Allycat1134 Member


  • What sparked my interest in making a change is how bad I've been feeling... Depression due to too many things going on at once in my life and has taken a toll on my mentally & physically. I really don't think my workouts are that hard. I've been taking it pretty slow to start. As you suggested though, I probably will get a…
  • I know you were referring to my post lol & I totally agree with you! It's definitely been a work in progress, getting her to prefer healthier snacks & she's been doing really good. She's seen the changes I've been making & she's been following my lead. But she is a kid after all, & I don't mind letting her have a Pecan…
  • The Smoothie place I go to at times uses Turbinado sugar, which supposedly is a little better than regular sugar but they use quite a bit of it. I ask them to skip the sugar, or at least cut it by more than half. They shouldn't have a problem doing that.
  • I'm guilty of it also... Doesn't help that I have chips, & various snacks in the pantry for my daughter! I'll look at the Pecan swirl as I grab the almonds lol I've also had the same can of Pepsi I stare down every time I open the fridge for over a month. Pure torture lol My recent diet changes are definitely testing my…
  • Wow! Thanks for all the responses! Definitely helped narrow it down to a select few... Now to start searching for some deals! And I really liked the idea of freezing everything & using less ice! I feel kinda silly for not thinking of that before, but I'll wait to try it when I get the new blender lol My Smoothie today, I…
  • Thanks for the responses! I've looked into the Nutribullet, but I read a few people saying it's not good for using ice in them, & I love my Smoothies cold! So I wasn't sure if that was going to be a good blender for me. And the Vitamix? Yeah, I know those are amazing & well worth it, but way out of my league money wise.…
  • Thanks!