you.

    manda: TOM is time of the month and NSV is Non-scale victory. Congrats on your loss this week!

    Victoria: Great run!!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    ok! newbie questions... what in tarnations does TOM and NSV mean? LOL!!!
    TOM- time of the month
    NSV- non-scale victory (clothes fitting better, having super strong will power and eating a healthier option than you would have in the past, being able to do something easier than the first time you did it, stair not creaking when you step on it :wink: )
    and some others:::
    DH- darling husband....at first I thought it meant dumb (*kitten*) husband....but thats cause my husband was dumb. thats why we aren't together anymore.
    SO- significant other
    IMHO- in my honest opinion or in my humble opinion
    C25K- couch to 5k (running program)
    W1D1- week 1 day 1 of a certain exercise program (W3D5 = week 3 day 5....that's how that works)

    yeah, I'm having to dilute my tea again cause it still tastes as sweet as cotton candy to me

    Thanks for the advice on the splenda Amy....I like my splenda and sweet n low. My dentist told me years ago that I needed to switch to artificial sweetner for the sake of my teeth so I've stuck with it.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Hey kids!

    Whoa, I'm posting on Saturday... yeah, that's a first.

    Too much beer at Festival of the Moon last night = lots of head pain today. But I just finished core synergistics in spite of it. (2 more days, 2 more days, 2 more days...)

    Kendal, there is NO way I could have Kit-Kats in the house. Or any candy besides M&Ms. I can control myself with M&Ms or gummy candies, but you put a Twix or a Milky Way bucket in front of me? I'm eating the whole bucket for sho.

    Amy, RAGE calories crack me up. Good stuff. I'm sorry about the pizza/s'mores fiasco - trouble.

    Kristina, thanks for posting the link to your blog!

    Everyone else - HI! Its Saturday and I'm too lazy to full on post!

    I did forget to weigh in with you guys yesterday, so KRISTINA! I'm at 182.3. Sometimes, I really love my scale.

    Every now and then I think that maybe I'm on to something with allowing myself higher calories on the weekends. Maybe I'm calorie cycling and making my body work harder? LOL - no, pretty sure I'm just eating because food is incredible. Imagine a world where the more you ate, the skinnier you got... that's the kind of world I want to live in.

    I totally RAN a 5k yesterday. No run/walk combo. Just ran. I walked for 5 minutes to start, and then walked another 10 at the end, so I went a total of 4.3 miles, but 3.2 of those miles were straight up running. It felt amazing. I sort of didn't want to stop. I just wanted to run and run and run. Except for the freaking hills in my neighborhood start to get kind of daunting. I would like to find a relatively flat area to run distance on soon, just to see how much further I could go without spending 30% of my run going uphill.

    Sorry this is so scattered and random. I think we are gonna rock a big old bike ride this afternoon since its sunny and 70 out. Perfect! Happy weekend ladies!
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