AmyRhubarb Member


  • Go by urine color. If it's clear like water, you might be overdoing it. Pale yellow, you're good. Personally, going by thirst doesn't do it for me - I often don't feel that thirst until later in the day if I haven't had enough fluids, and then I'm chugging water all evening, and up half the night because I have to pee so…
    in Water Comment by AmyRhubarb August 2017
  • Third vote for Fitness Blender!
  • - over 500 free workout videos. Huge variety of things - strength, yoga, no equipment, stretching, long, short - they have a ton of great stuff, and it's all free.
  • That's one reason why 1200 cals isn't so great - it's already the bare minimum, and if you feel "stuck" you've got nowhere to go. Honestly, two weeks doesn't make a plateau, and what you might need is to mix things up a bit. If you've been exercise, take a week off - a week's worth of rest always brings me back refreshed…
    in Plateau Comment by AmyRhubarb June 2017
  • Absolutely geeking out over the fact that I just signed a release for The Talking Dead to feature my photo of me cosplaying Carol from TWD with a fellow cosplayer dressed as Negan!! Holy crap!! LOL
  • I would just call it a day, and do my best to stay closer to goal tomorrow. One day isn't going to undo any progress, and I have never found that going over once in awhile doesn't need to be balanced out or "made up for" by eating less over the next few days - your body still needs its fuel. :smile:
  • Absolutely!
  • I have done 1200 a day and will to live. :wink: No really, it's not enough food for me (or for most people, honestly, and if you're exercising, you better be eatin' back those cals), and I lost my desire to work out, the ability to enjoy a meal out, let alone a scoop of ice cream on a summer evening, a cocktail…
  • Nope. No diets, no temporary changes, no eliminating any foods or food groups. I eat pizza, burgers, ice cream, drink wine/beer/cocktails, but not every night. Well, wine nearly every night. :wink: I eat to fuel my body, and 80% of the time it's lean meats, veggies, fruits, balanced protein, carbs & fats. But my calorie…
  • My Zombies, Run! app has me in a flat our sprint sometimes. I mean I always have to run faster when the, "Warning, zombies detected" and the beeping radar thing starts, but every so often I get chases back-to-back, or just really have to pour it on if they are coming up fast - nothing like the sound of a zom in your…
  • is awesome - over 500 free workouts, handy search engine to find what you're looking for and they have just about everything - strength, yoga, cardio, stretching, some use equipment, some for just body weight, etc, etc. Been using their workouts for several years now, love them. Husband & wife team that…
  • Keep in mind that starting new eating habits, especially if there's exercise involved, can do wacky things on the scale. Don't let it bug you - it takes a few weeks for the body to adjust to new things. I wouldn't go 1200 especially if you're not eating back burned cals - recipe for disaster. Definitely not maintainable. I…
  • I take sliced apples, a cheese stick and some pretzels, and also keep Trader Joe's high fiber granola bars handy for easy snacks at my desk. For a sweet treat, dark chocolate and a portion of raw almonds is nice, too.
  • Today I'm a nerd because I got so excited to FINALLY find a suitable Chinese style jacket/shirt for my Kaylee cosplay!! And i've found a better shirt to wear under the coveralls since last year, just took the coveralls in a bit to make them more feminine and fitted, and added the Chinese characters to the legs and pockets…
  • Dark chocolate and some raw almonds. Plain Greek yogurt with honey and fresh berries. Plain Greek yogurt with a tablespoon of Nutella mixed in. And often I have a scoop of ice cream as long as it fits in my goals. With banana and chocolate syrup, or with fresh berries - nice to get a little fruit in there too. :smile:
  • I prefer the Trader Joe's multi-grain oats - great if you dislike the "softer" or mushy quality of some oatmeals. I add plain Greek yogurt (at least 2%, no fat free stuff), honey, plain protein powder, a bit of butter, cinnamon, and whatever fruit I have. Fresh peaches in summer is a favorite. Or blueberries. Strawberries…
  • My aunt and I are pretty close, so it was no big deal. :) But others who asked once I was visibly smaller, mostly relatives and my mother (who always worries about me, no matter how old I get), who seemed to think I was going to get too thin or must be starving myself. Which is really silly, given that these conversations…
  • Avocados. Always avocados. :smiley: In season fruits, too - apples in fall/winter, and peaches, berries, grapes, etc in summer. Cheese sticks. Pork tenderloin. Can't beat their rotisserie chickens - taste great, they're what - 5 bucks? - and I can get several family meals out of one bird. Butter. Eggs (before we had our…
    in Costco Comment by AmyRhubarb July 2016
  • Some people said I didn't need to lose any, but once I'd dropped about 15-20 pounds, my aunt in particular was like, "oh yeah, you do look healthier now"! And at some point I learned that whenever someone asked if I was still trying to lose weight or something along those lines, I'd just answer with, 'nope, but I am trying…
  • I love sandwiches too, but usually I'll make mine with all the filing and half the bread - just cut one slice in half, stack up all the goodies between the halves and dig in. Choose whatever kind of bread you like best and just use one slice.
    in Bread?! Comment by AmyRhubarb July 2016
  • Things I can stick with for life. That means no cutting out food groups, or pizza, burgers, beer/wine/cocktails, desserts, etc. It took some trial and error, but I've found what works for me - eating as MANY calories as I can while still losing and/or maintaining my weight. Doing so I've dropped 25lbs, reached goal weight,…
  • SWAG method - Scientific Wild *kitten* Guessing. :lol: Find the best match and go with it. It's one meal, won't derail your progress. I do that at least once a week and have no problems in losing and/or maintaining my progress.
  • Goal means goal - something you should be aiming for and trying to reach, not fall well short of. Keep in mind that the goal MFP has given you has you at a deficit before any exercise. That means you could eat 1280 calories every day, do zero exercise, and you'll lose weight, because 1280 is fewer cals that what your body…
  • Why are you doing so much exercise? If your calorie burn is so high that you can't eat enough to properly make up for it, you might be setting yourself up for some serious problems.
  • Another vote for measurements - I dropped a full size over a six month period with my scale at a complete stand-still. The tape tells a truer tale of progress.
  • Enter your separate gym workouts into MFP with a calorie burn of .1 - the system doesn't do the decimal and logs it as 0 cals burned. You can make a note of the actual burn in the notes box, or in the title of your custom workout if you want to keep track without changing your daily cal goal.
  • "Faster" led me to quitting, or taking very long breaks from eating well and workouts, because it's dang discouraging and hard to stick to super low cals with no room for anything other than bare minimum. Much better to eat more, feel better, and actually stick to the plan even if it means slower weight loss, yeah? My goal…
  • I've had my best success eating as MANY cals as I can while still losing. And as many others have said, 1200 is probably too low for you. For me, I can eat 1800-2000 cals a day, and as long as I'm active, I lose. And I'm a 48 year old, 5'8" woman who works out 5-6 days a week (most of the time) - I lost 25lbs about 3-4…
  • Easy - nuts, cheese, butter, coconut & olive oils, full fat dairy, no "diet" anything - I lose eating 1800-2000 a day, and I have no trouble reaching my goal.