Best gym machines for cardio?

mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
Which do you prefer? Which are better in terms of weight loss??


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    they are all good..switch it up ever blue moon.
  • clayeth54
    clayeth54 Posts: 13
    Seems to me that the Elliptical works me the most and is the least boring. As for actual results, I'm no expert yet.
  • dopehat
    dopehat Posts: 33 Member
    I agree with Clayeth54. I think the elliptical seems to work the best for me (in terms of burning calories). I tend to just use that and the treadmill. I do prefer the treadmill though, just because I think it's more enjoyable!
  • rjcogirl13
    rjcogirl13 Posts: 23
    The elliptical trainer is amazing for your abs if you suck in because it engages the core. The stair climber is a killer! Stationary bikes are nice if you want a cardio workout but would like something that will not kill you - I read on the stationary bike!

    Don't forget though that even with cardio, you will not lose weight quickly if you do not include weight training. Strength training is essential to successful weight loss.
  • nhgirl30
    nhgirl30 Posts: 52 Member
    I like the AMT machine (adaptive motion trainer) but not all gyms have it. You can use it as an ellipitcal and stepper.
  • clayeth54
    clayeth54 Posts: 13
    My wife suggested reading while doing my machines, and I have to say it helped, I was really surprised. I kept a much higher pace easily, and didn't even notice tiring at all until I was done. I did it on the Elliptical, ours has a nice ledge, just had to keep a hand up there to hold my place.