Bride-to-Be Challenge



  • Can I still join or is it way too late??

    I'm getting married August 20, 2011 and I want to loose 100 pounds. *sigh* I can do it!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    tabsoda - I think we're trying to get the group up and running again (at least that's my goal), so welcome! I know how you feel about trying to lose a lot of weight before the big day. I've got 60lbs to go in 8 months and I've made peace with the fact that if I don't hit "goal" I'm fine with anything smaller than I am now!
  • Okay cool! Thank you!
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Hi again ladies:

    Well I've been missing from this board for awhile :cry: I had lost another 8 pounds back in March and have managed to gain it all back. My fiancee have been busy house-hunting, and I have been sooooo stressed out about it! We did put an offer in on the house we feel is "the one" on Monday and are anxiously waiting to hear the news. I am getting back on track with my eating and have a gym date tonight with my gym buddy after work! I still have 30+ pounds I want to lose, but our wedding is October 8, 2011......

    I agree with everyone else that weekly weigh ins would be a great idea. I know nsettle mentioned Saturdays, does that day work for everyone?
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Two more sleeps to my wedding!

    A bit of a fraught week (Icelandic volcano meant that 10% of our guests were stranded overseas - only one to get home now), but we're on the path to a 3-day party now.

  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Rudie congrats on your quickly approaching day!

    Looking forward to Saturday's weigh in, and by looking forward to, I mean dreading!

    I looked at menus this week... it's so confusing. They have packaged deals which are cheaper, and include the cocktail hour. Then they have more expensive a la carte stuff. The problem is that all of the packaged deals are chicken dishes, and I have vowed not to serve chicken merely because every wedding I hate attended has served chicken, and it was ALWAYS dry. I'll have my appointment with the wedding planner/coordinator in a month or so, and I guess I can see how flexible they will be then.
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    I'm excited this thread is taking off again! Only one week left until my first dress fitting, talk about pressure. I also like the idea of weekly weigh-ins. I usually do mine on Friday but would be happy to post on Saturday if that's what we pick. Congrats to everyone on their upcoming big days.
  • Saturdays are fine with me!!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Well if I'm not mistaken, today is our first official weigh in day! Though, I don't see a whole lot of bridal foot traffic, so that's not a promising sign. :indifferent: I, for one, weighed in. And, I am pleased with my progress, even if my scale is confused and may renig tomorrow. :laugh:

    SW 204
    CW 189.5
    GW 136

    The most important part of today's weigh in is that I hit my first mini goal of reaching 190 on or before May 1st, the day my fiancee moves from Florida to Texas to be with me! :bigsmile: So happy! Hope every else has a great day! Going to run to the store and then Kickboxing, gotta keep these lbs off!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Weighing in the same at 135 but I'll take it as nutritionally this week was less than ideal! My birthday is tomorrow and my fiance took me out for a fabulous dinner last night, I did not log it but I know I was WAY over, so I'll take stable as opposed to increasing. Just means no excuses this next week and will have to work extra hard.
  • I'm reposting a "Week 2" Message Board... Let's start weighing in and keeping each other accountable!

    Oh... and brides (and maids) drop down and give me 20 push-ups. (If you're at work, I want 20 isometric crunches) ...Please.

    : )
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Well girls, I did it! And it's heartily recommended!

    I've put a picture of me and Paul on my profile - we haven't got the official photographs back yet but as you can see it was a glorious happy day.

    I lost about 65lb in the end and am really happy with how I felt on the day. Lots of champagne in the weekend of the wedding and then a week in Barcelona with all the yummy tapas and Rioja means that I've put 5lb on again, but I'm back on track with eating, and will be back at the gym as soon as I've cleared all the washing and ironing!

    I want to lose another 14lb, and have set myself an easier goal of 1lb a week.

    Will you still have me here now I'm no longer a bride? ;-)

  • nsettle
    nsettle Posts: 3
    Hey Rudie, congratulations on your wedding - you look great and so happy! I hope you had a fantastic day! Our wedding is a week on Saturday, can't believe how fast it has come round! Does it really go as fast as they say it does??! Any tips??!

    I had a mojor blip weight wise after my hen weekend a couple of weeks ago but I am on track now and only have 5 pounds until my goal weight so I am up for the weigh in on Saturday.

    Hope everyone is doing well with their targets and if not focus on why we are doing this - for the biggest, most important day of our lives!xxx
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    My wedding will be on June 19th. My son is getting married this next weekend. I started on MFP on Jan 4th of this year at 150 pounds. I have lost a total of 25 pounds to reach my original goal. I hope to lose another five pounds and continue toning, but I will not feel bad if I don't accomplish that before the wedding, as long as I don't slip up regain before the wedding.
    I have an appointment to get my dress altered this weekend. It is definitely too big!! :wink:
    Hooray! Good luck to all the beautiful brides on here!
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    I'm not sure how to do this properly (so I don't know if the link will work), but I wanted to let people know a new thread (labelled Bride-to-Be Challenge #2) was started here:
  • Maude52
    Maude52 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm getting married on July 10, 2010! I want to lose between 5 and 10 more pounds!
This discussion has been closed.