What is your most controversial opinion?



  • killerqueen17
    killerqueen17 Posts: 536 Member
    I get raising awareness. My son has a rare speech disorder, that most people have never heard of and do not understand. But I agree, I think we're all aware of breast cancer. lol I think its time to let some of the other types of cancer have awareness too ;)

    See, that makes sense, because people are actually NOT aware yet-- thus, "raising awareness" would literally help people be aware of something new they did not previously understand.

    Breast cancer, autism, child abuse prevention, etc... worthy causes that need proper funding and all that, yes certainly. But I'm pretty sure the vast majority of us are already aware these things exist!! lol
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    I believe we should stop wasting money erecting monuments.............................save it for later when we all have the extra dough to do these kind of things............if that ever happens.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i dont have any contraversial opinions ;)
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I don't think I have anything too controversial that hasn't already been brought up in other debates.

    I'm pro-choice, and think prolifers talk out both sides of their mouths when they want to force women into having the babies, but don't want their tax dollars going to the women who 'should have kept their legs shut!'

    I'm very pro-gay rights, and if you don't like gay marriage, don't get one. Keep your religion out of our government, thanks.

    I'm agnostic/atheist, meaning that I am not completely closed off to the possibility of there being a god, but at this time I do not believe this to be true.

    Public schools need to keep teacher-led prayer etc OUT OF THE CLASSROOM. Period. Not everybody believes in the same thing you do, so how is that fair to force it on students? It's not. The Christians would have a holy conniption fit if teachers started leading in Islamic prayer, so the same courtesy should be offered to all and not have teacher led prayer at all. If you want God in schools, send your kid to private school. Oh and if 'God is everywhere' then isn't he already there? Hm. Also, prayer doesn't have to be out loud, so nobody is stopping ANYBODY from praying.

    I think it's pretty funny when people say they want smaller government but in the same breath want religious regulations put in place like anti-gay marriage or pro-choice measures. You can't have both, it doesn't work that way.
    Poisongirl is my long lost, heretofor unknown, sister.

    The hypocrisy drives me batty. Life begings at Conception! Don't kill the innocent! in one breath and Stupid *kitten* no welfare or medical care for you and your welfare leech in the next. They aren't pro life - they are pro fetus. If they were pro life they would care after birth and they would care about the quality of that life.

    More hypocrisy - Smaller government! then "Regulate marriage and what is taught in science class and what women do with their own bodies. It astounds me when they don't see the irony of wanting smaller government while screaming for more government control over our most personal decisions.

    God in schools is a hilarious one. OK. Great, let's put God in schools. How about we have you kid say "One nation under the Flying Spaghetti Monster..."? What? That's not what you meant by religion? OH.... you meant YOUR religion. They have private schools for that.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    I think all schools should be secular.

    Is that contraversial?
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Lions often think the "Law of the Jungle" is just peachy - gazelles are usually not so sure.

    I'm stealing this. :smile:
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I also think that the theory of human beings being the creation of aliens is pretty improbable. But it's more probable than and invisible sky hebrew impregnating a 12 year old virgin girl to give birth to some demigod who will be sacrificed to create a loophole in the ancient curse all of mankind has been punished for because thousands of years ealier someone ate a piece of fruit.

    :laugh: BRILLIANT!!!!!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I think all schools should be secular.

    Is that contraversial?

    Does this count for private schools too? I have no issues with private schools being religious, but I do agree that all public schools should be secular.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think all schools should be secular.

    Is that contraversial?

    To religious believers who want prayer in school it is. Controversial is a pretty relative term.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Here's a huge one! I HATE AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS. Are you kidding. Breast cancer awareness is a scam. What's even more annoying. FB causes. "Hey everyone, let's change our profile pics to show our support of child abuse awarness."

    A: Why? What the hell is that doing.
    B: Who the hell are your friends that they are unaware of this problem, or even a perpetrator of child abuse. How abou we get of the face book and call the cops instead of "raising awareness".
    C: I have adopted 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 lizard and a bird. I have done enough. I don't want to hear about animals that need to be adopted anymore. It is not even in the top 20 of thing I consider important in my life. As a matter of fact, I get so many links, pics, and videos of needy dogs I am starting to hate them.

    Seconded in a big way. I haaaate "awareness". WE'RE AWARE! I haven't gone 34 years without ever hearing of breast cancer you dolts!

    As far as I'm concerned any campaign to "raise awareness" is just covering the fact that they're keeping most of the profits for themselves.

    And when I saw people putting up cartoon avatars on FB, saying it was to end child abuse, I wanted to blow up the world. Mass stupidity spread at digital speeds. I have a cartoon posted at my desk, it's a guy barricaded in his house with zombie arms trying to break in, he's on the laptop typing "Help me put an end to zombies by joining my Facebook group, No More Zombies."

    I get raising awareness. My son has a rare speech disorder, that most people have never heard of and do not understand. But I agree, I think we're all aware of breast cancer. lol I think its time to let some of the other types of cancer have awareness too ;)

    What speech disorder is it? Most people haven't heard of my son's speech disorder either (apraxia)
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    Here's a huge one! I HATE AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS. Are you kidding. Breast cancer awareness is a scam. What's even more annoying. FB causes. "Hey everyone, let's change our profile pics to show our support of child abuse awarness."

    A: Why? What the hell is that doing.
    B: Who the hell are your friends that they are unaware of this problem, or even a perpetrator of child abuse. How abou we get of the face book and call the cops instead of "raising awareness".
    C: I have adopted 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 lizard and a bird. I have done enough. I don't want to hear about animals that need to be adopted anymore. It is not even in the top 20 of thing I consider important in my life. As a matter of fact, I get so many links, pics, and videos of needy dogs I am starting to hate them.

    Seconded in a big way. I haaaate "awareness". WE'RE AWARE! I haven't gone 34 years without ever hearing of breast cancer you dolts!

    As far as I'm concerned any campaign to "raise awareness" is just covering the fact that they're keeping most of the profits for themselves.

    And when I saw people putting up cartoon avatars on FB, saying it was to end child abuse, I wanted to blow up the world. Mass stupidity spread at digital speeds. I have a cartoon posted at my desk, it's a guy barricaded in his house with zombie arms trying to break in, he's on the laptop typing "Help me put an end to zombies by joining my Facebook group, No More Zombies."

    I get raising awareness. My son has a rare speech disorder, that most people have never heard of and do not understand. But I agree, I think we're all aware of breast cancer. lol I think its time to let some of the other types of cancer have awareness too ;)

    What speech disorder is it? Most people haven't heard of my son's speech disorder either (apraxia)
    My son has verbal apraxia/dyspraxia. :) How old is your son?
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I also think that one of the worst things to happen to modern old women is Viagra. It doesn't seem fair that for all of those years you had to put up with that slob humping you, only to retire and have all that free time to actually do couples things like traveling without your husband trying to bang you since he has ED, then to have that old SOB walk in to the house with a pocket full of pills and a rock hard, teenage-like erection.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Here's a huge one! I HATE AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS. Are you kidding. Breast cancer awareness is a scam. What's even more annoying. FB causes. "Hey everyone, let's change our profile pics to show our support of child abuse awarness."

    A: Why? What the hell is that doing.
    B: Who the hell are your friends that they are unaware of this problem, or even a perpetrator of child abuse. How abou we get of the face book and call the cops instead of "raising awareness".
    C: I have adopted 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 lizard and a bird. I have done enough. I don't want to hear about animals that need to be adopted anymore. It is not even in the top 20 of thing I consider important in my life. As a matter of fact, I get so many links, pics, and videos of needy dogs I am starting to hate them.

    Seconded in a big way. I haaaate "awareness". WE'RE AWARE! I haven't gone 34 years without ever hearing of breast cancer you dolts!

    As far as I'm concerned any campaign to "raise awareness" is just covering the fact that they're keeping most of the profits for themselves.

    And when I saw people putting up cartoon avatars on FB, saying it was to end child abuse, I wanted to blow up the world. Mass stupidity spread at digital speeds. I have a cartoon posted at my desk, it's a guy barricaded in his house with zombie arms trying to break in, he's on the laptop typing "Help me put an end to zombies by joining my Facebook group, No More Zombies."

    I get raising awareness. My son has a rare speech disorder, that most people have never heard of and do not understand. But I agree, I think we're all aware of breast cancer. lol I think its time to let some of the other types of cancer have awareness too ;)

    What speech disorder is it? Most people haven't heard of my son's speech disorder either (apraxia)
    My son has verbal apraxia/dyspraxia. :) How old is your son?

    He's 4. He wasn't speaking at all at age 2, and had very little progress after a year of in home therapy. When we started doing 2 times a week additional private therapy starting right around when he turned three, and he progressed rapidly. He's in his 2nd year of preschool and his teachers are thrilled and said if they tested him now, he wouldn't qualify for services since he's pretty much caught up with his peers.

    Anyway, I'm just happy he's doing so well since when we went into the whole thing, I was worried he would have life-long issues.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I think all schools should be secular. Is that contraversial?

    "All" schools? Meaning, you don't think that there should be any private, parochial schools? Not so much controversial, but something I've never heard stated before, so I'm curious.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I think all schools should be secular.

    Is that contraversial?
    All schools - or all publicly funded schools?

    The idea that all publicly funded schools should be secular is pretty much what we have now. Not so controversial.

    Saying that all schools should be secular is saying that parochial schools, bible schools and madrassas should be illegal - and that is quite controversial. Most folks like having the right to pay N. Tendo to indoctrinate their progeny in the Legend of Zelda, or whatever.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I believe that everyone should be treated equally and have the same opportunity. I believe that many who say this kind of message stop there and talk about "no special treatment for anyone." And I think that is myopic oversimplification.

    I think the world would be a better place if success were based only on merit. But I know the world doesn't work that way. I have many friends that feel they work hard for what they have, and everyone else has the same opportunity they did. These friends are very passionate about their beliefs. And I don't argue with them anymore. But I believe them to be wrong.

    The fact that I am a heterosexual white male in the U.S. gives me opportunities that others do not have. That I was born and raised in a middle class family gives me opportunities that others do no not have. The fact that I have no physical or mental disabilities gives me opportunities that others do not have.

    I have a choice whether to take advantage of these opportunities. In recognizing these opportunities, I can feel guilty or I can feel grateful. But I think it is self-centered and narrow-minded to ignore the fact that I have more opportunities than others. I choose not to feel guilty about it, and am simply grateful. I have had opportunities in my life that many people would not have had. I have also missed opportunities that others have had. I don't feel guilty or resentful about either.

    Affirmative Action is unfair and even racist. But I don't think there is a better wide-spread, easily-implemented solution available. Completely anonymous job interviews would be great, but difficult and expensive to do thoroughly. You cannot legislate equality - not really, because it depends on the beliefs of those in power. You cannot MAKE people think differently. So you are stuck with indirect band-aid solutions like Affirmative Action.

    I don't deny your hard work and dedication to get to where you are. But don't try to convince me that you have the same opportunities that everyone else does. The fact that you are able to type that on a computer contradicts the idea.

    I stand by my opening statement. But I'm not holding my breath waiting for that sentiment to become a reality.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    state schools i mean. Im very uneasy with the idea of children going to religious schools at all, but i wouldnt try and stop private ones,
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    although if state schools in america are already secular, and it seems such a religious country, and its the same in france (for example) which is generally much more religious than the UK too, and each school in the UK is obliged to have a collective act of worship every day, yet it seems a much more atheist country...........
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    state schools i mean. Im very uneasy with the idea of children going to religious schools at all, but i wouldnt try and stop private ones,

    Gotcha. I agree. My two youngest have learning difficulties (autism and dyslexia), so we have them in public schools. It would frighten me to think of teachers in a public school trying to teach religion to my children. My older children were in Catholic schools. There are too many different religions for teachers in public schools to be well versed on all of them.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I believe that everyone should be treated equally and have the same opportunity. I believe that many who say this kind of message stop there and talk about "no special treatment for anyone." And I think that is myopic oversimplification.

    I think the world would be a better place if success were based only on merit. But I know the world doesn't work that way. I have many friends that feel they work hard for what they have, and everyone else has the same opportunity they did. These friends are very passionate about their beliefs. And I don't argue with them anymore. But I believe them to be wrong.

    The fact that I am a heterosexual white male in the U.S. gives me opportunities that others do not have. That I was born and raised in a middle class family gives me opportunities that others do no not have. The fact that I have no physical or mental disabilities gives me opportunities that others do not have.

    I have a choice whether to take advantage of these opportunities. In recognizing these opportunities, I can feel guilty or I can feel grateful. But I think it is self-centered and narrow-minded to ignore the fact that I have more opportunities than others. I choose not to feel guilty about it, and am simply grateful. I have had opportunities in my life that many people would not have had. I have also missed opportunities that others have had. I don't feel guilty or resentful about either.

    Affirmative Action is unfair and even racist. But I don't think there is a better wide-spread, easily-implemented solution available. Completely anonymous job interviews would be great, but difficult and expensive to do thoroughly. You cannot legislate equality - not really, because it depends on the beliefs of those in power. You cannot MAKE people think differently. So you are stuck with indirect band-aid solutions like Affirmative Action.

    I don't deny your hard work and dedication to get to where you are. But don't try to convince me that you have the same opportunities that everyone else does. The fact that you are able to type that on a computer contradicts the idea.

    I stand by my opening statement. But I'm not holding my breath waiting for that sentiment to become a reality.

    I feel strongly about all of the above, and agree with everything you typed.