707janette Member


  • me too. I have a few each night that I stay within my calorie allowance.
  • Dude, 3 days of doing good is never a waste and today you really didn't mess up so bad- you stayed under your calorie goal and that is huge. I would not double the workout. Start looking more at the things you are having sucess with such as loosing 3 pounds and staying within your calorie range, quit stressing out on the…
  • bump for later
  • I make shrimp tacos. I use the mission thin corn tortillas. They only have 40 calories each. Then I put shirmp in the tortilla and add what ever toppings I want usually tomatoes, cillantro, lettuce or spinach and sometimes some cheese.
  • thanks for the recipe. I love that I can now make just a little cake and not have the rest of a cake hanging around tempting me.
  • Thanks for the recipe. I haven't used won ton wrappers in a long time and making this in cupcake tins sounds like fun. Also, the perfect little serving sizes sound great. I can't wait to try this and my special needs clients will enjoy helping to make these too.
  • Hi I started May 2011 at 245 and have lost 65lbs am now 180 lbs. 1) What I've been eating: more veggies and adding in fruit- mostly berries but working on adding other fruits more often. I eat 1 plain instant oatmeal aprox. 5 mornings per week I add a fruit to it and sometimes add a couple walnuts. I've switched from fat…
  • Thanks for writing you are very articulate and your writing style was like a friend talking to a friend. I appreciate how you went into so much detail that it gives the reader a clear understanding of everything you are saying. Congratulations on your weight loss and thank you for helping others as well. :bigsmile:
  • When I saw this picture from Christmas 2010 Reality really hit me hard as to how big I had let myself get so I use that pic as a reminder of where I was and I don't want to go back. I am down 65 pounds from that pic now.:happy:
  • between going out to eat and buying food just for myself I spend aprox. $700. per month. I have been trying to not go out much but have not seen my food bill decrease b/c when I do go out I spend less than when I cook at home. I definately will be back to this thread to learn some new ways to save.
  • height of 6'2" or more, a few extra pounds, salt and pepper hair and the longer the better, goatee, manly rough hands, wrinkles by the eyes, deep voice, I kind of like the rebel/bad boy look.
  • I have been totally off track on eating healthy for about a month now. I watched a movie on net flicks called "fat sick and nearly dead" It is about people changing their lives by juicing. I am going to give it a try hopefully it will get me back on track. I love all fruits and vegetables but I love all kinds of junk too.…
  • mac and cheese. any pasta really. I can't eat just a little so I try to stay away from it altogether.
  • what about crunches or ab work? what do you do for that? you look amazing.
  • let us know how the company responds when you hear back.
  • hi, I'm in Napa. Just a little North of San francisco.
  • thanks for all the great ideas.
  • I see it in your neck and eyes. It helps to see the difference when you wear the same outfit in the before and after pic. Keep up the good work before you know it everyone will be complimenting you on your weight loss.
  • cosmetic surgery. Not sure just what yet probably a full body lift, possibly a face lift, will have to see what it cost.
  • I have lots of exercise videos. Most of them I tried for aprox. 10 minutes and decided I just wasn't coordinated enough and they moved to fast for me to figure out what they are doing. So my go to video is the very old school--Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies. It really inspires me to see that some of the people…
  • OOOOh, I never even thought of time travel. I think that would be Awesome. I was thinking ability to fly but I like your idea better:)
  • ditto. I have tried so many times in the past to loose but with minimal results and usually gained back more than I lost. I have been using this site for about 6 months and am very happy with my results. I plan to keep it up indefinately.
  • Left overs from the weekend. roasted turkey breast, 1/2 small roasted potato, 1/4 Cup gravy, green beans, corn and cranberry sauce. I haven't eaten much today so I actually have plenty of calories left to finish off the rest of the No sugar added apple pie. I will have to wait a while to have the pie b/c I am soooo full…
  • What is the point of living if you can't eat carbs. I have carbs at every meal.
  • thank you ALL for your support. I am feeling better just putting it all out here b/c she asked me not to tell anyone that she is married yet b/c she will tell everyone when she is ready. Well, it was just announced in the newspaper today so....... everyone will know sooner than later. I guess I did not do enough…
  • I think,-(key word) think. You have a very good chance of having your skin mostly return to normal b/c you are so young. Your skin has plenty of elasticity in it. But if others have a different opinion --do not let that deter you from loosiing weight even if you do have a little excess you will be so much more healthy.…
  • after loosing some weight I couldn't decide if I should buy some new pants yet or not. I decided to get 2 pair and WOW!! I felt so much more inspired to keep going on this weight loss journey. Having pants that fit really made me notice how much I had lost and I felt so much better about myself. Plus, others could see the…
  • i use instant packets of plain oatmeal. If I were to make oatmeal then I would make and eat too big of a portion. I have it about 5 times per week. I aways put some kind of fruit in it usually apple or berries. I like to add walnuts or slivered almonds sometimes raisons, cinnamin and sometimes add some sugarfree syurp to…
  • When I was a kid, I used to lay awake in bed listening to my dad snore many rooms away. Sometimes he would go 30 to 40 seconds without making any noise and I would be afraid he died. Seriously, I often tried to stay awake just to make sure he was still snoring. When I was at my heaviest, I used to snore and wake myself up…