

  • I'm close too! Female 46 (UK) 5'9" Started (again) April 2012 SW (a few years ago, got close to goal then went backwards) 234 CW 177 GW 160ish
  • start weight: 184 Week One 9/21/2010.....181.6 Challenge met? yes Week Two 9/28/2010 ... In France on holiday!! Week Three 10/05/2010 ...181 Challenge met? yes Week Four 10/12/2010 Week Five 10/18/2010 Week Six 10/25/2010 Week Seven 11/01/2010 Week Eight 11/08/2010 Week Nine 11/15/2010 Week Ten 11/22/2010 Week Eleven…
  • Sorry I'm late - had a virus and not been online Weight this week - 181.6 Goal for next week - 180 This week's challenge - FAIL - had one square of dark chocolate. Chocolate's not my weakness though, and I only have some a couple of times a month, so I'm not worried. Situps will start today or tomorrow, depending on how…
  • Oh no, only just spotted this. Can I still join? Fortunately I didn't have any chocolate yesterday anyway :-) Location - Northampton (ish), England I like: My new husband, asian cooking (actually cooking in general), quilting, my lovely friends and family, home, good wine I don't like: people I love being sad, the fat me,…
  • My best tip is to get it all delivered! I get a Saino's order delivered on a Tuesday night and it costs £3.50. It's the biggest diet (and money) saver ever - no temptations, I only get exactly what I need. I generally spend about £55 for two of us for a week (inc delivery). Last week I went in myself and did my shop -…
  • An up and down week for me, but hubby bought me some new running shoes so I'm back in to my exercise. Just need to find some 'me' time to do it now! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi kpnuts - I was looking at that thread last week - interesting isn't it? For anyone who hasn't read it, it's about whether people who say they are full on less than 1200cals are deluding themselves or not. I haven't posted on there because people are getting a bit cross, but here's my take on it anyway. First the context…
  • Hi Originally from Scunny too, now living near Northampton and working between York, Derby, Milton Keynes and London. :wavey:
  • Another calorie counting website I used to use described it as 'moderate intensity'.... :wink: But without being too graphic - how are you going to judge the duration? A stopwatch might cause offense! LOL
  • Woohoo! I did it! I even skipped using transport around London and managed to walk a total of 6 miles between meetings yesterday! Hubby took me out for dinner last night and it would have been sooooo easy to have a glass of wine and overdo it, but I thought about the challenge and it wasn't that difficult to stay on track.…
  • I'm definitely in. I'm out for dinner tonight (only at Yo! Sushi so that's no problem on calories) so I won't get to the gym. I'm going to get my exercise by walking across London to my meetings and to dinner, rather than going on the tube.
  • As already said, newer scales generally offer all 3 options. My personal preference is to use lbs.
  • CHUCK!!!!!! Without a shadow of a doubt, you should get rid. I mean, why do you want to keep clothes you don't want to wear? And if you do want to wear clothes that size, what are you doing on a diet??? :laugh: I know it feels like throwing away money - for the more pricey items, see if you can get them altered; I had an…
  • Hi all Had a dreadful weekend food-wise, and still not back at the gym after the wedding. This week I HAVE to get back in to my routine!! I've put on 5lb since the wedding (although 3lb of that went on overnight so is likely to be bloating), and I am so cross with myself. Aaargh!
  • Kendra Well done on the size 18! I'd definitely buy a size smaller if you have until December. On top of that, my bridesmaids dresses were from Debenhams and they are designed in such a way that they can be taken in easily. My niece had hers taken in by 2 sizes (had to get a bigger size because she has a big rack) and it…
  • Hi all - well I got married a week and a half ago - managed to get down from a size 22 to a small size 14 for the wedding (see my profile pic), and I felt like a million dollars! A week in Barcelona stuffing tapas and Rioja has put 5lb on but I've set a nice easy goal to get that off by 12 June. Then I want to lose another…
  • Well girls, I did it! And it's heartily recommended! I've put a picture of me and Paul on my profile - we haven't got the official photographs back yet but as you can see it was a glorious happy day. I lost about 65lb in the end and am really happy with how I felt on the day. Lots of champagne in the weekend of the wedding…
  • Two more sleeps to my wedding! A bit of a fraught week (Icelandic volcano meant that 10% of our guests were stranded overseas - only one to get home now), but we're on the path to a 3-day party now. WooHoo!!
  • Well girls it's T-11 days today. Had a dress fitting tonight, and collect it after final steaming etc tomorrow. Tomorrow night I have the full dress rehearsal - hair, makeup, dress, jewellery. It took me a loss of 64lb to get in to the dress, and it looks lovely. I'd like to lose another stone (14lb) after the wedding, but…
  • Blimey, I never realised you were all here! Here I am in sunny Milton Keynes. Lost 4 and a half stone so far, with about 10lb to go. I want to lose another 3lb before my wedding in 2 and a half weeks. That's me in a nutshell really... Hello everyone!
  • Well Ladies - I got over my panic and got back to the gym after my cold. Easter was shaping up to be a fantastic weekend of wedding preparations and celebrations with friends (Paul started his new job today after being made redundant at Christmas). We went out for dinner on Saturday night and I was soooo good - had one…
  • Aaaargh... Brides I need your help! It's 5 weeks to the big day and we have had a pants week. Paul was made redundant at Christmas and he's just been for his 5th interview for the same job - the stress is wearing us out! Added to that, we have both had a shocking cold for the last week and I haven't been cooking properly…
  • Hi I've only just joined here, but I've lost 60lb over the last year and a bit. Here are a few of my observations about what works/doesn't work for me: If I look at my weight chart, I get a distinct plateau every 12-15 weeks, regardless of what diet principles I'm following at the time. What I have found to break the…
  • Hi everyone! Can I join you? I'm 44, I live in a village in England and over the last year I've lost 60lb. I've been training seriously at the gym since about December and really enjoy it. I've got about another 10-14lb to lose to get to my goal, and would like to lose about 4-5lb before my wedding in 5 weeks time. I've…
  • Hi all I've just found this site, but I've lost 60lb so far. I'm on 1200 cals a day too, and I take a packed breakfast and lunch to work with me. My breakfasts are generally a variation on the same theme. Either porridge (oatmeal?), All Bran (not sure if you have it in the US - like little sticks of bran), or Bran Flakes.…
  • Hi All I get married in 8 weeks, on 24 April. I did the crazy thing that everyone tells you not to do - I saw the dress of my dreams and bought it, about 15 months ago. At the time I weighed 231lb and was a UK size 22. The dress was somewhere between a UK size 12 and 14. Anyway, as of this morning I weigh 173lb and the…