parvy123 Member


  • Hi all, I didn't weigh in today and will do tomorrow. However, my goal has changed now because I have managed to get myself pregnant! So I will continue to stay healthy with my eating plan, take it slightly easier on the training (no squats, lunges etc!) and hope to put on as little weight as possible. I didn't gain too…
  • Hi all, quick check in but will post properly soon. Very happy this week: H4H SW 302 CW 18 oct 298.5 Yippee! Thanks all for support xxx
  • Thank you! Lovely to be on a spreadsheet (I am easily pleased) :smile: Part-walked my son to school this morning rather than driving all the way in - and will do the same at pick up time. Extra cals burned... yay!
  • Hi Everyone, I hope it's never too late to join this challenge. I checked out the spreadsheet and you are all having good successes so I'd like to join in. CW (Tuesday 11 Oct) = 302 lbs GW (by 22nd Nov) = 290 lbs Hope I can be added :smile: My trigger foods are anything super carby... I love stodgy pasta, bread, potatoes,…
  • Natalie, I really needed to see your post today - what an amazing, uplifting and inspiring story you tell - thank you for making me re-commit today. You look as though you are in your early 30's - what a fox! xx
  • I have the same problem but I have had to accept that he won't do it until he is ready. I have been obese my whole adult life and part of the reason I got this way is was in response to my whole family constantly nagging me to eat less, even when I wasn't even that fat! It took me a long time to realise that I need to lose…
  • I used to eat pretty much all day every day. It was quite a struggle for me to think back to before last Oct when I started watching my food intake... It seems as though I have always eaten this way. But phew when I started to remember, it all came crashing back to me! After having my son, I told myself that I could eat…
  • Can I ask... I eat wholegrain rice instead of brown rice as I was told that is even better for you? Anyone know the difference? Also, I agree with everyone, stock cubes, plenty of spices and herbs will lift the dullest dish - this goes for wholegrain couscous and quinoa too!
  • Wow, Desirai, you look amazing - what an inspiration!
  • So glad you posted this and good to see everyone's comments. I too am really struggling with this. I go in phases - sometimes my resolve is great for weeks and then I lose it and snack snack snack. I even find myself craving bowls of cereal at 10.30pm! I am going to have to tell myself NO snacking after dinner - and…
  • LOL - too true! I have only lost 30 pounds but the heels I couldn't wear before feel much easier to walk in - they are still very painful if I walk for too long but it certainly is progress!
  • An insightful and beautiful piece of writing - and one that dispells the biggest myth of all - that there is some "secret" to weight loss. There really isn't - and thank you for proving that so eloquently
  • Fantastic to see these - bump!
  • Bumping to keep this - love laughing cow. But we don't have the different flavours in the UK - only the normal and light versions, unless I'm mistaken?!
  • Whitney! I only just came across your post today - and OMG, you are so beautiful... but remember, you always were beautiful, not a "blob" at all, just someone who lost her way. And look at that face of yours - please force yourself to see how far you have come - it could be the key to the rest of your journey. I hope I can…
  • Hi, you can do it this time... take one day at a time. I am in the same boat, have been with MFP before and kept coming back but this time I am sticking to it. My epiphany was... eat whatever I like, in moderation, count the cals, move as much as possible and if I fall off the wagon one day, just get straight back on and…
  • Wow! You look incredible! You look 20 years younger! Love it... I hope I can do it too. X
  • To all weight loss success stories... these pics are fantastic. You all look amazing but what I am struck by most is how your skin looks more luminous, fresh and vibrant, and your eyes look bright. You all look about 10-20 years younger and most of all you all look, well, just happy I guess! Having been "unhappy" with…
  • I am glad you said which one you are - I would never have been able to pick you out - LOL! Truly amazing transformation - well done!!