

  • Ooooo me. Please add me! Baby girl is 2.5 weeks old. Focusing on calories right now until I am released for exercise!
  • Anyone else out there looking for some friends?
  • perhaps a heart rate% limit, max or minimum. What were you doing, working very hard or not?
  • If you don't sew, learn! Thread is pretty cheap! Taking in your clothes can buy some time until you are ready to get new clothes. Check the clearance racks everywhere, I love the 80% racks at Kohl's! Try the thrift stores! Our local ones have 50% off sales all the time! You can get nice stuff for a couple $$ and help those…
  • Hope it helps! You need to figure out how YOUR body ticks and work with that, especially when you have tried and failed in the past. You have to outsmart yourself, LOL. Sodium can be a stinker for some people. For me I need to drink over 64oz everyday especially when its on the warmer side!
  • Change what you are doing! Confuse your body with calories and exercise. Maybe you can try to Zig Zag your calories and try some interval training. Make sure you are drinking enough water, or extra, especially in warm weather!! Don't give up, its what your body wants you to do!! Keep going!
  • I do like water, but sometimes I struggle with drinking enough! I mean I have recently discovered that my body will not let weight go if I don't drink enough, motivation found! I make unsweetened tea (real tea bags, boiling water added to cold water) and sometimes add a little light lemonade to my glass, tastes great, and…
  • Hmmm, well I'm certainly no expert, but are you drinking enough water ? eating burned calories back? watching sodium (which will make you retain water) activity level set correctly, too low might make you not get enough calories? are you measuring food to make sure you are getting correct servings? are you measuring your…
  • YES, YES, YES eat your exercise calories!!!! It may not have been those bad choices, but the sodium in those bad choices. Anything processed has tons of sodium which can make you retain water. SOoooo drink lots of water. I have found that really o helps me out. I can't just drink the 64 oz, that doesn't work for me. I have…
  • mine too!! anything on the wrists hurts! Planks, pushups, reverse planks, mountain climbers. I just figured it was because I carry most of my weight in my upper body and it just hurts my wrists to hold it up... sometimes I use dumbbells, sometimes I use fists, if they hurt too much during planks, I will do a hover (lower…
  • thanks for passing this on!
  • make sure your activity level is correct, as an massage therapist, you will burn more calories in a day than someone with a desk job. This could make a difference in your BMR.
  • Don't give up! you have to beat your mind at its own game! Hang in there and don't let the scale be your only satisfaction. You are the only one that has to know that number. Everyone that looks at you will see your progress, not the number, you have to do the same!
  • This link helped me understand a little better. I just started this week. I also find it helpful to make a report of my net calories. This will show you your net calories and how much you are zig zagging.
  • I don't think there is any such thing at walmart... I wear Champion... they work well, I am looking for something a little more supportive for running, but I got mine at Kohl's (if you have one) on the clearance rack for like $8! My first ones I bought about 2 years ago were buy one get one free by mail. They usually have…
  • Try eating them back for at least a week, see if it makes a difference...
  • how do you track your calories burned? I have a heart rate monitor (HRM) and When I use the machines at the gym, I always burn 2x what the machine says. This could make it so you are not eating enough calories...
  • I love it here, you'll have a great support network! feel free to add me!
  • I know its frustrating, apparently our bodies want nothing more than to be FAT, well actually well fed, its hard to retrain a body to do something other than what its programmed to do! Definitely takes more than 2 weeks! Please just stick with it, I'm irritated with you, as well as many, many others. Try to recognize the…
  • Make sure you have selected the correct activity level. Since I really started paying attention to the calories that I' m burning with my HRM I am realizing that hauling through the store/ parking lot with grocery carts, running up and down the stairs with kids and laundry and cleaning and all those things are extra…
    in What the...? Comment by jentidd May 2011
  • Awwww thats really sweet, maybe you can ask him to bring you fruit instead! My husband could give a rip if I've had a bad day... I totally understand... I try to leave the hubs out of the diet changes because he doesn't understand or care what he eats... If we go out I order something lite, I gave up making 2 separate…
    in Need advice Comment by jentidd May 2011
  • I just got my polar ft7 from Amazon. So far love it! very easy to use. Biggest loser uses the bodybugg which I think run a little over $200. my polar was less than half that. I got the black/gold model cheaper, I think it is a less popular choice than the others. It has the chest strap which feels like the band on my…
  • looking great!
  • hooray to losing sizes, not just lbs! Well done!
  • feel free to add me! Seeing what other people are up to helps!
  • Welcome to MFP!
    in New Comment by jentidd May 2011
  • welcome! Feel free to add me! We all need inspiration!
  • Welcome! feel free to add me!
  • welcome! going to send and add!
  • Go to a thrift store and try to find a microwave cook book, I see them there all the time for a couple bucks. That may give you some good ideas. Even if the recipes aren't so healthy, you can swap unhealthy items for better ones. Also look for those microwave pasta and veggie steamers there, I see them there also. Or get…