Weighing In Daily?



  • julsofdenial
    julsofdenial Posts: 225 Member
    I weigh daily because it is right next to the shower in the AM and seeing fluctuations don't bother me. In fact, it's good for me to know that it happens so much because if I weighed once a week and I was up then waiting a week to see if any progress was made would be hard.
    I only log the actual weight here once MAYBE twice a week if it is consistant loss. Like this week on my normal log-in date I was only down 0.2 pounds from the last week. Kind of a bummer. BUT literally 3 days later I am down over 2 pounds... so exciting! So it took those extra few days for the weight to drop off. If I didn't weigh in every day I wouldn't have seen that happen and for ME it makes the week harder to think I am not losing.
    Not all weeks are like that of course... and like I said, I can handle the ups and downs because I feel like I am really doing the right thing, and after 7 weeks here now, I know it is going to even out because I can't NOT lose weight eating this way :)
    I can see that weighing every day could not be for everyone though.. but I personally love it seeing the daily changes, even if I am up some.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I weigh daily! My body is constantly fluctuating, and that is WHY I weigh. If I only weighed on Mondays, some Mondays I might be bloated, so I might record no loss for the week, when in reality, I weighed two pounds less the day before.
    That is exactly why I record my weight daily. I enter the values for weight, fat % etc. into a spreadsheet, and it's only a click to produce a graph.

    Seeing the daily fluctuations helps me realise that one weight on one day is nothing to be stressed over, it's the overall trend that is important.

    Some people would obsess over each individual weight if they weighed themselves every day, instead of seeing the big picture, and for those people weighing in daily can be counter productive.

    The bottom line is that different things work for different people. :smile:
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I like numbers, charts, graphs and data. (Science nerd) I weight myself everyday and record it just to see the relationship between different exercises, food, micronutrients and water intake everyday. I measure every two weeks or so and that's what I go by to measure my 'success'. I also go by what I see in the mirror!
  • javarushed
    javarushed Posts: 218 Member
    I like to weigh myself every morning and put it on a graph. The way the weight fluctuates is crazy, but it is slowly and steadily going down in the long run. When my weight is higher the next day(s) I just remind myself this always happens and I have the chart to prove it. That helps me from not going crazy :D
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    It's all in what works for you. If you weigh daily and are discouraged by any failure to lose or even showing a temporary gain, then perhaps weighing weekly or even monthly is a better choice for you. If it drives you crazy to wonder where you're at and you have a hard time being faithful to your diet plan without knowing your progress, then you might benefit from weighing daily.

    I weigh daily, if I like the result I don't want to do anything to mess it up. If I don't like the result, it makes me want to double down and work harder. Your mileage may vary. :)
  • trishlambert
    trishlambert Posts: 213 Member
    I hear ya. I was so pumped. Only weighed in on Sunday morning the past 2 weeks but last week I weighed again on Wednesday last week and that put me at 7 lbs lost. I weighed this morning and I am up 2 lbs. I don't know how to stay motivated with the fluctuation.

    Overtime you learn the normal patterns of your body fluctuations and it isn't as discouraging. I weigh in daily, not expecting a loss everyday and often expecting an increase because I know I tend to lose and then gain 3/4 of that back and then lose it again plus a little more. That is my normal patterns so when I see the increase, I expect it and it isn't as frustrating.

    Reading this is perfectly timed! Had an increase in spite of more exercise than usual (no, not enough to create more weight in lean muscle mass), and was sure there'd be at least a little drop. Nope...up a couple pounds instead. Reading your post has greatly calmed me down.

    On another note and to other posters, lighten up! To each his/her own. If weighing daily is tedious to you, then don't do it, but why be so judgemental about others' preferences for a daily weigh-in? There's wonder in diversity--thank heavens we don't all think the same way!
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Sounds to obsessive. Sorry if I offended anyone but tracking weight everyday is tedious. Once a week for me and it's been pretty consistent thus far...

    And tracking calories every day isn't?? :laugh:

    No because it's serving a purpose (health). Weighing everyday, in my humble opinion, serves no purpose but feeding into the obsessive behavior.

    Haha, wow. Your "humble" opinion is telling me I'm obsessive, eh? Goodness, I'd love to hear some of your not-so-humble opinions!

    Weighing every day serves a purpose for me: it keeps me on track. Also, it gives me more data points to help me better understand my body (hey, health, wassup!). I like knowing why my body has its ups and downs. For example, I am better able to understand how things like my period or a high sodium day affect my water retention. I gain knowledge and my body becomes less of a black-box.

    Furthermore, some studies have shown that daily weighing can be effective in helping people lose weight and keep it off (see, for example, http://medicineworld.org/cancer/lead/11-2005/daily-weighing-helps-people-lose-weight-prevents-weight-gain.html)

    So... while I'm very very glad you've found what works for you, I'm also very very glad I've found what works for me! And it's not obsessive, thanks very much! :wink:
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    The only reason for waying yourself daily, Is weighing your self 5 days in a row. To get the "average" of all the numbers, to get a more accurate representation of your actual weight.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I weigh and record daily. I like numbers. Makes a nice little graph. Like a stock portfolio. I don't even care about the scale weight anymore, really. Now that I'm semi-maintaining, I like to keep it within a range of numbers. The little fluctuations, in conjunction with my current goal of body fat % reduction, lets me know I'm not losing a significant amount of muscle and that it should be fat being lost.
  • dedmon
    dedmon Posts: 19
    I weigh myself daily. One of the main reasons I got in the shape I'm in was due to the fact of NOT keeping track of my weight. Making a lifestyle habit of weighing in daily is far easier than reminding myself to weigh in once or twice a week, and helps to maintain my motivation.

    The fluctuation of weight is a bummer at times, like just a few days ago I increased 5lbs in weight out of no where, then dropped back down to what I was prior. But, taking measurements keeps discouragement in check.

    I personally don't think it's a bad idea to weigh in daily provided that you do this with realistic expectations. But if you're weighing in daily hoping to see steady weight loss, then it's time to reevaluate and define realistic expectations.
  • simplysara9
    simplysara9 Posts: 521
    Thanks for all of the replies! I am thinking of trying a daily weigh in this week and then taking an average of the 7 days to see where I am at. I am just thinking that maybe when I weigh in once a week I am retaining water that day or something and it isn't giving me a true representation of where I am at. I will try a daily weigh in this week and see how it goes!
  • tryinghard2012
    tryinghard2012 Posts: 419 Member
    I hear ya. I was so pumped. Only weighed in on Sunday morning the past 2 weeks but last week I weighed again on Wednesday last week and that put me at 7 lbs lost. I weighed this morning and I am up 2 lbs. I don't know how to stay motivated with the fluctuation.

    Overtime you learn the normal patterns of your body fluctuations and it isn't as discouraging. I weigh in daily, not expecting a loss everyday and often expecting an increase because I know I tend to lose and then gain 3/4 of that back and then lose it again plus a little more. That is my normal patterns so when I see the increase, I expect it and it isn't as frustrating.

    Reading this is perfectly timed! Had an increase in spite of more exercise than usual (no, not enough to create more weight in lean muscle mass), and was sure there'd be at least a little drop. Nope...up a couple pounds instead. Reading your post has greatly calmed me down.

    On another note and to other posters, lighten up! To each his/her own. If weighing daily is tedious to you, then don't do it, but why be so judgemental about others' preferences for a daily weigh-in? There's wonder in diversity--thank heavens we don't all think the same way!

    Seem like you are very defensive. I won't argue. Thanks for sharing your opinion. Have a good day, and I hope you much success in your journey.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I weigh daily, and check 2-3 times a week. For me it keeps me focused on what I ate the day before, be it good or bad! It's a personal choice!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I weigh daily, and check 2-3 times a week. For me it keeps me focused on what I ate the day before, be it good or bad! It's a personal choice!