New to this

Hello! Figured I'd join in on the introductions & see if there's anyone else here with the same goals as me.
All my life I've always been skinny & not very athletic. My eating habits? Horrible! I've never been one to eat salads, fruits, & veggies... People always wonder how I stay so skinny & "in shape", but truth is I am in terrible shape & am finally feeling the effects of my choices.
Past few months I've been battling depression & have lost all motivation to do anything. It's taken a toll on me mentally and physically. But recently, I've decided to make a change & regain control of my life. It's been a slow process, but it's going. Some good days, some bad. My goal is to open my pallette to healthier foods, get in a good workout routine to build my energy up, & finally get some muscle definition!! I'm not trying to lose weight, but gain healthy weight/muscle.
I'm open to any ideas, suggestions, & advice... And hopefully return the favor to others in the future.
