to donate blood or not to donate blood

leelu Posts: 136 Member
I have just recieved a message from the blood service asking me to donate as I am 0neg and they are short in supply heading into easter ...

I am not a great donator tho and i get quite woosy and have feinted before donating, but i try to do it occasionally anyway as i do think its a good thing to do. but am really worried that because i am already in calorie deficit maybe it will make it worse ?? has anyone had any good or bad experiences donating blood while dieting that could ease my mind ??


  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    I'd call them, share your experiences and your current diet/cals, and ask them their recommendations. Every blood bank I have dealt with has been totally aboveboard, honest, and open with their advice and recommendations; remember, they do this for a living, they are great at what they do, they know what they're doing, and they're happy to answer your questions and ensure that you're an educated, qualified, repeat donor!!!! Good luck, and keep us posted on the answers you get, the choice you make, and your experience if you decide to donate!

    As a woozy-fastbleeder-fainter myself, I'd be interested to know if that happens EVERY TIME or if there are ways to FIX that part of the experience. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • silmarwen
    I just donated blood about a week ago. I didn't really have any problems. I have never fainted in the past while donating blood, however quite a few times I have gotten lightheaded, and felt a bit sick. The past 2 times however, I haven't had any problems.

    Out of curiosity when you donate blood do you begin by sitting up or laying down? I noticed that the times when I felt lightheaded and sick I began in an upright position. The past 2 times however, I began in a laying down position and was fine. It might just be a coincidence though.

    I would have to agree though and contact them before and see what they tell you.
  • leelu
    leelu Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks - I called them and they were happy to make an appointment for me, they told me to make sure i drank plenty as usual and got my hydration up, as most problems come from lack of hydration, but as long as i am eating healthy they are happy :) so going in tomorrow .... will advise the outcome
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    If you can, see if they will let you lay down when giving. Always transistion slowly from laying down or sitting. You need to give your body enough time to to adjust to having a lower blood volume, before you stand up. Good luck.

    I work in a hospital lab and O neg is always needed. Thank you for donating.
    (I have seen more MEN faint after having blood drawn then women.)

    Ooh and don't drink so much that you have to pee in the middle of donating. :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Donate if you can! Donations save lives. I used to donate on a regular basis and after I got married I kind of neglected to donate. A few years back I needed 4 units and was very thankful for the people who donate. I try to go every time I hear the blood mobile is in town. They do test to see if your iron is high enough. For some reason since I have been dieting my iron has been low. Hope all works well for you. I agree sit up and move slow after you donate. Drink plenty of fluids. Hope you have a good experience.