What is your most controversial opinion?



  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    I don't even know where to start with this.

    There's no god.

    There's no life after death.

    Abortion is ok.

    Same sex marriage is fantasic.

  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    2) It bothers me when people believe in abortion, but "not as a means of birth control". Why not? If you don't feel that life begins until birth, why does it matter? I feel like that's something that pro-choice people say as a means of appeasing both sides or something. I'd rather her have ten abortions than ten kids that she can't take care of.

    Well, as someone who is pro choice, for one thing - it's damaging to the woman's body to keep having abortions. It's also stupid and a waste of resources when you could just take a pill or use condoms.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    There are NO such thing as: Hell, the Devil, or God judging you. He's not mad at you for exercising your free will. It's OK.

    Hitler went to Heaven. There is no other potential destination for all of us. Even the ________ (fill in the blank with your worst thought.) gets to go to Heaven.

    I'm not kidding. I'm very serious, and it is (potentially) the hardest part for anybody to understand about my religiously-themed belief system.

    Also, in other topics, I very much support and appreciate our troops, and at the very same time, I'd be terribly dismayed if any of my children were to enlist. I do not want my government to be viewing any of MY children as expendable. I understand this is selfish and not very nice. I still feel this way. (sorry)

    Are you Mormon? Mormons don't believe in hell and believe that everybody goes to Heaven, just different 'levels' of heaven.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    There are NO such thing as: Hell, the Devil, or God judging you. He's not mad at you for exercising your free will. It's OK.

    Hitler went to Heaven. There is no other potential destination for all of us. Even the ________ (fill in the blank with your worst thought.) gets to go to Heaven.

    I'm not kidding. I'm very serious, and it is (potentially) the hardest part for anybody to understand about my religiously-themed belief system.

    Also, in other topics, I very much support and appreciate our troops, and at the very same time, I'd be terribly dismayed if any of my children were to enlist. I do not want my government to be viewing any of MY children as expendable. I understand this is selfish and not very nice. I still feel this way. (sorry)

    Are you Mormon? Mormons don't believe in hell and believe that everybody goes to Heaven, just different 'levels' of heaven.

    No. I am not Mormon. I do not belong to any organized religion.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    There are NO such thing as: Hell, the Devil, or God judging you. He's not mad at you for exercising your free will. It's OK.

    Hitler went to Heaven. There is no other potential destination for all of us. Even the ________ (fill in the blank with your worst thought.) gets to go to Heaven.

    I'm not kidding. I'm very serious, and it is (potentially) the hardest part for anybody to understand about my religiously-themed belief system.

    Also, in other topics, I very much support and appreciate our troops, and at the very same time, I'd be terribly dismayed if any of my children were to enlist. I do not want my government to be viewing any of MY children as expendable. I understand this is selfish and not very nice. I still feel this way. (sorry)

    Are you Mormon? Mormons don't believe in hell and believe that everybody goes to Heaven, just different 'levels' of heaven.

    No. I am not Mormon. I do not belong to any organized religion.

    Can I ask how you formed your beliefs? It sounds very interesting.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    actually my most contraversial opinion is genereally along the lines of I couldnt give a shiny *kitten* about the armed forces any more than anyone else in the population and detest the whole military worship "our boys" heroes" thing
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    seems to get the most people deleting me when i express it on facebook anyway :wink:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I am an animal lover... I love eating animals. :flowerforyou:

    p.s. I also have pets

    So you love animals, but only the cute kinds....er, certain kinds? :flowerforyou:
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Well, as someone who is pro choice, for one thing - it's damaging to the woman's body to keep having abortions. It's also stupid and a waste of resources when you could just take a pill or use condoms.

    I absolutely agree with this, abortions are definitely damaging to the woman's body, but having multiple children can be damaging to her body too. But again, if she chooses to damage her body, why is it an issue for me? I guess the people are pro-choice but say that they wouldn't support its legality "as a form of birth control". There are definitely "preferable" methods, but if she happens to choose this one and does this to her own body, I guess I just don't see the big deal.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Ok, I have another. If your mommy and daddy sent your pampered *kitten* off to a good 4 year college - you don't get to lecture anybody about "Bootstraps".

    You guys know there are 5 applicants for every job right now, right? Lots and lots of very good, decent, hardworking people are having trouble nowadays. And most of them didn't sign some stupid subprime mortgage.

    Going to disagree with you in part. Mommy and Daddy sent my daughter's pampered *kitten* off to College. I have no problem with what individual's do for one another. I have a problem with individuals going to the Government with their hand out because they feel thay are in some minority or another and believe the DESERVE a handout.

    As for jobs, I have no doubt that it's a b*tch out there. There has always been unemployment. People that are willing to work always seem to find a job. I've been there. I have. If I lost my job today, I would be flipping burgers by the end of the week. Or working for a temp service. Or getting a paper route. Whatever. Problem is, and I hear it all the time, that someone can't take a certain, because it is not up to where they were before.
    Wow,,, Dog and I never disagree.

    If your parents are reasonably middle class and can put you through school you too can make it to at least reasonably middle class just by showing up and doing your homework. OTOH - if both of your parents are HS dropouts and you get no support after your 17th birthday it takes an epic herculean effort to get there - and the vast majority don't. And that's cool, that's how it ought'a be. Got'cha.

    I'm a reasonably successful guy, somewhat college educated. Earn a good living as a techie in the manufacturing biz. Got where I am because "went to the government with my hand out" and applied for a Pell grant and a couple of student loans. Nowadays I pay more in FICA every year than the total sum invested in my destitute tuchus all those years ago. That's what you gotta do when your dad drives a truck and your mom rides a couch. Without that help I'd be still running a lathe for 1/2 what I earn today. I guess that's what should'a happened.

    BTW - I never said you shouldn't have sent your kid to school. I'm just suggesting that if one is born with lots and lots of advantages, they probably lack understanding of what it takes for somebody without those advantages to be successful.

    Lions often think the "Law of the Jungle" is just peachy - gazelles are usually not so sure.

    We're not that far apart. I'm not against loans, grants, etc. for college or even business start up. I am against preferential disbursement for certain groups of people. If the government has X amount of dollars for that year and Y amount of people apply and meet the scholastic criteria, then it should be divided up equally. Don't set aside 40% for a percieved minority just because race, gender, religious beliefs or whatever. Most importantly, I am talking about taxpayer funded grants, loans and scholarships. What a private individual or company wants to do with their money is their business and none of my business.

    BTW-Casper, as far as Holland is concerned, I just got defensive. As Dad's do. And....(Simplicity here) As the the Lions weed out the slower Gazelles, they deplete their own food supply and eventually regulate their own population growth. Natural selection.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Wow, this thread blew up while I was asleep! I love it - great opinions people, I am loving these!

    I have more!

    1) I believe that all drugs, hard or soft, should be legalized - marijuana, heroin, cocaine, all of it. I don't know about you, but if heroin was legal, I STILL wouldn't want to try it. I think it would take a lot of the power away from gangs, drug lords, etc, and, this is going to sound really brutal but we're in the controversial thread, it would weed out a lot of weak links. If you would try cocaine or meth or heroin just because it was legal, well, you're just an idiot and I don't really want to share the planet with you.

    I agree with this too, though I would be happy with JUST the legalazation of marijuana. My favorite Ron Paul debate moment of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qz6MEU4_HFs

    Just because it's made legal doesn't mean everyone is going to start using it. I could probably get my hands on any drug I wanted at anytime but I don't use heroin, cocaine, etc, because I have a brain! I think in this case, legalizing ALL drugs has more benefits than keeping them illegal. They would be safer to people using them, take control from cartels and gangs and create a revenue rather than costing money and supporting violent criminals who sell and smuggle them.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    No worries amigo. I have kids too, and we help them as much as we can.

    There's a word for those theories about weak gazelles, fast lions, and folks who think they know who's who:


    A theory of social evolution which asserts that:

    "There are underlying, and largely irresistible, forces acting in societies which are like the natural forces that operate in animal and plant communities. One can therefore formulate social laws similar to natural ones. These social forces are of such a kind as to produce evolutionary progress through the natural conflicts between social groups. The best-adapted and most successful social groups survive these conflicts, raising the evolutionary level of society generally (the 'survival of the fittest')."

    Donald Trump is the "Most fit", because he inherited superiority (and several million dollars) from his crooked slumlord father. He shows no signs of depleting his supply of gazelles thus far.

    Personally I think we're better than animals, or at least we should try to be.
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    What is the one opinion you have that you would say is the most controversial? Don't be afraid - doesn't matter how unconstitutional, unpopular, whatever, that's what makes it fun.

    I believe that Jesus is Lord, Savior, and the one true way to connect with God.

    ~~~Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”~~~ John 14:6-7

    ...yep that's definitely my most controversial opinion... Especially since I don't prescribe for the "it's true for me but not for you" mentality. Now, I don't go bashing people over the head and say "YOU'RE WRONGGGGGG!!!! aaaahhhhhh!!!" ...BUT since you asked, I figured I would be honest. My most controversial opinion/belief/whatever is that Jesus is real, he died and rose again, and that he offers salvation to everyone who confesses and believes. :flowerforyou:

    Can I get an AMEN? Yes. AMEN!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    So you guys really believe that the 90+% of humanity that is not Christian, and "The right kind" of Christian, are all going to spend eternity shrieking in agony being burned alive in a lake of fire. A trillion years from now they'll still be suffering.

    Wow, that really IS controversial.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Probably my MOST controversial view: I think the National Guard should be on our boarders and shoot anyone coming over in any way other than a boarder crossing. The department of homeland security warned US law enforcement that Al Qaeda and other terrorists plan to sneak into the U.S. through Mexico, though I think we have already seen this happening. Besides terrorists, have you seen images of the trails used to sneak people in? Rape trees? The garbage and murdered people human smugglers left behind?

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Double Post :(
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    I despise hunting & hunters that flaunt their "kill" like the accomplished something amazing, and sometimes don't even use the animal for the meat. Dude, there's no competition; you have a bullet travelling upwards of 2000 fps with an animal that might cap out a 10 fps.

    Want to call it a sport? Catch it with your bare hands and kill it with a knife.
  • BuffyEat2Live
    BuffyEat2Live Posts: 327 Member
    Wow, this thread blew up while I was asleep! I love it - great opinions people, I am loving these!

    I have more!

    1) I believe that all drugs, hard or soft, should be legalized - marijuana, heroin, cocaine, all of it. I don't know about you, but if heroin was legal, I STILL wouldn't want to try it. I think it would take a lot of the power away from gangs, drug lords, etc, and, this is going to sound really brutal but we're in the controversial thread, it would weed out a lot of weak links. If you would try cocaine or meth or heroin just because it was legal, well, you're just an idiot and I don't really want to share the planet with you.

    2) It bothers me when people believe in abortion, but "not as a means of birth control". Why not? If you don't feel that life begins until birth, why does it matter? I feel like that's something that pro-choice people say as a means of appeasing both sides or something. I'd rather her have ten abortions than ten kids that she can't take care of.

    3) If you say you are "an animal lover", but you eat animals, you are not "an animal lover".

    #1 No one has ever put the legalization of drugs in a way that made me question my own "don't legalize pot" opinion, but now I'm actually questioning it! So, well done debating, you! :drinker:

    #2 and #3 I 100% agree with.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Here's a good controversial POV.

    I believe that if you own/manage/operat/run a business and-or you employ people, and you employ Illegal Immigrants, you are guilty of high treason. You are a traitor to your contry and to your fellow americans.

    Just penalties?

    1) your business/household/assets etc. are seized and liquidated and the proceeds used to deport your illegal employees, and reimburse the treasury for the costs incurred by your illegal behavior. You don't get to pass on your ill gotten gains to your useless family.

    2) 10 years in real prison, preferably picking beans on a state farm in Louisiana. In pink pajamas.

    A year after this policy is initiated, after a couple hundred "Job Creators" are in the clink, nobody without a birth certificate/driver's license/passport will be able to get a job pumping gas, and you'll have to open the borders to let all the illegals go home. And that would solve the problem.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Here's a good controversial POV.

    I believe that if you own/manage/operat/run a business and-or you employ people, and you employ Illegal Immigrants, you are guilty of high treason. You are a traitor to your contry and to your fellow americans.

    Just penalties?

    1) your business/household/assets etc. are seized and liquidated and the proceeds used to deport your illegal employees, and reimburse the treasury for the costs incurred by your illegal behavior. You don't get to pass on your ill gotten gains to your useless family.

    2) 10 years in real prison, preferably picking beans on a state farm in Louisiana. In pink pajamas.

    A year after this policy is initiated, after a couple hundred "Job Creators" are in the clink, nobody without a birth certificate/driver's license/passport will be able to get a job pumping gas, and you'll have to open the borders to let all the illegals go home. And that would solve the problem.

    I would support tthis.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    We're not that far apart. I'm not against loans, grants, etc. for college or even business start up. I am against preferential disbursement for certain groups of people. If the government has X amount of dollars for that year and Y amount of people apply and meet the scholastic criteria, then it should be divided up equally. Don't set aside 40% for a percieved minority just because race, gender, religious beliefs or whatever. Most importantly, I am talking about taxpayer funded grants, loans and scholarships. What a private individual or company wants to do with their money is their business and none of my business.
    I absolutely agree. I had numerous scholarships in college because I worked my @$$ off and got good grades. One day a bill came to my parents' house from the school. My dad called to find out what it was for since I was already paid in full for that semester. The school said one of my scholarships was cut in half so more funds could go towards minority scholarships. Boy were we mad!! I worked my butt off to earn those scholarships and then had half taken away because my skin is too light? Pure BS.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Probably my MOST controversial view: I think the National Guard should be on our boarders and shoot anyone coming over in any way other than a boarder crossing. The department of homeland security warned US law enforcement that Al Qaeda and other terrorists plan to sneak into the U.S. through Mexico, though I think we have already seen this happening. Besides terrorists, have you seen images of the trails used to sneak people in? Rape trees? The garbage and murdered people human smugglers left behind?


    I'm not sure they should be killed but if we're going to pepper spray, beat, throw flash grenades, and arrest our own citizens for being where someone said they shouldn't be then we should be doing those same things to illegals who are where they shouldn't be.
    Here's a good controversial POV.

    I believe that if you own/manage/operat/run a business and-or you employ people, and you employ Illegal Immigrants, you are guilty of high treason. You are a traitor to your contry and to your fellow americans.

    Just penalties?

    1) your business/household/assets etc. are seized and liquidated and the proceeds used to deport your illegal employees, and reimburse the treasury for the costs incurred by your illegal behavior. You don't get to pass on your ill gotten gains to your useless family.

    2) 10 years in real prison, preferably picking beans on a state farm in Louisiana. In pink pajamas.

    A year after this policy is initiated, after a couple hundred "Job Creators" are in the clink, nobody without a birth certificate/driver's license/passport will be able to get a job pumping gas, and you'll have to open the borders to let all the illegals go home. And that would solve the problem.

    I absolutely agree.
  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    So you guys really believe that the 90+% of humanity that is not Christian, and "The right kind" of Christian, are all going to spend eternity shrieking in agony being burned alive in a lake of fire. A trillion years from now they'll still be suffering.

    Wow, that really IS controversial.

    Now, I never said that...!

    I do think those who clearly declare that they want to be away from God will be granted their request in the end. That's as far as I'll go. There are some who feel that the "lake of fire" is more of a metaphor used to represent being consumed, or destroyed, in the way that fire destroys and leaves nothing behind but ash. When the lake of fire is mentioned, it often says along with it, "...this is the second death." To me, that sounds more like a permanent end, rather than eternal torture. I'm sure some will disagree with me on this, though.

    And I place no weight on the word "Christian." It's just a word. I don't care what a person calls themself, honestly. It's all about Jesus, and a relationship with him. I do think that a relationship with Jesus can look very different in different contexts, like in parts of the world where it's illegal to "be a Christian." But I do not hold the power or ability to make that judgement over another person, or to be able to determine who's "in" and "out"... not my job, and it's not really my business.

    (...this may have just become more an even more controversial viewpoint... lol)
  • glypta
    glypta Posts: 440 Member
    I believe if you're addicted to drugs, you should be sterilised until you've spent some time 'clean' and can therefore raise your children drug-free.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Interesting, well put. My "Lake of fire" thing is what I was taught in church as a kid, but my family went to a pretty hardcore church.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Probably my MOST controversial view: I think the National Guard should be on our boarders and shoot anyone coming over in any way other than a boarder crossing. The department of homeland security warned US law enforcement that Al Qaeda and other terrorists plan to sneak into the U.S. through Mexico, though I think we have already seen this happening. Besides terrorists, have you seen images of the trails used to sneak people in? Rape trees? The garbage and murdered people human smugglers left behind?


    Good luck getting them all. A more efficient solution is to have homeland security target the much smaller demograhic of our citizens who are hiring these *kitten*, and putting them in a jail next to violent criminals and drug dealers. If you want to get rid of 80% of illegels, get rid of the jobs. And nothing would get rid of the jobs faster than some middle class slob or fortune 500 CEO getting rear ended by a drug dealer in prison. Put that on PPV. More effective with out the killings!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Wow, this thread blew up while I was asleep! I love it - great opinions people, I am loving these!

    I have more!

    1) I believe that all drugs, hard or soft, should be legalized - marijuana, heroin, cocaine, all of it. I don't know about you, but if heroin was legal, I STILL wouldn't want to try it. I think it would take a lot of the power away from gangs, drug lords, etc, and, this is going to sound really brutal but we're in the controversial thread, it would weed out a lot of weak links. If you would try cocaine or meth or heroin just because it was legal, well, you're just an idiot and I don't really want to share the planet with you.

    2) It bothers me when people believe in abortion, but "not as a means of birth control". Why not? If you don't feel that life begins until birth, why does it matter? I feel like that's something that pro-choice people say as a means of appeasing both sides or something. I'd rather her have ten abortions than ten kids that she can't take care of.

    3) If you say you are "an animal lover", but you eat animals, you are not "an animal lover".

    #1 No one has ever put the legalization of drugs in a way that made me question my own "don't legalize pot" opinion, but now I'm actually questioning it! So, well done debating, you! :drinker:

    #2 and #3 I 100% agree with.

    So be it than if that is your stereotype then I fit it well Im an animal hater! Bacon is my favorite! I hate hogs more then any other animal on the planet. !!!!

    Im okay with being an animal hater if that's what you want to say. Ill go home and punt my lovable little Dachsund/Yorkie outside into the snow so he can die as it settles below freezing tonight. God knows that little piss of crap chewed up enough of my stuff he deserves to die cold and hungry....Oh but I still kept him around and I still fed him and took him to the vet...I must be trying to keep him healthy solely to throw money down the drain or is it to fatten him up so I can put him into a nice garlic broccoli stir fry with some brown rice?

    And on the same subject matter...Shooting an animal with a gun for sport isn't as sporting as say shooting them with a bow (Which I strongly urge all sportsmen to try its much more challenging). Its not the actual shooting of the animal that takes skill its the stalking and planning that is necessary to hunt big game that makes it a bit of an accomplishment. Not everyone that goes out gets a kill you do have to know what your doing and in some types of hunts it takes more then just knowing what your doing
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    Wow, this thread blew up while I was asleep! I love it - great opinions people, I am loving these!

    I have more!

    1) I believe that all drugs, hard or soft, should be legalized - marijuana, heroin, cocaine, all of it. I don't know about you, but if heroin was legal, I STILL wouldn't want to try it. I think it would take a lot of the power away from gangs, drug lords, etc, and, this is going to sound really brutal but we're in the controversial thread, it would weed out a lot of weak links. If you would try cocaine or meth or heroin just because it was legal, well, you're just an idiot and I don't really want to share the planet with you.

    2) It bothers me when people believe in abortion, but "not as a means of birth control". Why not? If you don't feel that life begins until birth, why does it matter? I feel like that's something that pro-choice people say as a means of appeasing both sides or something. I'd rather her have ten abortions than ten kids that she can't take care of.

    3) If you say you are "an animal lover", but you eat animals, you are not "an animal lover".

    1. I can agree with legalizing drugs, and I have been saying it for years.Personally I don't believe that anything that causes no harm to anyone should be considered illegal in the first place. However there is one provision. If you cause harm while under the influence of anything mind altering the crime should be considered premeditated. So if you drive while drunk and kill someone, it's premeditated manslaughter.

    2. just sterilize everyone and make them apply to get it reversed. Abortion issue moot.

    3. I do love animals, I also love BBQ. Life feeds on life, it's the way we were designed. the cow ate the beautiful flower, the wolf ate the cow, the bear ate the wolf, and I ate the bear. there is no place in that chain of predatory reality I'd rather be than at the top. Besides if the founding deity of existence did not mean for me to eat animals, he would not have made them out of tasty meat. .

    55. I refuse to believe that a corporation is an person or has the right to be treated as a living entity and I will continue to believe this is true until the state of Texas executes one.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I think its child abuse for parents of deaf children to restrict their child from getting cochlear implants

    my brother is deaf and refused cochlear implants himself. maybe that was self abuse?

    A lot of the deaf community love their community and culture, and dont see it as just as disablity. Its part of them.

    Yes I agree that it is self abuse. Why would you deliberately handicap yourself. Its a brain washed culture who believes that they are some how Elite or special because they cant hear...how else can you explain something like that.

    I wonder if there was a cure for Down syndrome if they would avoid it because The culture is so special?

    As an adult its a personal choice as a parent you have a responsibility to give your child that opportunity. Just because a person was born deaf and they get to automatically join this cool deaf club doesnt mean they have to stay that way... That's the most insane justification. Just because you get an implant doesn't mean your abandoning the culture anyway...OR is that the stigma the other deaf people ostracize those that do? Sounds like (no pun intended there) the deaf community has walled themselves off from reality.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member

    What if they are wrong? Dr have been wrong before. Science has been wrong many times and we notch it up to Progress. Why is it so wrong to question science?

    Let me say that it's absolutely appropriate to question science. Science welcomes it. It's literally part of the scientific process. So feel free to do that at all times.

    Here's the catch though. You had better be REAL on top of your game. Scientists are SMAAAAAAARRRTTT! They aren't making this stuff up. I often sound smart and that's only because I'm repeating things I learned from science. If you need any proof just consider that you and I are having this discussion on the internet!

    So when you want to critique the science and research that goes into vaccinations you better have something good. Jenny McCarthy saying "My son got a shot and now he's autistic" isn't going to cut it.

    I agree that science needs to be questioned. And I agree that scientists are smart. But we always have to beware of human nature and I do not thing that even some one as enlightened as a scientist is immune. The problem with science is that in many fields, like say, archeology, the science has become dogmatic and people who challenge excepted theory are rode out of town. This is really going to kill me because I can't remember her name, but I think it was Virginia Steen McIntyre, or close. She was picked to date and archeological dig in Mexico thought to be around 30,000 years old which fit perfectly into the current thought migration theories of the day. The problem is that she used 4 different carbon dating techinques and all said that the site was something like 200,000 years old. She was kicked out of academia and complete black balled.

    So I guess what I am saying is that science has to be constantly questioned for it to not only survive, but to progress. Many people have dedicated their lives to research and have tenure and funding riding on them being right, and do not back down easily. The problem with the autism caused my Vaccine crowd is the abosolute massive conspiracy of doctors, researchers, court officials and judges that would be needed to cover up that information.
    It's not wrong to question science. However, you have to question science WITH equally valid science. That's something that's missing from almost all "anti science" arguments

    Im not abandoning science. I just think science thinks they have right until they find that they didn't and they say "oops sorry" You can only go with what you know... Are scientists smart? Science is just observation and data collection Any monkey can look at something and record the data. OK OK I'm joking a little but it is true. You can make things up in science its all about Facts and observing what actually takes place.

    My issue with the vax argument is Ms. McCarthy is not the sole individual following this there is an entire sub community of people that support this and she wasn't the first one. It seems the only people that are interested in looking into this are those affected. I dont have the the time to go scratch up some article with evidence....all Im stating is its possible that all of these kids affected share some type of gene that when exposed to a vaccine or a combination of vaccines at the right time in there development something goes wrong. You cant disprove that's incorrect. That's called a scientific theory They have lots of data that correlates enough of a concern that certain scientific organizations are looking at it. Some theories are taken as fact and they haven't even been proven.
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