

  • When I first started using this I weighed in on Mondays only. After about a month I started to weigh in on Fridays. I don't think it really matters if you change the day you weigh in as long as once you do you consistently weigh in on that day.
  • I just donated blood about a week ago. I didn't really have any problems. I have never fainted in the past while donating blood, however quite a few times I have gotten lightheaded, and felt a bit sick. The past 2 times however, I haven't had any problems. Out of curiosity when you donate blood do you begin by sitting up…
  • I know how hard it can be. I myself just got out of a 5 year relationship within the last 6 months, and it is usually a day to day struggle. I have my days when I am okay and eating healthy and exercising ridiculously because it keeps my mind off other stuff and days that I am so depressed all I want to do is eat and lay…
    in Lonely Comment by silmarwen March 2010
  • I'm fairly short. Only 5'3, and I am just the opposite. I absolutely love the elliptical, and cannnot stand the treadmill. I don't know why, I just cannot bring myself to stay on a treadmill for more than 15 minutes but, I can be on the elliptical for almost 2 hours.
  • Personally if I can burn 300-350 calories during a 30 minute workout I am thrilled.
  • March 1st: weight 198.6 March 5th weight : 197.2 Down 1.4 lbs! Heading to the gym in a few before work.
  • I just started using this site about a week and a half ago. I would like to join this challenge to keep myself motivated and on track, so I don't fall off the wagon after a few weeks like i normally do.
  • thanks
    in New Comment by silmarwen February 2010