5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge

TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
This is the page for our March challenge!

I weighed in this morning and the scale said 181. I am pretty sure this is water weight since I worked out pretty hard this weekend and actually ate pretty well also. I am setting my goal for the month at 170. I know that is more than the 5 pounds but it will be more like 7 pounds from my lowest point last month! I will post the link at our old site!


  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    bumping for later... I am shooting for 175 this month. Have a good day everyone... Off to work
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Hi, I'm Kim...I would like to join this challenge...challenges are great and help keep me focused

    My official weigh-in will be tomorrow and I will check back with you then

    I would definitely like to break the 170's!!!
  • Good Morning all. I am soooo in! I just started using this website and am pretty excited. I hope I can stick with it. It has been three years of starting and stoping so many work out programs. I don't over eat-it's what I eat that is the problem. I know this because I haven't gained weight sense having my son but I haven't been losing the last 20 pounds either. The baby weight was coming off pretty steadily the first year then it stopped. Now I have to try which I never had to do before. Needless to say, I am lazy!

    What is the best way to lose that first five? I hear they are the hardest. Along with the last.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'd love to join in on this one too. I tried for a 5 pound loss in Feb but did not succeed. :ohwell: March has three more days than Feb, so I'm hoping that will help me :laugh: My current weight is 149
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi Terri,
    I am in our course. This is my new dally place to hang out, when I have time. I weighed in at 150.5 today at school so I am down a half pound from the week end and I am going to use that as my starting MARCH weight. I will see the 140's this month. I WILL I WILL. Hope to see all out old buddies find this site too. and WELCOME to all the newbies. This is the best group ever!
    Phyljen:smile::smile: :smile: :smile:
  • I just started using this site about a week and a half ago. I would like to join this challenge to keep myself motivated and on track, so I don't fall off the wagon after a few weeks like i normally do.
  • Hi Terri, I am in! :bigsmile:

    Hi Phyljen :smile:

    Welcome to newbies Silmarwen, Risa, Kim! :flowerforyou: This is a great group!

    My Progress:
    January 1: 198.5
    February 1: 192.5
    March 1: 190

    Weight Goal: 185
    Exercise Goals:
    Walk @ 3.5 mph, 40-60 minutes daily, 4x per week; Intensive aerobics @ 40 minutes, 2x per week; yoga/stretching @18 minutes, 5x per week; strength training @ 20 minutes, 5x per week.
    Behavioral Goals:
    1) Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night; 2) No carbohydrates after 4 PM; 3) No food after 8 PM, except for a small amount of fruit and yogurt right before bed.

    Gambate, everyone! Gambate = Japanese for "good luck" but it translates literally as "give it your all"!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I lost six pounds during the month of February. I had hoped for a little more, but ultimately my goal is five pounds a month, so I did accomplish that. I lost 10 pounds in January (my first month) So that puts me down 16 pounds total. I have lost almost twelve inches in fat during these two months. That says more to me than the 16 pounds!
    My goal for March is to be UNDER 130 pounds by the end of the month!
  • Currently I am at 287. Sounds like 282 is really acheivable!
  • Cranny
    Cranny Posts: 27 Member
    I'm new to the site as of Yesterday!! I'd like to join the challenge.

    I previously lost 100 a few years ago - managed to keep most of it off, but 20 lbs have snuck back to me!! YIKED -

    Figure since it's March 1 - and a Monday - 1st of the month, 1st of the week = 1st day of me loosing this 20lbs!!

    Count me in.... I'm in much need of motivation and goals.....

    I weighed in this morning @ 186.... (although my profile says 190 - I was guess when I set up acct yesterday - tried to change it but it showed me looking 4bls in 12 hours!! I WISH!! LOL - anyone know how I can changed that origanl 190 back to 186??)

  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Well I can't weigh in today last day at Disneyland but I am putting my goal at 202 5 lbs lower than feb lowest
  • erinm
    erinm Posts: 53 Member
    Count me in for this month. Didn't weigh today. Weight as of last Friday was 201.4. Goal for March is 196.
  • mamacassi
    mamacassi Posts: 131
    Count me also, I am currently 209 and aiming for 199. :) breaking the 200's. That's right!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Wow, welcome to all the newbies. So glad to have you all here with us.

    My progess:
    January 1 171.0
    February 1 165.8
    March 1 162.0

    So far I have lost 9 pounds this year. That is pretty kewl. Now I only have 7 pounds to go to meet my last big goal. Pretty exciting. Time to push harder in my workouts and eat healthier. This last weekend I did cheat a little more than usual. Now I am back on track and pushing forward. If I could lose these last 7 pounds in March I would be a happy camper. No more cheating for me for this month.

    My goals for March:
    1. No cheating all month. Especially over the weekends. That is the hardest.
    2. Push harder in all my workouts. Starting month 2 of Insanity next Monday. I plan to sweat two buckets instead of one.

    Good luck to everyone this month. I know we can all do it. :bigsmile:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I had a hard weekend that I need to shake off! :grumble:
    When I fall off my plan I feel so yucky the next day. But it is harder for me to say no to all the little things I need to not eat. This weekend was bad, I didn't even log Sunday.
    Two steps forward, one step back! Two steps forward, one step back! :sad: This dance I do is starting to get old. But it is a new mth and a new 5 lb goal!

    What do you do to get your head back in the game after a slip up?
  • patsea
    patsea Posts: 2
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    Count me in too!
    CW 174.
    Really would be good to see a number below 170 by month's end.

    This is do-able, so lets just do it!
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Count me in! I joined the site last year and was doing great, then fell off the wagon. My husband and I joined a gym last month and made a pact that if I can lose 35 pounds by September 5 (our 1 year anniversary!) , we can start making plans to have a baby. This is going to be great motivation! I weighed in today at 228.6, and would like to set my goal for 222 lbs. Are there going to be any weekly exercise challenges?
  • kjensen15
    kjensen15 Posts: 398 Member
    Count me in for this!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Love seeing so many new people join the group. :laugh: We are going to have so many people cheering us all on.

    Jenn-The past is the past and it's past! look forward and celebrate all that you have lost so far. You are our hero.:wink:

    Shavaun- missed you too. glad that you are back. You are always so positive! I appreciate that.

    Everyone keep sharing stories. I love to read all about your ups and downs in life. Together we can keep each other inspired.

    I took a day off from exercise today. I have not done that at all since joining. But I felt that my body really needed a break. I fell strange not to be working out. I only have like 97 calories left for the day, but I have had all three meals so I think I will be o.k. I have some fresh strawberries is I need a little snack before bed. Phyljen
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