How much did you eat before MFP?



  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I ate anything and everything in front of probably like 5000+ cal a day most of it chips, fast food, pop, candy etc.
  • aclukehart
    oh i don't even like to think about it! but here goesss...

    breakfast: dunkin donuts vanilla creme donut with a LARGE caramel latte (with whole milk, of course)
    lunch: usually either chipotle (chicken burrito with cheese & salsa) or taco bell (crunch wrap supreme with nachoes & cheese)
    dinner: well, if i didn't go out to eat at chili's with my boyfriend, then i ate at home because my dad cooks, and there is NEVER a healthy option at home...

    of course that doesnt even include the "snacks" i would have throughout the day....

    gross. just gross.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    breakfast: SUGARY cereal like apple jacks... 2 cups of coffee with a butt load of creamer
    lunch: hot pockets
    snack: whatever my kids were eating... vienna sausage/mac n cheese/chicken nuggets
    dinner: something high in sodium that was well over 1k calories & 2 big scoops of white rice ... drink Red wine at least 2 glasses
    late night meal: hot pocket or pizza
    drink sweetened green tea all day... or coke

    Thats an easy 3k calorie day
  • zadrii
    zadrii Posts: 21
    Way too much! An example day during the school year:

    B: granola w/ skim milk (at least 2 servings)
    S: 10 mini nutter butters
    L: starbucks coffee drink with lots of whipped cream and a scone
    S: 8 saltines and 2 pieces of american cheese
    D: toast, fish sticks, and some carrott sticks
    D: 5 oreos

    And now I would probably cry if I ate any one of those meals, lol
  • ChantalGG
    ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
    I would eat nothing for breakfast but coffee with sugar and cream, go to mcdonalds or KFC for lunch (snack on left overs of kfc all day) , have a saucy buttery oily meat and rice or pasta dish and have at least one chocolate bar ever day. I didnt really eat that much veggies. I would end the day with either chips and dip or leftover plate of dinner. All the while drinking loads of pepsi. oh i would also have alcohol in the pepsi after my son went to bed about 5 days out of the week.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    The first day I logged on MFP - about 2400 calories. And that was me "eating healthy". I had already decided that I needed to cut down on food, there was no junk food in there (a few alcholic drinks though).
    Before that it would have been much higher - an extra 1000 cals maybe?
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    I would go through phases of trying not to eat, or eating only low cal veggies, and binging when I didn't give a **** any more. I don't think I was getting much protein.
  • KazNoms
    KazNoms Posts: 83
    breakfast vary between: Nothing or 2pieces of toast maybe a huge bowl of cereal

    Snack: Biscuits,toast,lollies,fruit

    Lunch: more toast or something left over from dinner'

    Dinner: Pile of chips sausages. or other junk

    god i dont think i can recall all the crap

    in one day i could eat 2packets of honey jumbles
    5 cups of sprite
    8pieces of toast
    chocolate bars

    i feel very sick and annoyed at myself at the moment
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh my favourite meal out with the girls was always tapas. The small portions are deceptive, I could easily get through 2,000 calories of those little bowls not to mention a few 150-calorie mojitos and about 250 for half a bottle of Rioja!

    This thread makes me hungry!
  • parvy123
    parvy123 Posts: 206 Member
    I used to eat pretty much all day every day. It was quite a struggle for me to think back to before last Oct when I started watching my food intake... It seems as though I have always eaten this way. But phew when I started to remember, it all came crashing back to me!
    After having my son, I told myself that I could eat more because I was breastfeeding. I would eat whole packets of biscuits (cookies) IN ONE SITTING with a cup of tea - I now know they are 1000-1500 cals for a pack

    If I went to Nandos, I would eat 1/2 a chicken no problem, with a large fries, bread and have room for dessert. Now I eat a quarter chicken with a salad - what a difference.

    Pizza was a killer - easily polish off a large one all to myself. And I loved stodgy food (still do - one of my deamons) - so pies, lasagnes, chips, kebabs. Buffets were not my friend - even now I am scared by that word, BUFFET or ALL YOU CAN EAT... *shudders* as I know I am still not in a place where I would be in complete control.

    My portion sizes were ENORMOUS. I would match my husband plate for plate and then wonder why I was so much heavier than him. And lastly, I ALWAYS finished off the food I'd cooked or bought. There were never any leftovers. If I couldn't manage it at a first sitting, I'd sure enough get round to it, even if it was at 11pm, I was darned if I was going to refridgerate anything!!

    Nowadays, I still eat some of the above, very very occasionally and in moderation. Not only have I been losing weight but my bank balance is so much healthier too!

    Thanks for this topic, it's made me feel sick, I am NEVER going back there.
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    Without even thinking about it... easy 3000..4000..5000 maybe more.. GROSS!!! man I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! AND ALL OF YOU!!!
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    prolly like 3000-10,000 calories a day... however, I was never overweight :/ ! strangest thing!

    typical meal:
    Breakfast: coke bottle
    Snack: snickers bar
    Lunch: alfredo pasta, salad with dressing, breadsticks, ice cream, cookies, coke
    Snack: mac and cheese, coke, cookies
    Dinner: coke, cereal, fries, half a pizza, cookies, more coke
    After Dinner: three mikes hard lemonades, half a pizza, blizzard from DQ..
    hahah oh god.
  • johngirl
    johngirl Posts: 65 Member
    Breakfast: 16oz VaniilaCappicino
    1 Lg Breakfast Burito

    Lunch: from home: sandwich

    @work: burger
    chips or fries
    bottle of pop

    Dinner: a whole frozen pizza
    fast food

    Snacks: chips, pop, cookies
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    this is the freakiest thread. My problem was the opposite I ate about 800 calories. but drank maybe a couple of large glasses of wine. I thought I had a drinking problem now I know I just got a kick of the sugar high I desperately needed as I was eating so little. I hardly drink at all now I eat properly and when I do I jus tdon't get the same kick.
    I exercised 4 hours a week minimum on next to no food and no calories.
    Really frustrating looking back as I never got any results I shoudl have got from all that exercise as I didn't feed my body properly.
    Its absolutely incredible how muscle builds when you feed your body and I get a far bigger kick from that than fat loss .
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    also never understood how anybody could afford to eat that much take out, its so expensive!
  • cervenec
    cervenec Posts: 64
    For a few weeks it was
    breakfast: huge bowl of cereal, maybe 2
    lunch: panera, or chipotle
    dinner: huge bowl of canned soup

    all the while drinking tons of soda, high calorie teas, alcohol, candy almost every day... i don't even want to think about how many calories it was lol
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    At my worst, and for abuot 6 months, it was:

    Breakfast: Mcdonald Big Breakfast with an extra Hash Brown on the way to work

    Lunch: Pub lunch of 4 sausages and chips, and a pint of Coke.

    Dinner: KFC on the way home.

    Snacks: Crisps/chocolate through the day, lots of coke and crisps at night.

    Probably 4-5 thousand calories...every day....with no exercise at all. i look back at that, i cannot believe i used to do that! I just cant fathom ever doing anything like that again!
  • kmumansky
    kmumansky Posts: 119
    A normal day for me would have been:

    Breakfast: Big bowl of cereal (sometimes healthy like Kashi or Raisin Bran with peaches...sometimes Corn Pops lol) with Skim Milk (probably 2-2.5 servings bowls are HUGE). I also make my own preserves so sometimes I'd just have two slices of whole wheat toast with preserves and juice.

    Morning Snack: Low-fat Yogurt

    Lunch: Leftovers from previous night's dinner OR Whole Foods Salad Bar...I stick to healthy choices there though usually mixed greens some raw veggies then I pick a scoop or two of wheat berry salad or my fav is the cranberry couscous salad!

    Afternoon Snack: Fresh fruit of some sort or a Luna Protein Bar

    Pre-Dinner Snack: Tostito's and Salsa...this is what did me in...I could eat a half a big bag of these chips because I'm so addicted to's not even the chips I just haven't found a better vehicle to eat salsa with LOL. The Hint of Lime ones are my favorite!

    Dinner: I almost always cook so something like Chicken Piccata with Barilla Plus Pasta or a Chicken & Veggie Stir Fry or Grilled steak with baked sweet potato & Veggie

    Beverages: Sobe Waters/Vitamin Waters & 100% fruit juice (lots of calories here too)

    I don't think it's THAT bad. It just the portions esp at breakfast, juice, sports drinks & CHIPS after work that did me in. I'm still trying to find a good way to eat salsa because I can't live without it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Blimey, just looked at the chicken and pasta layered salad I would have previously have chosen from Marks and Spencer. 800 calories AND I would have had a packet of Cheese Tasters (155) and some chocolate covered popcorn (520 calories), a 1475 calorie lunch!