What do you consider a good workout (calories burned)?

lina1131 Posts: 2,246 Member
If i do my outside 4 mile jog I burn anywhere from 500 to 550 calories. When i get back to my office (I go during my lunch break, and yes, come back sweaty as hell lol) i'm sweating, exhausted, got my *kitten* kicked, the whole works. When I go to the gym, I burn at the most 400 calories because i'm on a time limit so I can get back to work in time. 400 is if I totally kicked some *kitten* in the 45 minutes I was there.

So for me a good super workout is about 500 to 550 calories.

What do you consider a good workout caloriewise?


  • Desiderata
    any workout where ive burnt 300 or more calories. just to get me back on track for the day (calorie consumption-wise ha ha%Pr
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I started Jillian Michael's No More Trouble Zones over the weekend and for that 40-minute workout I burned almost 400 calories. I was also sweating (no fan in that room lol), exhausted and butt thoroughly kicked, but I felt great afterwards! :laugh: Now that is what I consider a good workout! :drinker:
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I agree...my "good" workout days are the days I burn 500-550. I have a Teabo video that is 60 minutes long...and I hit 500 with that one. The other days I hit 400.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    In terms of numbers, I'm happy to burn over 300 calories.

    But honestly, I consider a "good workout" to be one that I will do consistently! I used to spend two hours or more at the gym doing back-to-back spin and circuit classes. I would burn 600 calories but it wasn't sustainable. Not only did I physically and mentally exhaust myself, but it also wasn't something that I could maintain once my schedule changed to no longer allow for 2 hour gym sessions.

    Then, the silly perfectionist in me decided that if I couldn't burn 600 calories in a gym session I might as well not go at all. Well, guess what happened.....
  • kingking
    kingking Posts: 64 Member
    I have different levels..on my 3x a week night time gym visits, I aim for 400 calories in an hour or so. Half in the pool and half on a cardio machine.

    At karate 2x a week, I usually burn 800 or so in about 75 minutes.

    And on the weekend, I am trying to add one harder workout, but have no track record of success yet.

    If I ski, I'll burn about 1500 in a full day.

    What's depressing is that my calories burned are dropping...presumably as I get in better shape.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    If I can hit near 300 in a 30 minute workout on my lunch break, I am stoked.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    If it keeps my under my calories for the day, it's a good workout. :) I feel good when I burn 300-400 calories in a workout.
  • efcdcdb
    efcdcdb Posts: 392 Member
    It looks like I am going to be way under "the norm" here. I consider ANY workout a good one. Before I joined MFP, my workouts were sporadic, at best. Since joining, I am pretty sure I have had some kind of workout every single day. Some days it is riding my stationary bike for 15 or 20 minutes at low intensity. Most days it is for 30 or more minutes at vigorous intensity, burning about 300 calories. Yesterday, I just walked at lunchtime for 30 minutes, and since I had a pretty low calorie day, I didn't do anything else, but still felt great that I had gotten that walk in. So I'm more about getting something in every day than burning a ton of calories each day. For me, I'd never be able to keep it up if I tried to burn 500 or more calories each day, so I like my current "life style change". :ohwell:
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member

    What's depressing is that my calories burned are dropping...presumably as I get in better shape.

    But getting in better shape means you are losing weight and becoming more healthy! That's nothing to be depressed about! You don't need as much energy to do the activities so your calorie burn is less which is a good thing! Incorporate some H.I.I.T (High intensity interval training) into your workouts to see your calories increase. =)

    I aim for a minimum of 300 calories for my quick week day work outs a the gym (I only get about 40-45 minutes before I have to pick up my kids) and 600+ when I go running or go to spin.
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    If I can hit near 300 in a 30 minute workout on my lunch break, I am stoked.

    I aim for something similar. In my morning aerobics and weight classes I aim for 400 cals min as the class is 40 mins long. For me personally I like to try and get 600min a day for working out burned. Its just a random number I have my in head and I dunno why or where it came from.
  • AProkop
    AProkop Posts: 7
    I try to hit over 300 calories each time I work out at the gym. Sometimes, if I am walking at home, I don't always reach that goal but then I try to make my meals lower in calories for the day.
  • paulaswrld
    It looks like I am going to be way under "the norm" here. I consider ANY workout a good one. Before I joined MFP, my workouts were sporadic, at best. Since joining, I am pretty sure I have had some kind of workout every single day. Some days it is riding my stationary bike for 15 or 20 minutes at low intensity. Most days it is for 30 or more minutes at vigorous intensity, burning about 300 calories. Yesterday, I just walked at lunchtime for 30 minutes, and since I had a pretty low calorie day, I didn't do anything else, but still felt great that I had gotten that walk in. So I'm more about getting something in every day than burning a ton of calories each day. For me, I'd never be able to keep it up if I tried to burn 500 or more calories each day, so I like my current "life style change". :ohwell:

    I fully agree. Given that before starting this weight loss journey, I hadn't set foot in the gym or done anything that resembled exercise, I am happy with anything.
    If I go in for a good eliptical cardio workout on the weekend or after work, I can burn about 400 calories in an hour.That is based on what the machine says, so if it's more, I have no idea. Most days during the week, i take my lunch hour at the gym and walk on the treadmill. A little over 2 miles - 40 minutes - I can usually get 170-200 calories. it's not much by most of the standards here, but for me, it's better than nothing and I'll take it.
  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    id have to say much the same 500-550. which is usually a run for m,e as well
  • Deweypc20
    Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member
    I usually set my goal for 500. Even I am not up for a full run, for say 30 mins to get 500, I will do the elliptical or something less taxing to get me to 500.

    It actually bothers me when I don't have time to get to 500.
  • aisha11188
    It usually depends on time for me. If I have a class at university I usually do 40mins on the treadmill (interval training) which burns exactly 500cals. Otherwise when I dont have to be anywhere specific I try to burn between 600-700.cals.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I aim for 100 calories per 10 mins...minimum (for aerobics). I keep a notebook with every exercise I do and try to beat my last log. Recently, I've been able to achieve 325 or so in 30 minutes, and nearly 500 in 45 minutes. If I get less than 100 calories in 10 minutes, I consider it a stroll in the park :tongue:
  • gummibaehr
    gummibaehr Posts: 143
    Any work out is good! But for me personally, I feel best burning between 250-300 cals. That seems to be the level where I feel like I've put in a good work out, but I don't overdo it.

    P.S. I swim laps for my work out, btw! A 30 minute swim for me is about 280 cals burned.
  • Deweypc20
    Deweypc20 Posts: 68 Member
    I aim for 100 calories per 10 mins...minimum (for aerobics). I keep a notebook with every exercise I do and try to beat my last log. Recently, I've been able to achieve 325 or so in 30 minutes, and nearly 500 in 45 minutes. If I get less than 100 calories in 10 minutes, I consider it a stroll in the park :tongue:

    I like that, a good way to gauge whether you are working hard enough or not. I may have to track that way too, although adjust for my weight.
  • silmarwen
    Personally if I can burn 300-350 calories during a 30 minute workout I am thrilled.
  • suejonestx
    suejonestx Posts: 256 Member
    Since ~3500 calories equals a pound, a 500 cal workout everyday would burn a pound a week. It would be awesome if I could aim for that goal, but with a young daughter and a full-time job, I'm happy to get 3 workouts in a week, anywhere from 400-500 cals each. Like someone else said, if you get your body moving somehow most days a week, that is good, despite the number of calories burned!