

  • Get an actual chest strap heartrate monitor. I used to go off the machines at the gym and found actual calories burned were significantly off depending on excersises (sometimes off by hundreds give or take.) Anyway, yes consume the calories burned. I usually like to have a handful of walnuts (200 cal), a single or double…
  • I only check foods/calories in between snack time and dinner. Breakfast is usually my largest calorie consumption and lunch being my second. Then I have to budget my late snack and dinner, then consume calories back for after dinner work outs with complex carbs and proteins. (That is if I've logged excercises....I'm so bad…
  • Plateau's happen on both sides of exercise whether it's weight loss or muscle gain. It happens to most everyone and all you can do is reassess and improve. Not to say this will happen to you, but if it does...don't sweat it. The solution is different for everyone, but for me what usually works best is rest for a duration.…
  • Yeah, guess that's what I'm going to have to do. I had one and while this was when I was 60lbs bigger, I found the strap to be quite irritating to me belly. But I don't really have much of that I guess I could try again. lol
  • Nope, no chest strap. That's one of the reasons I got this was because I didn't have to wear one and Mio watches have been reported to be just as they say.
  • Keep doing what you're doing and it will eventually come off. Belly fat is one of the hardest things to lose and although there are core excercises you can do to help tighten up the mid section, unfortunately there is no such thing as isolated fat burn....
  • If you're truly hungry....(not salivating for something, but truly have stomach discomfort) then you should eat. Forget the clock and listen to your body first. Your body is telling you what it wants with no discrimination, feed it then go out for a walk. But if your body is telling you that it wants something…
  • Exactly like that, lol~
  • I have an assortment of music players from Ipods to 3rd party Mp3 players. To be honest, you don't really need anything other than a cheapo MP3 player and everything else is mere convenience. While I occasionally bring my ipod touch for days I want to watch a video while on the elliptical or stationary biking, I usually…
    in ipod, mp3?? Comment by dedmon May 2011
  • While my feet don't look like that pic you posted...they dang sure feel like it most of the time. I know for the first week I began running, my middle toe on my left foot got the not so uncommon "black toenail." So now I get to look forward to it falling off in the future....yuk.
  • I drink nearly a gallon of water a day, so honestly I'm never really hungry. Most times I force myself to intake the amount of calories that I do just to ensure that I can endure my long work out regimen. But....being hungry and craving things are two separate things and I crave a crap load of stuff all the time. lol
  • You're actually better off continuing with running with weights in your hands...maybe even increasing the amount of weight you're holding. Ankle weights actually increase injuries, especially for those who haven't focused on perfect form while running....which is difficult to do as you become more exhausted and even worse…
    in Ankle Weights Comment by dedmon May 2011
  • I weigh myself daily. One of the main reasons I got in the shape I'm in was due to the fact of NOT keeping track of my weight. Making a lifestyle habit of weighing in daily is far easier than reminding myself to weigh in once or twice a week, and helps to maintain my motivation. The fluctuation of weight is a bummer at…
  • My prime motivation factor is the desire to get into the Army, although I have my doubts of getting in....I'm equally happy to do this to increase my chances of being alive long enough to see my four children (ages 1,3,4, & 9) graduate from High School and beyond. But what keeps my drive and determination going is the…
  • Thanks D.J. I guess I'm a little leery on experimenting since time is of the essence. Because Army waivers can take a while for review and approval (and I need at least 3 of them, previous back injury, 4 children, childhood asthma) I need to drop this poundage asap to ensure ample time to improve any possibilities for…
  • Thank you and good luck to you. I tell you what, if you think you need to up your exercise intensity when ever you do hit that plateau.....what helps me work out as hard and as long as I do is taking Xtreme Shock (powder) before work outs. It's an energy supplement but not like those energy drinks filled with sugar and…
  • Thank you all for the tips! I guess I'm a little confused now since the food log gives that estimate of where I would be (weight wise) even when factoring in the exercise and so forth. So when the food diary says I've earn "x" amount of calories....I should be eating that? The weight loss projection isn't as low or in fact…