hate the eliptical?

I hate the elliptical. With a passion. But I am trying to figure out why, so many others seem to love it. I love the treadmill, I can walk and even run fairly well now, and the bike is good too. Sure all gym equipment gets boring after a while, but the elliptical just kills me. It's not only the boredom, but I just feel whipped on it. I do the treadmill for 30 minutes of alternating running and walking, and could go much longer but I try to squeeze in other routines in a small time. But 5 minutes on the elliptical and I want to die.

I used it for like 6 weeks a few years ago, I slowly built myself up and did better on it, but I still hated it.....so telling me to give it some time probably won't work. I wish I liked it, because it seems like a good alternative to running sometimes so that my knees don't get too much wear. I am short, 5'2 and I also have short legs even for being a short person. Sometimes I feel like the machine just swallows me whole. Could this be why I hate it so much, because the machine itself is too big so the movement just feels wrong? Are there any other shorter/smaller people who dislike the elliptical?


  • gadgetgizzmo
    I am shorter too and I don't really care for the elliptical all that much, but it is the only machine that I can use that will get my heart rate in the 140-155 range that I need. I can't run because i have been having back problems, and when i do the bike, i put the resistance up so much that I can barely pedal but my heart rate barely hits 130. I guess for me it is more that I am bored out of my mind with the elliptical. It is a good thing it has a tv with it or I would have given up long ago. A friend suggested I try to put the tread mill at a very steep incline and see if walking like that will get my heart rate up. I might try that tomorrow just for something different.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I don't understand why you have to like the Elliptical? You should do exercises that you like and find rewarding, not ones that other people like and find rewarding. :laugh:

    Oh and I hate it too. The motion is so unnatural because it feels like you are running but the motion isn't like running at all. I swim, bike and run instead.
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    I LOVE the elliptical. I'm tall though so maybe that does actually have something to do with it. I despise the treadmill because I get bad shin splints. Do whatever you like to do. Why do you have to like the elliptical anyways?
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I previously enjoyed running on the treadmill much more but after being forced off of it to recover from shin splints I've gone to the elliptical for backup. I have a newfound appreciation of the elliptical now because it's the kind of machine you can be on for very long periods of time and not develop any injuries from overuse. Once you get some kind of overuse injury from running you start to really respect the elliptical and become really thankful for it. Because I'm using it as an alt aerobics machine while I build up my shins, I'm pretty sure that I won't end up losing much of my running endurance during the recovery process.

    As for enjoying it, well, I put on headphones, have music, watch t.v. and just go back and forth on it - it gets my body releasing endorphins and adrenalin and that feels good. Once I get over the initial 8-10 minutes of it I can be on that thing over an hour and not feel the urge to get off of it (except that clock keeps ticking and I've got places to go...)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I am short too (4'11") and the elliptical and I have a love/hate relationship. I can't run or walk on the treadmill and I can't do stair-stepper machines due to arthritis. For me, the elliptical is difficult because I really can't use the upper body part because of my height. I agree about the machines just seeming like they are huge. I get all of my cardio from swimming, but if and/or when the pool is closed for maintenance, the elliptical and I will be having a get-together.
  • skinnydee
    skinnydee Posts: 23
    I'm loving my elliptical....I'm only 5ft so I find it easier not to use the upper body handles. I find going no hands uses my stomach more to balance and gives me an extra work out. I find the excercise bike and treadmill as too hard on my knees.
    But I do think that if you hate a machine then don't use it..life's too short :smile:
  • Tofuheart
    Tofuheart Posts: 191 Member
    Not a fan either. I am fine and enjoy all the other machines but that. I glare at it sometimes because its in the front row at the gym. Next month I'm going to attempt to conquer it. It's does feel like Im too short or something for it but my trainer said I can adjust my stance etc and it should be better. We shall see.
  • jdurham87
    jdurham87 Posts: 62
    In the words of the p90x dude...I hate it, but I love it! I love it because it burns 10 calories a minute. I hate it because it also burns my thighs pretty intensly the first 5 minutes, but after that they get warmed up and the burning fades away. Stretching also helps it feel better. I'm sorry you hate it :-(
  • kgrutch
    kgrutch Posts: 223
    try switching it up, i see many people who just go on there and do the same 30 minutes everyday. i occasionallly use the ellipitical and try to do 5 mins with 10 resistance/10 crossramp, then rest 1 minute. then i do 1 min intervals at crossrampresistnace 11/12/13/14/15 rest 1 minute. then i do 1 min sprints at 15-20 (wherever you can) with 1 minute rest in between. try it maybe the breaks will work for you. while you doing all of this look at the strides per min (usually in the bottom right corner), try to keep it steady around 140 if you can, if you can go higher try 180 on the sprints.
  • silmarwen
    I'm fairly short. Only 5'3, and I am just the opposite. I absolutely love the elliptical, and cannnot stand the treadmill. I don't know why, I just cannot bring myself to stay on a treadmill for more than 15 minutes but, I can be on the elliptical for almost 2 hours.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    My gym has Arc Trainers instead of Elipticals. it's in between an eliptical and stair climber. I love it!!!!!
  • BamaRose0107
    I LOVE the elliptical. I'm tall though so maybe that does actually have something to do with it. I despise the treadmill because I get bad shin splints. Do whatever you like to do. Why do you have to like the elliptical anyways?

    I love the elliptical too! But I should say that I have nerve damage and weak cartiledge in my left knee so treadmills and bikes are really hard on my knee. The elliptical was recomended to me by my doctor because it does not put as much stress on the knees.
  • thinn10
    thinn10 Posts: 5
    ok, new to the gym (long time since I have gone :ohwell: But, when I was at the gym the other day, I thought, ok, I'll try. OH MY GOSH!!! It's a KILLER???!!!! WHO likes that machine??? Embarassed, I couldn't get right back off, ok, I stayed on 4 minutes...:laugh:

    Oh, well, treadmill and bicycling right now I guess.

  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm short and I hate it too. It doesn't seem natural. The treadmill is boring but at least I can control my movement- run up and back on the tread and move my arms more. My knees hurt after getting on the elliptical but are fine on the treadmill. I like the stepper better than the elliptical.
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    :smile: I'm 5'2" with short legs as well and I also hate the eliptical machine! I am doing the C25K program, just did day 3 today and will be repeating week one until I am totall y comfortable with all 8 intervals at one time.
  • sydney91
    sydney91 Posts: 29
    I hate the elliptical. With a passion. But I am trying to figure out why, so many others seem to love it. I love the treadmill, I can walk and even run fairly well now, and the bike is good too. Sure all gym equipment gets boring after a while, but the elliptical just kills me. It's not only the boredom, but I just feel whipped on it. I do the treadmill for 30 minutes of alternating running and walking, and could go much longer but I try to squeeze in other routines in a small time. But 5 minutes on the elliptical and I want to die.

    I used it for like 6 weeks a few years ago, I slowly built myself up and did better on it, but I still hated it.....so telling me to give it some time probably won't work. I wish I liked it, because it seems like a good alternative to running sometimes so that my knees don't get too much wear. I am short, 5'2 and I also have short legs even for being a short person. Sometimes I feel like the machine just swallows me whole. Could this be why I hate it so much, because the machine itself is too big so the movement just feels wrong? Are there any other shorter/smaller people who dislike the elliptical?

    We are completely opposite! I HATE the treadmill, I cannot run to save my life, I get SO out of breath. Have you ever tried out an elliptical bike?? It's my favorite! It helps pace you and reach a calorie burning goal at only 30 minutes, I burn 200 calories on it and barely notice that I'm sweating! But I have never tried the elliptical machine, and I could imagine it would be hard, I am 5'1... and I could definately see that feeling of "swallowing you whole"
  • IKnowICan
    IKnowICan Posts: 86
    I LOVE the elliptical:love: It allows me to work out without to much having back pain as walking can due to back issues. I also have an recumbent stationary bicycle. I like to alternate them. It's sooo smooth. Treadmill felt so boring & heavy. Time passes quickly while watching a good movie or youtube on my iphone:tongue:

    Question to Elliptical Lovers.....Can you get toned legs using the Elliptical?:smokin: :smokin: :smokin:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Yes you can get toned legs using the elliptical, but not as good as squats or weights. I had to give up working out with weights on my legs and doing squats due to severe arthritis. I use the elliptical all the time anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes at a time.

    Yesterday I was in a what the heck mood and did weights with my legs again. They were sore today, really sore and it wasn't the arthritis, it was the muscles.

    The elliptical does some...but weights and squats are awesome for nice legs.

    I love the elliptical but I am 5' 10 so it doesn't feel so big to me
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I got rid of my treadmill to buy an elliptical...I hate it. I hate every second I'm on the stupid thing. I got to a point I could run 30+ min straight on my treadmill but the elliptical I want to die after about 7 mintues. It burns a ton more calories & I feel like I'm getting a much better workout, but it doesn't change how much I hate it. :tongue:
  • IKnowICan
    IKnowICan Posts: 86
    I got rid of my treadmill to buy an elliptical...I hate it. I hate every second I'm on the stupid thing. I got to a point I could run 30+ min straight on my treadmill but the elliptical I want to die after about 7 mintues. It burns a ton more calories & I feel like I'm getting a much better workout, but it doesn't change how much I hate it. :tongue:

    I know what you mean:wink: I've had mine for about 1 month now & it's really easy to use at the easiest level but...when you hit the classic workout button or the weight loss button it kicks your #@% I was exhausted under 10 minutes :sad: so those workouts I log in 10 minutes until I get more fit. :laugh: :tongue:
    Yes you can get toned legs using the elliptical, but not as good as squats or weights. I had to give up working out with weights on my legs and doing squats due to severe arthritis. I use the elliptical all the time anywhere from 30 - 60 minutes at a time.

    Yesterday I was in a what the heck mood and did weights with my legs again. They were sore today, really sore and it wasn't the arthritis, it was the muscles.

    The elliptical does some...but weights and squats are awesome for nice legs.

    I'm so glad to hear this...Not sure If I'm up to using weights yet due to my body majorly falling apart. :tongue:

    :heart: it because:
    I don't have to take my foot of the ground like a treadmill which is good for a Heel Bursa.
    it's less stress on my joints especially my back where I've had metal installed as a disc separator.
    I can stand up with no arms (most the time) so I doesn't hurt my right shoulder:laugh: :laugh: Geez

    My husband is going to trade me in for a 2011 model if I keep talkin:laugh: