What is your most controversial opinion?



  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Reading through it seems most of mine have already been covered.
    Except Sex Ed starting in 7th grade.Teach them its best to wait,but also teach them how to be safe if they dont
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    If you got a mortgage and cant afford it because you either didnt read the fine print or you simply cant afford it anymore, then sell it or let it foreclose and go rent...why should you get a bailout? As a renter, if I cant pay my rent, I get evicted and I find a place I can afford...or I guess I'm homeless.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    If you got a mortgage and cant afford it because you either didnt read the fine print or you simply cant afford it anymore, then sell it or let it foreclose and go rent...why should you get a bailout? As a renter, if I cant pay my rent, I get evicted and I find a place I can afford...or I guess I'm homeless.

    I partly agree with this, and partly think it's more complicated than that. I just recently purchased a home, and I know that without having someone I trusted to assist me with the legal terminology etc that I likely would not have understood what I was signing.

    That said, people need to push for explanations of terms and what they were signing if they do not understand. I partly blame lenders for approving people for loans for a MUCH higher amount than they could realistically afford. My lender would have approved us for a loan WAY more than what we knew we could reasonably afford. That's not responsible on their part either.

    But the people who signed an ARM were just stupid, too. ARMs have a cap on how high the interest rate can rise after the initial period expires, so it's not like it can keep going up and up and up without warning. The purchasers are made aware of this when they sign, but again, if you need help understanding what you're signing and your lender/agent isn't being forthcoming and honest enough with you to tell you that "Hey, you really can't afford this much ,especially if the rate rises" and just wants to get the sale, that's unethical business practices as well.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i agreee with positive discrimination/affirmitive action too.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    Reading through it seems most of mine have already been covered.
    Except Sex Ed starting in 7th grade.Teach them its best to wait,but also teach them how to be safe if they dont
    I'd go a big step further and say sex ed should be taught, even if it's just a special "girls come to room 102 today, boys in room 103" thing every year starting in kindergarten. Obviously I mean gearing it towards their ages. I don't think 6yos need to hear about the risks of anal sex. Make it a bit more comprehensive each year until you end up with quarter or semester long classes in high school that can go into the risks of anal sex, complications of childbirth, raising a family, etc.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Reading through it seems most of mine have already been covered.
    Except Sex Ed starting in 7th grade.Teach them its best to wait,but also teach them how to be safe if they dont
    I'd go a big step further and say sex ed should be taught, even if it's just a special "girls come to room 102 today, boys in room 103" thing every year starting in kindergarten. Obviously I mean gearing it towards their ages. I don't think 6yos need to hear about the risks of anal sex. Make it a bit more comprehensive each year until you end up with quarter or semester long classes in high school that can go into the risks of anal sex, complications of childbirth, raising a family, etc.

    I agree with this.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    If you got a mortgage and cant afford it because you either didnt read the fine print or you simply cant afford it anymore, then sell it or let it foreclose and go rent...why should you get a bailout? As a renter, if I cant pay my rent, I get evicted and I find a place I can afford...or I guess I'm homeless.

    I partly agree with this, and partly think it's more complicated than that. I just recently purchased a home, and I know that without having someone I trusted to assist me with the legal terminology etc that I likely would not have understood what I was signing.

    That said, people need to push for explanations of terms and what they were signing if they do not understand. I partly blame lenders for approving people for loans for a MUCH higher amount than they could realistically afford. My lender would have approved us for a loan WAY more than what we knew we could reasonably afford. That's not responsible on their part either.

    This is a sensitive subject to me. I work in real estate and represent 500 agents locally. Using a GOOD Realtor should help you with all the fine print. They should be able to explain these things and answer your questions. Indiana is actually trying to increase requirements, including continuing education for it's agent because it is easier to get a real estate license than a drivers license here! There are a lot of clueless agents our there but it's easy to find a good one with exprience who can protect and explain the process to you!

    In my case, I'm 24 and want to buy a home. Buying would cost me about $2-300 less a month that what i pay in rent. I've never had a credit card, I have no debt but the bank will NOT loan to me. They will however loan to someone who has filed for bankruptcy and is $100 grand in debt just because they have a history. Banks are TOO tight now and it sucks because interest rates are historically low. :sad:
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I'd go a big step further and say sex ed should be taught, even if it's just a special "girls come to room 102 today, boys in room 103" thing every year starting in kindergarten. Obviously I mean gearing it towards their ages. I don't think 6yos need to hear about the risks of anal sex. Make it a bit more comprehensive each year until you end up with quarter or semester long classes in high school that can go into the risks of anal sex, complications of childbirth, raising a family, etc.

    Just as I don't want a secular teachers educating my children on religion, I don't want teachers educating my children on sex. That should be kept out of the schools as well, in my opinion.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    If you got a mortgage and cant afford it because you either didnt read the fine print or you simply cant afford it anymore, then sell it or let it foreclose and go rent...why should you get a bailout? As a renter, if I cant pay my rent, I get evicted and I find a place I can afford...or I guess I'm homeless.

    I partly agree with this, and partly think it's more complicated than that. I just recently purchased a home, and I know that without having someone I trusted to assist me with the legal terminology etc that I likely would not have understood what I was signing.

    That said, people need to push for explanations of terms and what they were signing if they do not understand. I partly blame lenders for approving people for loans for a MUCH higher amount than they could realistically afford. My lender would have approved us for a loan WAY more than what we knew we could reasonably afford. That's not responsible on their part either.

    This is a sensitive subject to me. I work in real estate and represent 500 agents locally. Using a GOOD Realtor should help you with all the fine print. They should be able to explain these things and answer your questions. Indiana is actually trying to increase requirements, including continuing education for it's agent because it is easier to get a real estate license than a drivers license here! There are a lot of clueless agents our there but it's easy to find a good one with exprience who can protect and explain the process to you!

    In my case, I'm 24 and want to buy a home. Buying would cost me about $2-300 less a month that what i pay in rent. I've never had a credit card, I have no debt but the bank will NOT loan to me. They will however loan to someone who has filed for bankruptcy and is $100 grand in debt just because they have a history. Banks are TOO tight now and it sucks because interest rates are historically low. :sad:

    Yeah, I really think the whole 'credit' system is such a scam. I had zero debt, no credit cards, lived within my means, but couldn't get a credit card. I only was able to get one after I got my car loan and now owed the bank $5k.

    The other thing is that credit scores a such a joke anyway. When we went to first apply for our home loan, we were denied because my score was too low. Why? Because I had a Kohl's card (my only store card, and I had only one other credit card) had a $300 limit and a $100 balance (so the debt to credit ratio was too high). Yep. The kicker was that the balance had already been paid but hadn't reflected on the credit check yet. It seriously bumped my score from like a 630 to a 705 once that $100 balance cleared. Makes perfect sense!
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I'd go a big step further and say sex ed should be taught, even if it's just a special "girls come to room 102 today, boys in room 103" thing every year starting in kindergarten. Obviously I mean gearing it towards their ages. I don't think 6yos need to hear about the risks of anal sex. Make it a bit more comprehensive each year until you end up with quarter or semester long classes in high school that can go into the risks of anal sex, complications of childbirth, raising a family, etc.

    Just as I don't want a secular teachers educating my children on religion, I don't want teachers educating my children on sex. That should be kept out of the schools as well, in my opinion.

    I think parents should have an opt out option in these cases, just like they do with vaccinations.

    The sad thing is that many kids wouldn't get ANY Sex Ed unless the schools step in. That's not good for anybody.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I think parents should have an opt out option in these cases, just like they do with vaccinations.

    The sad thing is that many kids wouldn't get ANY Sex Ed unless the schools step in. That's not good for anybody.

  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I think parents should have an opt out option in these cases, just like they do with vaccinations.

    The sad thing is that many kids wouldn't get ANY Sex Ed unless the schools step in. That's not good for anybody.

    I agree with you there. But I DON'T think they should be allowed to opt out of vaccinations.

    Ok they can, but they can't enroll their kids in a public school.

    Sorry. I try to always be for people's freedoms. But anti-vaxxers are just dumb and put children's lives at risk. They distrust doctors but put their faith in the words of Jenny McCarthy. Idiots.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    If you got a mortgage and cant afford it because you either didnt read the fine print or you simply cant afford it anymore, then sell it or let it foreclose and go rent...why should you get a bailout? As a renter, if I cant pay my rent, I get evicted and I find a place I can afford...or I guess I'm homeless.

    I partly agree with this, and partly think it's more complicated than that. I just recently purchased a home, and I know that without having someone I trusted to assist me with the legal terminology etc that I likely would not have understood what I was signing.

    That said, people need to push for explanations of terms and what they were signing if they do not understand. I partly blame lenders for approving people for loans for a MUCH higher amount than they could realistically afford. My lender would have approved us for a loan WAY more than what we knew we could reasonably afford. That's not responsible on their part either.

    This is a sensitive subject to me. I work in real estate and represent 500 agents locally. Using a GOOD Realtor should help you with all the fine print. They should be able to explain these things and answer your questions. Indiana is actually trying to increase requirements, including continuing education for it's agent because it is easier to get a real estate license than a drivers license here! There are a lot of clueless agents our there but it's easy to find a good one with exprience who can protect and explain the process to you!

    In my case, I'm 24 and want to buy a home. Buying would cost me about $2-300 less a month that what i pay in rent. I've never had a credit card, I have no debt but the bank will NOT loan to me. They will however loan to someone who has filed for bankruptcy and is $100 grand in debt just because they have a history. Banks are TOO tight now and it sucks because interest rates are historically low. :sad:
    I hear that on the tight banks!

    We bought a home in AZ in 2004. We had a house in MI that we had up for sale but was not pending. Hubby had just gotten back from Iraq and was unemployed because his company laid him off when they found out he'd be deployed. I was a SAHM to our then 6 and 3yo. We applied for a loan and were approved for an outrageous amount - twice what we were actually looking to spend. We had no income and 2 mortgages (main loan on MI house and equity loan on MI house to use as down payment for AZ house.) and they were going to give us an absurd loan amount.

    Fast forward to last year. We lived in Germany for over a year. Hubby got a new job in VA with the government. He had steady, good income in Germany and was transferring to another job with good income. We still own our AZ house but we have renters in it who are coverning the full mortgage. When we started looking for a house here we were approved for less than we were when we bought AZ. This despite having a very good income v. being unemployed, owning a house with 1 mortgage and a renter v. owning a vacant house with 2 mortgages, a job v. being unemployed, etc. Our credit scores are about the same, perhaps a bit higher even. No debt at all aside from mortgages. etc. It's gone from a circus to a strictness that would make a Puritan clench. It's crazy.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
    I just think it would be helpful if sex ed included a class on technique ...
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Sorry. I try to always be for people's freedoms. But anti-vaxxers are just dumb and put children's lives at risk. They distrust doctors but put their faith in the words of Jenny McCarthy. Idiots.

    As a mother of a child with autism, I am not a Jenny McCarthy fan at all!
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I believe that they should allow inmates like Casey Anthony, Susan Smith, Andrea Yates, etc. into the general population so that they will take care of them like they "Accidentally did" with Jeffrey Dahmer!
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I think parents should have an opt out option in these cases, just like they do with vaccinations.

    The sad thing is that many kids wouldn't get ANY Sex Ed unless the schools step in. That's not good for anybody.

    I agree with you there. But I DON'T think they should be allowed to opt out of vaccinations.

    Ok they can, but they can't enroll their kids in a public school.

    Sorry. I try to always be for people's freedoms. But anti-vaxxers are just dumb and put children's lives at risk. They distrust doctors but put their faith in the words of Jenny McCarthy. Idiots.
    Unless you can show a previous serious negative reaction to a vaccine you shouldn't be allowed to opt out. I'd say that would allow for a child to be opted-out if a sibling had the negative reaction too. By "negative reaction" I don't mean crankiness or a light fever either. If the reaction was worse than the disease the vaccine prevents then it would count.

    I also don't think parents should be able to opt out on sex ed for their kids. If you don't want your kids to learn it in school then teach them at home. If you do that then why should it matter if the school does a review of what you already taught? People who don't want schools to teach sex ed, IME, are the ones who don't teach it themselves. Those are the kids who need it the most.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Sorry. I try to always be for people's freedoms. But anti-vaxxers are just dumb and put children's lives at risk. They distrust doctors but put their faith in the words of Jenny McCarthy. Idiots.

    As a mother of a child with autism, I am not a Jenny McCarthy fan at all!

    Thanks Patti. I can't imagine the difficulties of raising a child with autism, so you have my sincere sympathy. But when people try to blame it on the vaccines...

    I almost wish for their children to get polio. Just so they could see the horrible thing they've done.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I hear that on the tight banks!

    We bought a home in AZ in 2004. We had a house in MI that we had up for sale but was not pending. Hubby had just gotten back from Iraq and was unemployed because his company laid him off when they found out he'd be deployed. I was a SAHM to our then 6 and 3yo. We applied for a loan and were approved for an outrageous amount - twice what we were actually looking to spend. We had no income and 2 mortgages (main loan on MI house and equity loan on MI house to use as down payment for AZ house.) and they were going to give us an absurd loan amount.

    Fast forward to last year. We lived in Germany for over a year. Hubby got a new job in VA with the government. He had steady, good income in Germany and was transferring to another job with good income. We still own our AZ house but we have renters in it who are coverning the full mortgage. When we started looking for a house here we were approved for less than we were when we bought AZ. This despite having a very good income v. being unemployed, owning a house with 1 mortgage and a renter v. owning a vacant house with 2 mortgages, a job v. being unemployed, etc. Our credit scores are about the same, perhaps a bit higher even. No debt at all aside from mortgages. etc. It's gone from a circus to a strictness that would make a Puritan clench. It's crazy.
    In 2004 mortgage brokers were giving away money not caring if you were going to default or not. They were going to roll the whole thing up into a giant "Mortgage backed security instrument", pay their abettors at S&P a little something to rate the timebomb AAA, and then pawn the steaming pile off onto some unsuspecting investor. The broker didn't hold the mortgage long enough to care if you ever made a payment.

    "When you figure out how to sell oregano as pot - the first thing you do is secure a reliable source of oregano". :laugh:

    Nowadays that game's shut down and they have to care about whether the loan gets paid or not, so it's tougher to get a loan,,, as it should be.
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    I also believe that ALL prisons should be run like that one in Texas that is a Ranch where they actually WORK and support the cost of running it as well as the other one in AZ (I think that's where it is) where they have to sleep outside in tents and wear PINK and work! Do the crime you pay the time!