1200 Calories Per Day

I'm ceartain this subject has been beaten to death however I'm back after a long hiatus so forgive me. Who is eating 1200 calories a day & how much have you lost in what period of time please.


  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    edited January 2017
    I eat 1200 on my low days. I guess I don't really count here because I try to average 1500 across the week. I'd lose a pound per week if I really stuck to 1200 calories, but that is a bit too fast for my body composition/weight.
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i am last week i lost 2lbs feel free to add me
  • sherrifoster123
    sherrifoster123 Posts: 21 Member
    I eat 1200 right now. I'm shooting for 2 lbs a week. Early on I always lose a lot right off the bat. Then it levels out for me. Like first week was 5 lbs.
  • pomm427
    pomm427 Posts: 2 Member
    I am doing 1200 a day, low carb high protein. Started Nov 9 and have lost 11 pounds. I am working out approximately 5 days a week as well. Combination of H.I.I.T, weights, walking and running.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited January 2017
    I need 1500 calories to maintain, i eat 1200 calories to lose. It's taken me a year to lose 20 pounds, so a little under half a pound a week.
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    Amy is right on the money!
  • HoldTheDoor13
    HoldTheDoor13 Posts: 172 Member
    currently averaging 1200-1400, that's body fat reduction when you're already slim for ya!

    I find that if i'm organised and mindful I get plenty of food, and can still budget for alcohol and treats when I want them. A focus on vegetables, filling protein and fibre and nutrient rich foods along with portion control is pretty important though. I will generally eat a little under my goals on workdays to give myself wiggle room on the weekends.
  • joranga
    joranga Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    Best not cut calories from your diet. Your body has a bare minimum it needs to survive, your BMR (basic metabolic rate). What you should be doing is looking at the nutrition going into your body such as carbs (do not cut these out), fats and proteins. They are all used different and your body processes these nutrients for different purposes. Eating 100g of fat vs 100g of sugar will have very different impacts on your body.
    By starving your body of calories your body goes into starvation mode ans stores food as fat instead of using it for energy or repair. 1200 calories a day is dangerous and detriment to your health
    Fuel your body for its basic needs and fuel your body for the exercise you do. Eat sensibly and exercise regularly and you'll soon be got and healthy without resorting to these dangerous quick fixes.
  • amricu
    amricu Posts: 1 Member
    I do 1200 as well (sometimes i miss behave and reach 1500). Focusing on High protien levels minmum 40% and dont pay much attention to carbs/Fats but i eat healthy. Roughly i loose 1kg. at the moment im not very motivated to go to gym due to Ankle sprain. but i tend to walk.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    joranga wrote: »
    Best not cut calories from your diet. Your body has a bare minimum it needs to survive, your BMR (basic metabolic rate). What you should be doing is looking at the nutrition going into your body such as carbs (do not cut these out), fats and proteins. They are all used different and your body processes these nutrients for different purposes. Eating 100g of fat vs 100g of sugar will have very different impacts on your body.
    By starving your body of calories your body goes into starvation mode ans stores food as fat instead of using it for energy or repair. 1200 calories a day is dangerous and detriment to your health
    Fuel your body for its basic needs and fuel your body for the exercise you do. Eat sensibly and exercise regularly and you'll soon be got and healthy without resorting to these dangerous quick fixes.

    Starvation mode in this sense is a myth.
  • mpc1979
    mpc1979 Posts: 2 Member
    " If your diet isn't something you can do for life, the results will be temporary. "

    Totally agree with AFGP11.

    I am counting calories and keeping the 1200 as a guide, not a goal. I'm doing about 1300/1500 calories a day. I estimate I was way over 2000 calories before, so it's a great change and my new waist shows it!

    My moto righ now is "eat a litle bit less, move a little bit more" so I cut soda and candies and other stuff that was not healthy at all. Then I try to choose my meals mostly among veggies y finally, I started walking much more than before.

    So far lost 7 lbs since January first. I fill that I'm in control, and that I can keep this rhythm for a while. Some day I'll relay the diet to enjoy a soda or a candy again, but I hope I'll know how to keep a healthy balance by then. :)
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    I'm on 1280 right now, but just started back up again on the 3rd. I've done 1200 in the past and lost a lot of weight. I was also going to the gym 3x a week and walking, walking, walking whenever I could.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I do 1200 a day and have lost 4.5 since January 1...that's pretty quick for me as I am usually a slow loser! I'm primarily eating lean proteins, vegetables and fruits and have been enjoying it! Feels good to be in control of what I am eating after the crazy holidays!
  • emiinz
    emiinz Posts: 2 Member
    I'm aiming for 1200 a day too but seem to keep ending up closer to 1500 or 1600 - does anyone have any good breakfast ideas that will keep me feeling fuller for longer? I normally have toast and some fruit but usually end up snacking later on and am struggling to find something quick and tasty. Thanks!
  • DavidRocketts
    DavidRocketts Posts: 80 Member
    If I don't exercise, my limit for the last month has been 1250 cal. However, owning 2 Jack Russell Terriers gets me out at least twice a day, and I visit the gym 3 times a week for a light workout. I will eat back 25% or so exercise calories if I have done quite a bit or get cravings. Lost 7lbs in 4 weeks...
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    emiinz wrote: »
    I'm aiming for 1200 a day too but seem to keep ending up closer to 1500 or 1600 - does anyone have any good breakfast ideas that will keep me feeling fuller for longer? I normally have toast and some fruit but usually end up snacking later on and am struggling to find something quick and tasty. Thanks!

    Eat more protein. Neither toast nor fruit have much protein.
  • earthnut
    earthnut Posts: 216 Member
    edited January 2017
    joranga wrote: »
    By starving your body of calories your body goes into starvation mode ans stores food as fat instead of using it for energy or repair.
    Completely untrue.
    joranga wrote: »
    1200 calories a day is dangerous and detriment to your health
    If you are tall or active, yes. But not everyone's the same. Small sedentary people with efficient metabolisms, like me, won't lose any weight without getting close to 1200. My maintenance calories are only 1500. If I'm not watching my intake i naturally eat about 1700 calories which makes me gain. For another person, 1700 would be very low and cause fast weight loss.

    MFP's lower limit is 1200 because that CAN be a healthy amount for weight loss. We're not talking about under 1000 calories a day, which is not healthy for anyone. No adult is that small.