

  • Your first and last statements are really the most important here. You can tone the muscles to get a better appearance, but if they're covered by fat, you can't see it.
  • And I'm just saying those products may still be healthy, organic, and beneficial to someone else ;)
  • Keep in mind extremely active people that are hiking or biking every day, aren't overweight, and NEED those carbs for energy are also shopping at that store. Just because it's not what you needed, doesn't mean it's a bad product.
  • I definitely changed my eating habits over time, before I got on here and started watching it more closely, I tried to choose healthier options... high protein, high fiber, low fat, etc. But the biggest thing, and the easiest way to start getting use to eating fewer calories, is to learn the difference between "not being…
  • I think if you are making a lifestyle change, your partner has to be doing the same or it won't stick. It's impossible to live a healthy lifestyle with your wife/husband trying to discourage you all the time. If it's important to you, perhaps you should consider yourself lucky he is your "SO" not your "Husband"...? (not…
  • The more research I've done, the more I'm just taking the stance that anything in capsule form isn't worth the money. It's usually much cheaper and more effective to eat the foods that contain it (in most cases). So, I'd say skip the green tea capsules, unless you just HATE the taste. Personally, I've been drinking it…
  • I would venture to say that at 1200 calories all during a short window, I would worry that your body may be calorie deficient at some points in the day to the point that it is not burning fat properly. If the body is under the impression nutrition is scarce, it can cause it to avoid burning fat and can actually burn muscle…
  • My wife suggested reading while doing my machines, and I have to say it helped, I was really surprised. I kept a much higher pace easily, and didn't even notice tiring at all until I was done. I did it on the Elliptical, ours has a nice ledge, just had to keep a hand up there to hold my place.
  • Seems to me that the Elliptical works me the most and is the least boring. As for actual results, I'm no expert yet.
  • I disagree that it's "sad" that the 5th option is still extremely attractive. The fact is, put all those women in front of me (assuming I was single for a moment) and if I enjoyed their company and their personality, at least 14 out of the 21, I would be interested in. Beef is my favorite meat, but I eat more chicken, some…
  • I also think the attitude of a lot of women I've met with a "Type 2" body has turned me off to them as well. But It seems curvy women are definitely becoming more "in style" lately. Also, for the other picture with the 3 women, I think we should be looking at the fact that these women are probably carrying a little extra…
  • I think the key is having a healthy body. Everyone has a "natural" size for themselves. If you have more weight on you than you were designed to cary, it's not going to look good. Personally, I LOVE curves. From the earlier picture posted, I'd say 8, 3, 5, then 11. But realize, not everyone is going to have the genetic…