5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Look like lots of pounds are going down the drain! YIPPEE
    I was sure that today I would not see a weight loss but low and behold!!!! I was down so I finally get to see the 140's again.
    March 1 - 150.5
    Today March 5th - 149!
    Ya HOO!!!!! I am so excited.

    I am all jazzed up for my Saturday morning jog tomorrow morning. Today I am just relaxing and having a day of rest. It is the Sabbath here in Cairo.
    Actually I took a long drive with my hubby, daughter and son and I tell you ... I felt like I had been to an amusement park riding the scariest ride ever by the time I got home. Cairo Traffic is a mix between a roller coaster and the bumper cars. ( luckily we didn't get bumped but there were too many close calls. I guess this doesn't exactly sound like the day of rest! The morning was relaxing though. My daughter is having her wedding reception in August so we were out driving around the city looking for a nice venue to have it at. There are some pretty cool places to have a pool side wedding.:heart: ( also some crummy ones too) :laugh:

    Came home and made up some soft shelled tortillas and all the trimmings for healthy home made soft shelled tacos. It was a great way to calm down from the thriller ride. I prefer driving up in the mountains in the summer in Idaho!!!! I am glad I don't live in the city over here. School is only about 3 miles away so I don't have a veyr long ride and I go early before there is much traffic.

    O.k. Can't wait to hear the rest of your reports of your weight lose or whatever and also some good stories to go along with them.

    Bye for now. :smile: PHYLJEN
    PHYLJEN, Congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like the Cairo traffic is a cardio workout for sure! Keep it up!:laugh: :laugh:
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good morning everyone. We are all over the country. I am a St. Louis Missouri girl. Just now starting to get warmer. But with that comes the spring thunder storms!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    GM fellow losers,

    I totally slept in this morning and doubt I will exercise today...I have to work from 3 to 11...I'm a nurse; so, that alone will be exercise

    I have been just horrible this weekend...every once in a while I get one that bits me...this was the one...however, I am back on track today

    TCASMEY, I am from Woodbury, MN...10 miles West of the WI border...Originally from Chicago

    Have a happy Sunday!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I keep wanting to get up to Woodbury....I think there is a Trader Joes there. I have never been to one and would love to check one out.

    We are eating a quick lunch of leftovers and then going to the Mall of America to look at netbooks for my daughters birthday present.

    I hope to get in some kind of a workout when we get home. We'll see. I have slept horribly the last few nights and fell like I am dragging my butt today. (teaching a rowdy group of 3-5 graders at Sunday school did not help!)

    Have a great Sunday!

  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    I keep wanting to get up to Woodbury....I think there is a Trader Joes there. I have never been to one and would love to check one out.

    We are eating a quick lunch of leftovers and then going to the Mall of America to look at netbooks for my daughters birthday present.

    I hope to get in some kind of a workout when we get home. We'll see. I have slept horribly the last few nights and fell like I am dragging my butt today. (teaching a rowdy group of 3-5 graders at Sunday school did not help!)

    Have a great Sunday!

    :noway: :noway: :noway: You haven't been to Trader Joes:noway: :noway: Yikes get there fast! I love it! Just kidding, but it has great prices on some of my favorite things, i.e. protein powder, greek yogurt, yummy whole grain breads! Kinda like a small whole foods, but with out the huge sticker shock! You do need to read the ingredients though just to make sure it's as healthy as it looks!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I keep wanting to get up to Woodbury....I think there is a Trader Joes there. I have never been to one and would love to check one out.


    I was just there the other night...I bought some fresh tulips, produce and bread; plus, a cheesecake for the kids...my son loves cheesecake...I do like the organic selections they have...somehow, spent $65.00...oh, their garlic hummus is so good and I bought pita chips with sesame seeds...now, I am hungry.

    It's in a small outdoor mall off of CR 19/Woodbury Dr. and 94
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi all my pals.:laugh:

    I have had a busy day of teaching but had a nice swim before I started the day and then did step aerobics after school. Been working on report cards all night and want to sleep! I will be so glad when they are all finished once and for all. They are due in on Wednesday morning so Thursday will be a good day cause by then they HAVE TO be done. :heart:

    for those of you that couldn't tell from my last message. I live in Cairo, Egypt. :glasses: but I was born and raised in IDAHO.:laugh: I come to Idaho every summer and visit my parents and sister... well all the family members! Looking forward to that in the end of June!:bigsmile:

    I weighed in at school today just to make sure the scale that I weighed with on Friday was correct and IT was!! I was even a few ounces less but I will just wait to weigh in on Friday and I hope it is even a pound lower!!! I keep telling myself to EAT those exercise calories and so usually I do at least within about 300 or so. It is kind of nice going to bed on a full tummy!:wink: But boy my legs and muscles are aching. :frown: My body is getting old for all this jumping around. Good thing I am 11 pounds lighter than I was a couple months ago.that must be somewhat better on the knees.

    well I better get off this site and get back to work and then to bed! :yawn:
    Have a good day. Phyljen:yawn:
  • Hi All!

    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight this week!

    I am sorry that I didn't check in earlier. It has been an extremely difficult week.

    In addition to having an overly full plate work-wise, my little old man kitty is in the final stages of kidney disease and has been in extreme distress. He has been meowing endlessly during the night - since Tuesday night, I have only been getting about 2 - 3 hours of sleep each night, and even that is fitful. I have increased his fluids by .5 liters per day (2x a day now instead of one) and the vet did give him a prescription for an anxiety medication, to cut down on his distress. This did make a difference - he didn't start meowing until 5 am this morning, and spent some time doing many of his normal morning things, looking out different windows, etc.

    Please don't tell me to put him to sleep yet - I know this sounds strange, but he hasn't told me yet that he wants to go, and until he does, it would feel like a betrayal. I have had two other cats who have gone through this - with the first one, the vet told me I would know when it was time - she would tell me, and she did. So did her daughter when she had kidney disease.

    Anyway, the long and short of it is that with the lack of sleep, my appetite has gone way up - it's really the only time that I ever overeat anymore. My cravings are for carbs - it's really related to wanting a seretonin fix. And of course it doesn't matter that most of the carbs are healthy - hummus, olive oil, whole wheat pita bread, etc. We can, of course, get too much of a good thing. At the same time, while I've kept up with my walking (I am participating on a team in our city's annual city-wide physical activity challenge and couldn't let them down), I've only done enough to meet my weekly goal - haven't had the energy to do many conditioning sessions...

    So, I have gained 1.5 pounds this week - not a surprise. Logging in here, I feel committed to at least not gaining anymore weight while my little old man, Leo, and I finish his journey.

    Best and with love,
  • Hi, I'm new to this site as well as tgetting into shape and lose weight I'd like to join the challenge
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Hi All!

    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight this week!

    I am sorry that I didn't check in earlier. It has been an extremely difficult week.

    In addition to having an overly full plate work-wise, my little old man kitty is in the final stages of kidney disease and has been in extreme distress. He has been meowing endlessly during the night - since Tuesday night, I have only been getting about 2 - 3 hours of sleep each night, and even that is fitful. I have increased his fluids by .5 liters per day (2x a day now instead of one) and the vet did give him a prescription for an anxiety medication, to cut down on his distress. This did make a difference - he didn't start meowing until 5 am this morning, and spent some time doing many of his normal morning things, looking out different windows, etc.

    Please don't tell me to put him to sleep yet - I know this sounds strange, but he hasn't told me yet that he wants to go, and until he does, it would feel like a betrayal. I have had two other cats who have gone through this - with the first one, the vet told me I would know when it was time - she would tell me, and she did. So did her daughter when she had kidney disease.

    Anyway, the long and short of it is that with the lack of sleep, my appetite has gone way up - it's really the only time that I ever overeat anymore. My cravings are for carbs - it's really related to wanting a seretonin fix. And of course it doesn't matter that most of the carbs are healthy - hummus, olive oil, whole wheat pita bread, etc. We can, of course, get too much of a good thing. At the same time, while I've kept up with my walking (I am participating on a team in our city's annual city-wide physical activity challenge and couldn't let them down), I've only done enough to meet my weekly goal - haven't had the energy to do many conditioning sessions...

    So, I have gained 1.5 pounds this week - not a surprise. Logging in here, I feel committed to at least not gaining anymore weight while my little old man, Leo, and I finish his journey.

    Best and with love,
    Shivaun, I am so sorry your kitty is doing so poorly. It is so hard when our loved ones are not doing well. My kitty Bando had the same type of thing and you are right, you know when they are ready. I had 21 years with Bando, and it is very hard!

    When I am tired I eat way more than normal, I think it's our bodies defense in trying to give us extra calories. Great that you are still walking, keep it up. Hugs to you and your little old man.:flowerforyou:
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Hey everyone! I live in LA . I just came back from a walk around Lake Hollywood and it's CRAZY around the theatre. On Oscar day it's quiet almost everywhere except in Hollywood, and once the show starts it's almost ghostly on the street, the stores, the movie theatres. It really is a company town.

    My computer went cafluee and missed out something:

    Shivaun: I am with you, I've been there, my heart is breaking that you have to say goodbye, and you're doing the right thing. God love you and your cat.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    well I almost made my weekend goal of 1500 calories burned (1451) just didn't have it in me for the last 49 stinkin calories:grumble: I did way more than I would have though:wink: I did make my 5 fruit/veggie challenge per day! Hope everyone else had a great weekend.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I haven't been to Trader Joes because when I lived in the Minneapolis area they were just talking about bringing them into the area and now the nearest is about 45+ minutes away.

    Shivaun, my thoughts are with you. I do not own a cat but we have a dog who is a member of the family.

    I did not get any workouts in Sunday, but Saturday I biked for 2 hours and burned 1000+ calories.

    I already got almost an hour of walking done and burned 494 calories. I am shooting for 1500 calories burned today.

    What's for breakfast?

    1 cup frozen blueberries-70 calories
    6 oz dannon light and fit vanilla yogurt - 80 calories
    1/2 cup fiber one cereal-60 calories

    Total calories 210

    This for me is a very filling and keeps me full for quite some time.

    Mid morning I will have a low fat cheese stick and a can of V-8.

    Lunch I am not sure what I will eat!

    Here is to a great day!

    Be healthy!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Breakfast is great grains cereal, skim milk and a banana...the rest of the day, I have no idea

    Exercise is No More Trouble Zones with Jillian Michaels and then work from 3 to 11...going to try and weasle out of that one
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this site as well as tgetting into shape and lose weight I'd like to join the challenge

    Welcome to the group! We are here for support and encouragement!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Today is my mom's birthday, so I am taking her out to dinner. I went over calories last night and I am sure I will go over again today, but I will try to do a good workout once I get home tonight and I did do a lot of exercise Sunday so maybe it wont be so bad. I am also giving myself a new goal. I am going to take the kiddos to San Diego in July and I need a new swimming suit (the one I have is way to big for me now in the bottom and the boobs) so I will lose 20 lbs before then and be 130 before I buy my suit! That should make my vaca even more fun! I can't wait to go to the San Diego Zoo and I love the beach so that is where I will spend most of my time. Don't worry the hotel does have workout room, I already checked! I plan to walk every morning and hit the gym at night after the monsters are in bed.

    I watched a little girl (age 4) this weekend for a neighbor and friend who had to work. Her daughter asked if we could go to lunch at Mac Donald's Sunday and my daughter said "we can't go because my mommy eats healthy food now, I never get to go there anymore unless mom is sick and daddy feeds us" :embarassed: I felt bad knowing that I have not been the best about sticking to my healthy eating plan, because I am great until the kids go to bed so they don't get to "cheat" with me. So I told them they got to eat out! I let them order what they wanted (we wasted a lot of food, lol) and we went to ice cream after. So, I didn't stay in my calories but I sure was super mom to 3 little tots. I did get a look from another mom, like I was the worst person ever for letting a two year old order a hamburger plus nuggets plus fries but whatever! 80% 20% right! He did eat his apple first! They sure slept well after they tore up the park play ground. My man got home after work and we were all laying around in food comas. I had two sleeping little girl heads one on each leg and my son across my shoulders on the back of the couch. :laugh:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi pals,
    Monday is my day that I don't have an aerobic class and the pool is closed so I didn't do exercise. I was reading all about Terri's exercise marathon.... and others plans for the day and so after dinner I decided to take a walk, AT LEAST. so I went out and walked briskly for 30 minutes. That is not too much but I burned off about 200 calories so I was happy that I did it. I was falling asleep on the couch anyway as I was revising my report cards so after the walk I had some energy to complete them all. I see the light at the end of the tunnel FINALLY!

    Jenn I think you're a super mom no matter what any one say or looks like they are about to say! You have set a good example for your little kiddies and the treat out is nothing to worry about. Glad that you could enjoy a dinner with your mom too. YOU GO GIRL! WOW 130 and a new suit. What a goal. I hope to buy one too and be down to close to that as well when summer rolls around.

    Shavaun I am so sorry about your kitty cat. I hope that you are getting more sleep and that LEO is also doing better or at least not suffering. I don't have a cat or a dog but I dog sit sometimes and love that little HOWIE. I could get attached really easy to a pet. but they are a lot of work and a problem when I travel in the summer to find someone to take care of them.

    This week I found out my mom has congestive heart failure so she is on oxygen now. Her legs were all swollen up with water and her lungs too so she was not in good shape at all. I am glad my sisters stepped in and took her to the doctor and got her on water pills and oxygen. I wish I was closer at times like this. It is hard being across the sea.

    Welcome to all the newbies!!! You will love this group.

    well it is past 10 and I need to jump into bed so I can get a good nights rest and go at it for another day. Hey Terri, enjoy those blue berries!!! That sounds so yummy. They don't have them here and they are my all time favorite fruit. I envy you!:yawn: Phyljen
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    I got to yoga this morning, had a yogurt for breakfast, most of a Trader Joe's salmon salad for lunch (not so good - the other ones are better) I'm trying to motivate myself to go for a hike before I leave for school, but I started reading these threads and feel very lazy. I'm in avoidance mode, but I think I have to pick one thing to avoid - either homework or exercise. Hmmmm...

    And yes - the occasional trip to the Scottish restaurant isn't going to hurt anyone, It sounds like you had a great time with your kids, and I loved your description of them passing out all over you!
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member

    This week I found out my mom has congestive heart failure so she is on oxygen now. Her legs were all swollen up with water and her lungs too so she was not in good shape at all. I am glad my sisters stepped in and took her to the doctor and got her on water pills and oxygen. I wish I was closer at times like this. It is hard being across the sea.
    Phyljen, I hope that you are able to talk with your Mom, I know it's so hard when you aren't able to actually be there for her (and for you!) Hugs to you!:flowerforyou:
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Well today I did a double Boot camp this morning, and moved up to 15 pound dumbells, I must say my arms are getting a little ripped :wink: Got in 750 gross calorie burn/550 net! All in all today was pretty good (except for going over my calories, because I forgot about my preboot camp snack this morning :grumble: :grumble: :ohwell: :ohwell: Tomorrow will be a single boot camp, but I will try to get a little extra cardio in!
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