Snacking from boredom

sometimes I get bored and just feel like eating even though I don't "need" to eat. I know it could also because I'm just thirsty. But i drink a glass or 2 of water and wait 15mins after each and i still want to snack when Im just watching a movie or just hanging out. How do I fight the urge to snack?


  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    Get up and move. Go for a walk, do yoga, lift weights, etc.
  • ladybird89
    ladybird89 Posts: 28 Member
    I'm the same way. It's almost like a compulsion. I'd recommend not hanging out near the kitchen, because it makes snacking way too convenient.

    You could also try distracting yourself with beverages other than water. Sparkling water, tea, apple juice (I dilute with water), etc.

    Also finding something to do with your hands can be quite helpful. Have you ever noticed that you crave snacks less when you're reading a book, as opposed to watching TV? Maybe it's just me, but having my hands occupied keeps me focused!
  • if u cant stop yourself light popcorn its like the best snack and u cant even feel guilty about eating it because its awesome and u can find a way to fit it into your macros
  • Allycat1134
    Allycat1134 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm guilty of it also... Doesn't help that I have chips, & various snacks in the pantry for my daughter! I'll look at the Pecan swirl as I grab the almonds lol I've also had the same can of Pepsi I stare down every time I open the fridge for over a month. Pure torture lol My recent diet changes are definitely testing my willpower! Now I'm hungry... Thanks! :tongue:
  • laurie62ann
    laurie62ann Posts: 433 Member
    When I'm bored I go for a walk or read a book. Do something to get your mind busy!
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    Keep a food journal (hand written) and write down every single bite. When you start to write down everything you're eating, it will help curb the mindless snacking - because you will have an idea of how much you've eaten for the day.

    It's helped me so far (I've lost 7 pounds before starting MFP) - I'm also a boredom snacker.
  • lsegatti
    lsegatti Posts: 77 Member
    Try paying attention to the texture or flavor of what you are craving. It is the crunch factor that you are missing...try some celery! Are you seeking sweet try a tic tac or salty....try low salt rice cakes etc. Sorry I cannot do any corn so the popcorn is not an option for me!
  • peanutbutter_runner
    peanutbutter_runner Posts: 36 Member
    Chew sugarless gum or suck on a hard mint. That works for me.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
  • Chazerc
    Chazerc Posts: 17 Member
    Get some low cal snacks. Healthy or not, the 100 calorie popcorn bags are a lifesaver when you're craving a snack. And you have to treat yourself sometimes or your diet becomes like trudging through muddy bog rather than floating on a sea of fitness. ;)
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    I have to give myself something else to do. The number of things I've knitted for people has mysteriously gone up because of this.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    I find it's good to have either plenty of low-cal food like popcorn, or a little of indulgence so you're satiated, like peanut butter or dark chocolate :)
  • RiverBug89
    RiverBug89 Posts: 5 Member
    I hear you!!! Boredom or stressful sedentary work give me the munchies.

    I send the popcorn idea, but not the microwave kind. That stuff is full of chemicals, and it's pricey, and it generates a lot more garbage than the world needs. Just buy a bag of kernels. It's dirt cheap, and the time you have to spend preparing it is just another good habit- not instant gratification!

    Just take a tablespoon of canola oil- not that bad for you! heat it on high in a covered small sauce pan with a few test kernels, and then when those pop, put in 3 TB of kernels, maybe swirl around with the lid covered. Pop in a few minutes. Add whatever toppings you want, in the quantity you want (lets you control your sodium! a tsp of salt goes a lot further than you think)
    That will get you a nice big bowl of popcorn, for about 240 cals. Delicious, guilt free, and really fills you up. And if you can make yourself eat it slowly, one piece at a time... that's a snack that will take you forever to eat :)

    And for those who say they keep the snacks for your kids: maybe time to change that? Isn't that how we all ended up here? Maybe it's not a good habit to form at any age? Why would you let your kids eat something that you think isn't good enough for you to eat? I'm not accusing, just suggesting that maybe we need to change how we think about
  • jeannelabanane
    jeannelabanane Posts: 38 Member
    I hear you!!! Boredom or stressful sedentary work give me the munchies.

    I send the popcorn idea, but not the microwave kind. That stuff is full of chemicals, and it's pricey, and it generates a lot more garbage than the world needs. Just buy a bag of kernels. It's dirt cheap, and the time you have to spend preparing it is just another good habit- not instant gratification!

    Just take a tablespoon of canola oil- not that bad for you! heat it on high in a covered small sauce pan with a few test kernels, and then when those pop, put in 3 TB of kernels, maybe swirl around with the lid covered. Pop in a few minutes. Add whatever toppings you want, in the quantity you want (lets you control your sodium! a tsp of salt goes a lot further than you think)
    That will get you a nice big bowl of popcorn, for about 240 cals. Delicious, guilt free, and really fills you up. And if you can make yourself eat it slowly, one piece at a time... that's a snack that will take you forever to eat :)

    And for those who say they keep the snacks for your kids: maybe time to change that? Isn't that how we all ended up here? Maybe it's not a good habit to form at any age? Why would you let your kids eat something that you think isn't good enough for you to eat? I'm not accusing, just suggesting that maybe we need to change how we think about

    You know - I completely agree with you about the last point (and I'm guilty of it as well). I have noticed though, since I've started eating healthier - my daughter is starting to mimic my healthier eating habits. She's only five though (and crazy active). We just discovered she likes hummus as a veggie dip. :)
  • Allycat1134
    Allycat1134 Posts: 10 Member
    I hear you!!! Boredom or stressful sedentary work give me the munchies.

    I send the popcorn idea, but not the microwave kind. That stuff is full of chemicals, and it's pricey, and it generates a lot more garbage than the world needs. Just buy a bag of kernels. It's dirt cheap, and the time you have to spend preparing it is just another good habit- not instant gratification!

    Just take a tablespoon of canola oil- not that bad for you! heat it on high in a covered small sauce pan with a few test kernels, and then when those pop, put in 3 TB of kernels, maybe swirl around with the lid covered. Pop in a few minutes. Add whatever toppings you want, in the quantity you want (lets you control your sodium! a tsp of salt goes a lot further than you think)
    That will get you a nice big bowl of popcorn, for about 240 cals. Delicious, guilt free, and really fills you up. And if you can make yourself eat it slowly, one piece at a time... that's a snack that will take you forever to eat :)

    And for those who say they keep the snacks for your kids: maybe time to change that? Isn't that how we all ended up here? Maybe it's not a good habit to form at any age? Why would you let your kids eat something that you think isn't good enough for you to eat? I'm not accusing, just suggesting that maybe we need to change how we think about

    I know you were referring to my post lol & I totally agree with you! It's definitely been a work in progress, getting her to prefer healthier snacks & she's been doing really good. She's seen the changes I've been making & she's been following my lead. But she is a kid after all, & I don't mind letting her have a Pecan swirl every once in a while. Hell, I treat myself once in a blue moon. :)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    +1 for keeping your hands busy.

    Try crafting, playing a computer game, knitting, etc. while you're watching TV.

    I do my nails.. I've never had such nice ones before hahaha.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Part of it is breaking the habit. If you are used to snacking while you watch TV, maybe try taking up knitting or something that keeps your hands busy. Replace the snacking habit with another habit.

    For me it just came down to not buying snack foods. I have a very hard time at night staying away from them, especially because I sometimes eat emotionally, so I finally just decided to quit buying the junk all together. I used to buy protein bars for mornings when I didn't have time for breakfast, but then I would end up eating 5 in one night. Sure it's annoying not having convenience foods, but at the same time it makes me eat better because I have to cook if I want a snack.
  • bald_navy_wife
    bald_navy_wife Posts: 81 Member
    i try to distract myself by
    1. polishing nails-what girl wants to do anything with wet nail polish on
    2. take a nap
    3. daydream i swear i can for hours if i tried
    4. look at "BEFORE" pics
    5. play with my son
    6. drink water
    7. i recently got this idea from another user on MFP answering a similar question but if it's something packaged or junk food i Google customer complaints and scroll through the images- it's guaranteed to turn your cravings off
    8. brush teeth
    9. pretty much my point is stay busy