siobhanmoo Member


  • Yes! Funnily enough I have just been looking at calculators this morning because of this. I stopped exercising (weights/running) back in Oct, so I tried using a combination of scooby and IIFYM TDEEs for sedentary/couch potato (which has certainly been the correct activity level since mid December!). They both have me 1480…
  • Ever tried cream cheese and marmite? It's LUSH. Or cream cheese and ground black pepper.
  • I actually had to google that after I wrote it just to check, in case I had told you to make pasta with some weird exotic fruit or something lol
  • Sorry, I forget you call things different names over the pond! You call them zucchini.
  • Courgette and mushroom spaghetti is one of my go-to recipes. Fresh spaghetti (the kind that just needs 3 mins in boiling water) Slice a courgette and some mushrooms finely and fry in a little bit of olive oil until brown and crispy (the courgette goes all gorgeously sweet and a bit crunchy), add some garlic (I use the…
  • Oh man I am so in for this. I am going to aim for 4000 a day, natch at LEAST 500 of that will be booze. Maybe a bit more if I am truly dedicated. Anyway, off to my brother's tomorrow to stay over Xmas, so am assuming that there will be approximately my own body weight in cheese waiting for our arrival, plus some crackery…
  • Strength training did it for me. I am 5'4 and 124lb, and my body shape has changed considerably since I started lifting weights - to the point that I dont want or need to lose any weight. FYI - I maintain at 1680 (TDEE method)
  • People saying that other people are 'special' (without the statement literally dripping with sarcasm) makes me want to stick pins in my eyes. If you're all the same, then Hi.
  • Thanks kraken. No I don't do cardio on those days either - believe me I'm so knackered it would be counter productive. I'm doing more than 3-5 reps on most exercises. More like 8. I struggle a bit with not having a whole range of weights at home that I can use for different exercises so sometimes I can do all 8 reps and…
  • Just though of something else. We don't have a lot of floor space (particularly as the husband is 6ft4 so lying on the floor doing anything is a bit of a squeeze) (No giggling please) but we found a genius way of getting round that. For example, if you want to do chest weight exercises like flys (where you would normally…
  • Hello. I recently started strength training with no equipment. We have wooden floors and a couple of thin rugs (like rag rugs). Bit sore on my shoulder blades sometimes when doing exercises that mean I have to lie on my back, but not excruciating, just a minor inconvenience really (the exercises hurt more!). My husband has…
  • MFP started me out on 1200 cals per day - I only want to lose about 7lb and I'm not overweight, just developing a bit of a spare tyre. I found it almost impossible to stay within 1200, and after reading up on here, I worked out my TDEE and now I'm on 1480 per day - much better and I'm losing at about 0.5-1lb per week. I…
  • Hi Guys, I'm a proper noob at this and this is the first thread I've posted in - kind of close to my heart I guess. I've got chrohns, diagnosed when I was 21 (I am now 39) - I was REALLY sick for 10 years or so, in my case not so much flare ups as constant, and I had awful abcesses and surgical problems. I had a total…