Bride-to-Be Challenge



  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    I'm also getting married on September 25th!!! It will be our 5 year anniversary since we officially started dating! I currently weigh 196, so we're close in weight, too. Strange, huh? lol

    SW: 245
    CW: 196
    GW: 150-155

    we did the exact same thing! got married on our 5th dating anniversary. This May will be 8 years with hubby! Gee that's a long time when you're my age...
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    I had my bachlorette party this weekend. I had a blast. Now back to the program only 12 days to go. Went to get the marriage licence paper work done today. It comes up fast.

    How exciting! I'm glad you had so much fun during your bachelorette party!! :smile: Don't stress and enjoy! :heart:
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    There is so much to do in the next week I am starting to feel overwhelmed. The bad part is that I tend to skip exersize in order to make time for other things.
    I did well with the mini challenge during the week. this last weekend was not good for the mini challenge.

    Ok so mini challenge for the week of 3/11/10 how about : 10 crunches and 5 push-ups (and yes on your knees counts as long as your form is good)
    and one extra serving of vegtables per day. (than you currently eat)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    after 12 hours of work I didn't do anything, so no mini challenge. I did however take a bag of baby carrots to work and snaked on them all night, sooo 1 point for me. Of course someone left a bag on mini chocolate bars on the table and I couldn't help myself I ate 3 of them.
    One more week, I am starting to get nervous.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    fun fact for the day: for every gram of sugar you eat you body will hold 3 grams of water.
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    I'm in!!! My date is October 2, 2010!
    SW 145
    CW 140
    GW 125!

    This is great! bring on the challenge :)

    Oh, and remember to be nice to yourselves... we will all slip up now and again that is part of the process!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Aaaargh... Brides I need your help!

    It's 5 weeks to the big day and we have had a pants week. Paul was made redundant at Christmas and he's just been for his 5th interview for the same job - the stress is wearing us out! Added to that, we have both had a shocking cold for the last week and I haven't been cooking properly (are the warning bells ringing yet?)

    I've put on 2.5lb. Which means that I need to lose 5lb to get to where I want to be for the wedding day.

    Can someone give me a leg-up to get back on the wagon please? I don't need sympathy, I need tough love!!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    got my 20 crunches in, but didn't drink 64 oz of water. i was probably closer to 40 oz. what do you guys do to make sure you can get all your water in for the day? I feel like I'm sipping and sipping all day long, but I still struggle getting in 8 full glasses

    tip: find a time/temperature that works best for you. if ounces is your goal... i find that if i drink ice cold water about 5-10 minutes after a good workout i can get at least 20 oz down at once and if the water stays cold i can usually drink more but as soon as it warms up i don't touch it again. if this isn't your thing... try different temperatures or maybe decaf unsweetened or artificially sweetened tea.
    also it's important to remember that 64 oz may not be your magic number. if you are running to the restroom more than 2x an hour, you are drinking too much and are at risk for hyponatremia. less than once an hour and you aren't drinking enough. :) hope this helps!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Rudie. The week before my wedding I cut out sugar and refined carbs. This will help you from retaining water weight, I was down 4lb from the week before. This is only a quick fix once you get back on a normal diet you will start to hold on to water agian.

    You have 5 week this is plenty of time to work out and eat right and lose weight the right way. You just have to decided that you want it bad enough. Now is the time to start if you wait much longer you will have to take extreme mesures to lose the weight. good luck let us know if we can help
    What are you doing for exersize?
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    My alterations are next Saturday. How fun and exciting! Little bit nervous.
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Well Ladies - I got over my panic and got back to the gym after my cold. Easter was shaping up to be a fantastic weekend of wedding preparations and celebrations with friends (Paul started his new job today after being made redundant at Christmas). We went out for dinner on Saturday night and I was soooo good - had one glass of champagne and had the baked fish (to keep the calories down). Then it hit me - food poisoning. I've been in bed from Saturday night until this morning (Tuesday)!!

    On the plus side, I'm approaching my wedding weight target at the speed of light!!! LOL. 2lb to go, and 2 and a half weeks to do it. If I don't get my appetite back soon, I'm going to get there by the end of this week!
  • Hi,

    Can I join your group?

    Wedding - 21/08/2010
    CW - 145lbs
    GW - 130lbs

    I've got my first dress fitting within the month so I really want to lose weight before that. My dress has a corset but is very slim fitting!
  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    How body doing? Hopefully staying on track? I just hit my "one month" mark to go. I'm almost there. Yea!!!
  • nikiswimr
    nikiswimr Posts: 150 Member
    Ladies, can I join your group?

    Wedding date: August 14, 2010
    Starting weight: 140
    Current weight: 135.5
    Goal weight 125

    It's nice to meet people going through the same thing, congrats on all of your upcoming weddings!
  • Rudie
    Rudie Posts: 27
    Well girls it's T-11 days today. Had a dress fitting tonight, and collect it after final steaming etc tomorrow. Tomorrow night I have the full dress rehearsal - hair, makeup, dress, jewellery.

    It took me a loss of 64lb to get in to the dress, and it looks lovely. I'd like to lose another stone (14lb) after the wedding, but for now I'm a happy lady.
  • nsettle
    nsettle Posts: 3
    Hi ladies,

    Please can I join your group??? We are getting married in less than 5 weeks now - ah! I have always wanted to be 10 stone so my target is 9 stone 13lbs (just so I can say that I am 9 stone something) - ha ha. I am following the myfitnesspal calorie counter and eating only 1200 calories per day and in the last couple of days I have started doing some yoga and walking more. Hopefully this will be enough to lose the final 6lbs before the 22nd of May. Got my hen weeeken this weekend though so got to try my best not to ruin all my hard work.

    Good luck everyone with their targets!x
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I need to start reporting on this thread more! I've been reading, and I've noticed that we're not very organized. Do yall think we should start weekly weight ins? Just to keep in check. Maybe weekly challenges too or something? I don't really know.. just throwing some ideas out there!

    I really want to lose about 20 pounds (more would be awesome) by September. It's getting closer and closer and I don't know if the stress from knowing it's coming up or school or both is making me not be able to lose weight as easily as I did before. It seems like since I know I'm so close to getting to a more comfortable weight and since both summer and dress fitting are coming up quickly, I get intimidated and don't lose. I'm working on it. I know what I need to do. I just gotta do it!

    On a better note, we finally found a place to get married! It's less than 6 months til the wedding, but the place we were planning on getting married at had to make some changes, so we weren't able to get married there. Now we've found a place in town that seems to be really pretty! It's outside - I'm already praying it won't rain that day.
  • sweet4keeps22
    sweet4keeps22 Posts: 291 Member
    Lisa - I know what you mean about wedding and school stress! I'm sure if you put your mind to it you will be able to accomplish your goal. Congrats on finding a venue, that's awesome!

    Personally, I'm trying to balance wedding planning stress, going to school for my PhD in psychology, my fiancee moving 900 miles (to be with me) and not having a job to move into yet, and this thing we call nutrition and fitness. Right now I need to stop surfing the forums and go WORKOUT before class. :tongue: I will check back later. I would love it if we could all get active together and do mini-challenges and weigh-ins, though.

    Jan 2nd, 2011 is my wedding date :love: (New Year's Wedding at Disney!!) :bigsmile:
    204 SW :ohwell:
    193 CW :indifferent:
    145 GW for wedding, if weightloss goes slow and steady
    136 GW :happy: (randomly chosen goal weight... I really want to get to my previous weight of 128, but I don't want to be unrealistic)
  • nsettle
    nsettle Posts: 3
    Lisa, that's a good idea re weigh ins. I usually do my weekly weigh in on a Saturday so do we all maybe want to report back on a Saturday? I will start next weekend as this weekend is my hen do and the vino will be flowing!xxx
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