5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • twt1999bird
    Another night at Gold's and two more classes=1013 calories burned. I hope I can keep this up and take advantage while my son is at his fathers for the week. And I have been eating good so far this week. That is the hardest part. To ignore my cravings. I got these 40 calorie fudgesicles for my daily treat after the gym. They have no sugar added and are really good.

    Have a great day everyone! Keep Moving!!!
  • michr50
    michr50 Posts: 2
    I am new to this site,. I am a weight watchers lifetime member, but its not working for me lately. Thought I would try something new. I weighed in at 147.5 and need to get to 135. Love to be part of a group Good luck to everyone
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good morning all! Welcome all the newcomers to our challenge.

    I got on the treadmill this morning and walked a 5k (3.1 miles) before my first daycare kids arrived. It sounds like it is going to be a great day outside (in the 30's) I may bundle up the kiddies and put them in the stroller (I have a great stroller that I can hold up to 6 children) and go for a walk. It is a pretty good workout pushing that thing around.

    Hope everyone has a great day! Plan your food choices wisely, get some exercise and drink plenty of water.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    GM, 5 lb losers!

    Going to do Burn Fat and Boost Metabolism with Jillian today...about 50 minutes and 450 calories...I work from 3 to 11...I'm a nurse so I be moving the whole time

    I have to events to motivate me:

    March 17th - Mexico
    June 20th - Warrior Dash in Joliet, IL...5K with 11 obstacle (jumping over fire, climbing haybales, mud crawl under barbed wire)...I have never done anything like this before...my goal is to lose 15 lbs by the time the event happens...yea, I hope I don't die and they have medical staff on-site.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    WOW Terri and Kim , you two are up and at it already today. For sure you will have a good day and so will everyone around you.
    Thanks for the info about the pop corn. I'll keep eating it when I get needing that snack. I grew up on Pop Corn. It was our Sunday afternoon treat.
    Mexico sounds fantastic... I am not sure about jumping over fire and all those adventures but it would be interesting if no one gets hurt! I plan to do a 10 K in the summer on the the of July. and in August I want to be at least 20-25 pounds lighter! YES!!!

    well I have worked all day already and now it is time to hit the step aerobics class. I am ready to release some STRESS big time so off I go. Phyljen:happy:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am sorry I have not been on so much lately. I just want to come in and say, "Hi".

    You all are doing an amazing job getting your workouts in and eating healthy. Keep up the great work.

    I have been doing pretty good except for one thing. My afternoon snack is Peanut Butter and Preserves on Whole Wheat bread and I seem to continue to eat the PB & P after I am done. I dip my spoon in the PB and keep eating it until I am satisfied. I know that is so wrong, that is why today I am swearing off the extra. I really want to lose these last 7 pounds before the end of the month. So, here is to saying NO to extra PB.

    I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday. KPP :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am sorry I have not been on so much lately. I just want to come in and say, "Hi".

    You all are doing an amazing job getting your workouts in and eating healthy. Keep up the great work.

    I have been doing pretty good except for one thing. My afternoon snack is Peanut Butter and Preserves on Whole Wheat bread and I seem to continue to eat the PB & P after I am done. I dip my spoon in the PB and keep eating it until I am satisfied. I know that is so wrong, that is why today I am swearing off the extra. I really want to lose these last 7 pounds before the end of the month. So, here is to saying NO to extra PB.

    I hope you all have a fantastic Wednesday. KPP :bigsmile:
    :laugh: :laugh: I kind of do the same when I make the kids lunches I always make sure to leave a little extra peanut butter on the spatuala and then I lick it off.....yum!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I bought the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt on Saturday and finally did the whole thing this morning. 53 minutes and 367 calories. I think this is my new weight training program. :love: :love:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I'm off to yoga for an hour and a half and then an hour and twenty minute walk later in the day, so I'm covered for exercise. I did weigh myself this morning and the weight is the same. I'm just going to keep focused on the healthy, moderate eating and moving every day. I'd love to know what people's favorite DVD or Wii workouts are.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello my friends!
    Sorry this is going to be LONGGGG! :tongue:

    Out of control is the best way to put it! That is just how I feel. In my head I know I don't want to do it, but in a way I feel like I can't stop myself. Every other week or so I have a bad binge. I have started reading about eating disorters and overeating in a emotional binge is deffinatly an issue many diaters face. Helps to know I am not alone. I am trying to work on the stratagies they suggest.
    I sure understand about eating the M & M's! Or I'll finish the kids plates before realizing and asking myself "why am I eating this?!?!?"
    Great job on the nap time work-out! It sounds like you really enjoy and love those little kiddos. I wish we lived closer, I would move my son to your daycare! :laugh:

    I love your happy energy all the time! Sorry to read about your coming cold. I hope it is quickly gone and not sever. Doing a 10 k in July is an awsome goal! Best of luck.

    Great job on staying motivated to go to the gym. Having a child is a beautiful thing. Hard work, but so worth every minute of it! What exercise challenge should we do? Pick our own and report in or plan on one to do together?

    It does take time but you will see a change soon. Keep at it, your doing the right things and soon it will show.

    Great job 1013 calories burned is so impressive! Wow. 3 Jennifer's now, lol.

    It is a great thing to have an event to work towards. I was rocking my weigh loss when I was losing for my brothers wedding. It is harder now that it has past. They will have medical staff on-site :laugh: BUT you wont need em!

    I also love peanut butter! I heard about a brand called Walden Farms, it has no calories, no carbs, no fat. I don't know how that is even possible. All chemicals? I have not tried it myself but IF I get some I'll let you know how it tastes.
    :blushing: What does KPP mean?

    Ok, sorry that was so long. My week is starting to turn around. Last night I exercised on my step while watching The Biggest Loser. After the show I also did my Weight Loss Yoga DVD. I felt great getting back into exercise after a few days of pouting. I also have been doing better at eating healthy. Lots of fruit and veggies and staying under my calories.
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Hello my friends!
    Sorry this is going to be LONGGGG! :tongue:

    Great job on staying motivated to go to the gym. Having a child is a beautiful thing. Hard work, but so worth every minute of it! What exercise challenge should we do? Pick our own and report in or plan on one to do together?

    I think we should come up with one to all do together, that way we can help each other along!
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Good morning all, well almost noon. I walked my route this morning and felt very invigorated. I'm gaining a lot of energy from this. I'm not the big exerciser that most of you all are here. I'm lucky to get in a walk or bike ride everyday. I'm an at home caregiver for my hubby so I don't have gym membership or exercise equip at home. Mine is the outdoors walking the mile section or biking to wherever. Hubby rides his electric scooter along side.
    I enjoy this site so much. I love the challenge to see it "I can do it". Keep up the hard work all... and I'll check in later.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Jaque, I'm not a big exerciser either except for yoga, mostly I walk. I know that if I throw in some sit ups and strength training at home I like the way I look better though.
  • TwentyTen
    TwentyTen Posts: 585
    I'm off to yoga for an hour and a half and then an hour and twenty minute walk later in the day, so I'm covered for exercise. I did weigh myself this morning and the weight is the same. I'm just going to keep focused on the healthy, moderate eating and moving every day. I'd love to know what people's favorite DVD or Wii workouts are.

    I need to do more walking myself. Right now i am relying on my Wii Fit Plus to get my daily exercise in. Just discovered the 'expert' mode of the boxing and I enjoy that alot. The hula is a good burn, but not my favorite thing. Also I get into the skateboarding. The cycling and the stepping are ok too, and better when you unlock the advanced levels. I always spend some time with the yoga and strength training too. I did not see any loss last week either so I feel like I should kick it up a notch this week. I am just now about to get to the boxing and let out some of the frustration of the day. Bam!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I hope its not too late to join in. I could use some support seeing as how I don't have a lot of friends. I was at 178 at the beginning of this week and I will be 172 by the end of March. This weekend will be a challenge because I am heading off to Victoria BC for the weekend and my favorite restaurant in the whole wide world. I will exersize my butt off to try to counter some of the calories but I am sure my weigh in on Monday won't be good.
  • thornbirds86
    thornbirds86 Posts: 5 Member
    Since I'm new to this, I just had a quick question. Do we just do one final weigh-in at the end of the month, or do we have weekly check-ins? (Sorry if you went over this already, I wasn't able to read all the comments.) Thanks!
  • mpar307173
    I am so in!!! This is just what I need......someone to answer to and to motivate me! :smile:
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    Count me in as well. I am at 157 and have only lost 8 pounds during the two months I have been doing this. But I will try for 5 in March. My goal will be 152.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Since I'm new to this, I just had a quick question. Do we just do one final weigh-in at the end of the month, or do we have weekly check-ins? (Sorry if you went over this already, I wasn't able to read all the comments.) Thanks!

    Welcome to the group! We weigh in on the first of the month and then every Friday just to keep us on track!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Jaque, I'm not a big exerciser either except for yoga, mostly I walk. I know that if I throw in some sit ups and strength training at home I like the way I look better though.

    Yoga is an awesome workout and does wonders for flexibility and your core muscles!