365andstillalive Member


  • I feel like I'd be less confused if like once/twice a month I didn't eat an entire pizza to myself... and stay within my allotted calories. I mean... I guess it depends what you ate the rest of the day? But yes, as everyone's saying, don't beat yourself up about it. The worst you're going to do is carry a bit of water…
  • SW: 235 CW: 156 Height: 5'6.5 Age: 23 Calories: 1750 (197g carbs, 109g protein, 58g fat) It seems like most people decreased their calories over time to maintain their loss rate, but I did the opposite; I started at around 1400 (which created a 2lb+ deficit each week) before I really had a grasp on nutrition etc and I've…
  • I used to travel for work for 4-6 weeks at a time, to random cities, and stay in a hotel room where at best I had a mini-fridge and a small microwave. I never really struggled. Even if you have to go the fast food only route, it takes a little more planning (to make sure you're getting your macros/micros or even just to…
  • I still have days where I feel big, or like I'm not where I want to be, or like absolutely nothing has changed. I agree with others, pictures help. I've lost a little over 80lbs and I'm not in a healthy range for my height, CLEARLY everything has changed, my mind just doesn't always agree. I actually had one of those days…
  • I've taken several "diet breaks" over the past four years of losing (part of the reason it's taken 4 years haha); most of them coincided with injuries (no sense lengthening recovery time by staying at a deficit), others I took for mental health reasons (sometimes you do need to walk away from the numbers for a bit) and…
  • I don't agree with what you're doing, but I'm also not a weight loss specialist at a medical clinic. It worries me that (beyond telling you not to exercise) they haven't explained any of the health risks to you; and quite honestly, it's worth picking up the phone and asking. You're 24, you can and should be your own…
  • I'll believe it when I see it! haha jk. ;)
  • I'm only an inch or so shy of you. I find with skirts it's just all about the material, I either get something with a thicker elasticized band at the top, or make sure I'm buying more jersey products than nice ones.
  • I've got right around the same difference as you, levi has a brand called "denizen" that Target and some other retailers carry, they have a line made for "curvy women" which are wide through the hip but thin through the waist. They're the only jeans I've found that don't have a huge gap at the back. Otherwise, yep;…
  • Your ideal measurements are wherever you feel healthy, strong and beautiful. If you really want a range, you can check out a BMI chart or a website like this where you can see what other women your height look like and their measurements. Good luck with your journey; remember, your opinion matters the most.
  • 0.71; there are pictures on my profile. 29 inch waist, 41 inch hips. I'm very pear shaped (and apparently very low risk) haha.
  • I'm an IIFYM eater; my biggest struggle is making sure I get enough protein sources in the cart haha I don't restrict anything, so for me, the biggest change is just that I don't eat as much of stuff as I did a few years ago. I suppose the best suggestion is to make a list beforehand?
  • I've never found it particularly time consuming, but I guess I've been at this for four years, so maybe I just don't remember? For me, I just aim for my protein, and everything else tends to fall in place. I tend to only eat meat once a day, so eggs and cheese are typically involved in my breakfast; I have snacks like…
  • I feel you so hard on the dress fitting, ugh. I've been shopping for a dress to wear to a formal event for 2+ weeks because my measurements are similar to yours (35-29-41).
  • I'm a big fan of goals that reflect what you're really looking for. If setting it to 1800 gets you the loss you're looking for, great. It'll also help you collect usable data; you should never be afraid to log! I'm just shorter than you (between 5'6-5'7) and I'm losing about 3/4-1lb per week on 1700 cals. I weigh 159 and I…
  • Switch some of your fruits for veggies, and that will help drop your sugar and some veggies come with a decent amount of protein as well. Basically, if you're eating that much in carbs, you're not getting the protein needed to help you maintain lean muscle mass as you lose weight and you aren't getting the fat essential to…
  • And thank-you to whoever revenge flagged her post in response to mine. Lol. I was a bit snarky, I recognize, I apologized. I'm a different person after I've bloated a bit from my morning tea ;)
  • I think I'll make you feel a bit better! haha. I'm also aiming for 145, I'm just a few lbs above you right now at 159. Below 145, it can start to get pretty creepy on my body; my current measurements are 35-29-41. I'm thinking we probably just have larger frames than the first few to comment. Don't worry!
  • I apologize if you were offended; if you read the first two paragraphs of my initial reply, it perfectly answers your question. Everyone's body changes, especially their tummy area, throughout the day as they eat food, drink water, and produce waste. There isn't a single person immune to that. Anyone you're seeing that you…
  • Drink water and develop realistic expectations.
  • So, it's called bloating. It can be made worse by certain foods if you have a sensitivity/allergy to them (like gluten or dairy) or by eating a lot of sodium. Honestly, though, eat anything and your stomach will look a bit different; where exactly do you think the food goes...? The average person puts on 3-5lbs during the…
  • It depends what the problem is really: is it excess skin or a high body fat percentage? You'll likely find as you lose more body fat they get smaller on their own, but depending on your rate of loss (and a host of other factors) you could end up with loose skin there. You're young, so there's a good chance a year or two…
  • Aww, you guys; nothing's more adorable than a budding bromance. ahah
  • I lost most of my weight eating close to 2000 cals a day, I'm down to about 1700 if I still want to drop an lb per week. I'm somewhere between 5'6-5'7 and started about 30 lbs lighter than you. Down to 159 now. It all depends on your personal stats, needs, and activity level. You'll lose (approx) whatever MFP says you'll…
  • This. 100% this. ...And being pinned against the wall by someone else's body. But really, mostly the friendliness, decent human being doesn't treat others like they're below them type behaviour.
  • It largely depends on where you drop the weight from... and how well your current size actually fits haha. It took me 30-40lbs to see a change in pant size for example, because overweight me refused to believe I was really that big and wore terrible fitting things.
  • Exercise is for health; a caloric deficit is for weight loss. Eat less than you burn, you'll lose weight whether you exercise or not. You can play around by logging the skipping into MFP at the different levels, but it'll be fairly inaccurate.
  • To look sexy as hell, or get fit trying ;) hahaha. I'm between 5'6-5'7; aiming for 145. Started around 230ish.
  • I think you've identified the real course of action. The reality is, it's part the medicine and part you; it's making you feel more hungry, but you're still making the decisions on what and how much to eat. I've been on the medication you're on (I have chronic migraines) and I put on about 10 lbs over 3 months, then took…
  • Eggs, yogurt (greek if you're looking for the protein trade-off), lentils and other bulk buys, add in starches like rice/pasta/potatoes. It's pretty easy to get your cals up; just look for calorie dense foods.