MrBrown72 Member


  • well if you go for the literal definition: Retardation is the act or result of delaying... In fact this message was retarded.
  • I think people try way too hard to be politically correct. In fact i think the whole politically correct movement has almost destroyed honesty and open communication in many parts of our everyday lives. Really I can't imagine a better world than one in which people just say what they mean. There is no way to be politically…
  • 1. I can agree with legalizing drugs, and I have been saying it for years.Personally I don't believe that anything that causes no harm to anyone should be considered illegal in the first place. However there is one provision. If you cause harm while under the influence of anything mind altering the crime should be…
  • Timothy 2:12
  • Okayyyy. I read this thread because of the topic, not to hear you preach. I was interested in everyone opinion about the TOPIC, which is something you haven't been ever close to for several pages now. I was trying in a nice way to point that out. No one clicking on this header was doing it exclusively to watch the two of…
  • Don't get me wrong, all the contestants are great people I'm sure and we all love you more then chocolate, but really SHE believes in a Divine Being some do not. She sounds like she thinks she is superior because of her beliefs, some get angry mostly because of her choice of phrasing and a whole thread goes to heck while…
  • I think it had something to do with evolution... at least that's what it said up there. Why is the title the only thing on topic? Can we start a separate theological jousting thread and move the god/no god/ lasagna god of cheese debate over there?
  • what was the topic of this thread again?
  • I just think it would be helpful if sex ed included a class on technique ...
  • Just do what I do. Order an iced tea and squirt the little beast in the eye with the lemon. Alternatively I just say in a loud voice "hey, is this yours? yes, then make it go away." I didn't have any fun creating your child there is no reason I should have to deal with it.
  • Look closely at the next five people you see. Of course we're related to primates. Of course I think they have it backward and we are devolving into apes.
  • binding keep said dangly bits from escaping and biting the neighbors wives.
  • I believe that if a man punches another man, he has the right to hit him back. If a man punches a woman, every man has the right to hit him back. I believe that welfare is inherited. Generally if your parents were on welfare there's a greater chance you will be as well. It's a learned behavior. So to break the cycle when a…
  • I'd say talk them into going. However if they won't I'd keep my plans with them. Always best to keep your word in my opinion.
  • You're under 20% body-fat and a mother of three? I'd say you are doing fine. Sure you could drop some carbs and fat and add more cardio to your life but personally I'd say go with the numbers and buy some new cloths. Best case scenario is to stay fit, maybe do add some cardio to your schedule and just keep pushing the…
  • It's like a simplified GIMP for beginners. Nice.
  • most of us were beside ourselves at the time.
  • Was in the same boat. Here's what I can tell you. 1. Make sure your working out is progressive, more weight or longer runs. Set goals and surpass them. 2. It is not a sin to be hungry, let it be and deal with it. You know how many calories to eat, space them out and cope with being hungry now and then. 3. You could try…
  • I'll get my tiny sponge.
  • I think she meant just one at a time...
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • You would have too pass an IQ test before getting a drivers license. Score too low and you're sterilized on the way out the door. Elected officials would serve for life. With a vote annually deciding if they get another year. People using cell phones while driving would be shot on sight.
  • I'm
  • Boil bunnies :ohwell: :ohwell:
  • This. If you look around you will find sites like this one: The trick is to give her the "mission" of making recipes for you that will help you on your mission to stay in shape. Baking is a wonderful pastime, as is making something special for…
  • Personally I have no issue asking someone to keep their distance. However as you seem to want to not begin a dialogue with this woman (which may be wise as the over perfuming can be contagious, I've noticed they run in packs) there are still a few options. May I suggest you develop horrible gas? Releasing the squeakers…
  • Typically the soft spot for climbing is your back. Pullups, pushups, and shoulder work will help. Other than that build endurance and core strength.
  • So... Is he going to "change" for you when you "lay down the law" after he moves in? ROFL is this your first relationship? Here's what you need to know; No one will change for you. You don't get to "lay down the rules" in a relationship unless it is with your own child . If you really think otherwise, don't bother, you're…
  • Well posted. many of the common posts and their answers should be displayed before someone is allowed to post for the first time. I do have to take exception with 3. HRM's are the most accurate way to determine calories burned. heart rate is a good estimate of calories burned, it is not 100% accurate, however if it is not…